
My Costar would never marry someone else

Jincan keeps looking in furious incredulity at Yao Shen, who just smirks at him and waves.

Unable to take it any longer, he finally makes his way down the stage, pushing away his own wedding guests out of the way.

"How did you get here? This is mine and Master's wedding, and you weren't invited." His pale eyes burn with one part outrage at Yao Shen's presence, and two parts smugness that he's the one marrying Xin Hulei instead of Yao Shen.

Yao Shen would feel sorry for him in any other circumstances, but as it stands he doesn't want to feed his already gigantic victim complex.

"I can ask you the same thing: how did you get here?"

Jincan sneers at him and opens his mouth ready to start in on a spiel he hopes will humiliate Yao Shen to tears, but no sound comes, as he realises he has no memory of what he did to reach the wedding venue, or of any prior relationship with Xin Hulei.

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