
My Costar thinks my eyes are pretty

Yao Shen makes his way up to Xin Hulei, aware of all the eyes watching them attentively.

Xin Hulei is leaning against the craft table, drinking from a water bottle, and watching Yao Shen approach over the bottle's rim, a flicker of amusement playing at his lips.

Yao Shen leans his hip against the opposite end of the table, glancing at him from the corner of his eye.

He's preternaturally aware of Bi Jialu clinging to her tablet on the far end of the room. He can almost hear her sharp intake of breath.

Poor Bi Jialu, Yao Shen is going to ask Boss Huang to give her a raise.

Xin Hulei waits for Yao Shen to say something, when he doesn't, he breaks the ice first: 

"How was your morning?" he asks, between sips of water.

Yao Shen smiles a little to himself, pleased that he was the first to break. "It was nice, except that Tan Liansi was mean to Ye Fang just because she is superstitious."

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