
My Costar unravels [+18]

Yan Jiang follows her son to the kitchen, leaving Yao Shen and Xin Hulei to stare at each other in shock.

"Did she..." Yao Shen starts, not sure how he's supposed to finish that thought.

"I think she did."

Yan Jiang returns a few moments later with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry about that, he can be a handful." She sits back on the armchair with a huff. "I hoped that he would have his namesake's calm temperament, but no such luck."

"You named him after Yan Shuyi?" Yao Shen asks, his tone tentative.

Yan Jiang nods, picking up her forgotten teacup again. "It seemed apt, what with our family name." She notices the looks on their faces but doesn't understand their confusion. "I mean, he's a fictional character, there's no harm in it." Her eyes widen suddenly. "Did you ancestor name him after a real person?"

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