
Past - 5

Their relationship had changed over the last few days, she could even feel that in the air. They were getting closer, their relationship also solidifying. For a while, she was even thinking that their relationship had gone downhill but now she started to believe in it again.

Suddenly Regina noticed that Jason was not as relaxed as he was a few moments ago. He started to look here and there, eyes shifting from her face to his plate, and check his watch. He checked it several times in two minutes.

"Oh, am I getting some surprise tonight?" she curiously asked.

"What?" he asked with a flinch.

"You keep looking at your watch..." She pointed at his wrist on the table.

"Oh." He placed his hand under the table where she could not see it.

"We're on vacation, so I'm not sure why I brought it." He chuckled awkwardly, and it turned into a cough. He grabbed his wine and downed it like water.

Unsure why he was acting so peculiar. "Are you sure you're alright?" Her eyebrows raised.

"Yeah." He cleared his throat and shifted his gaze somewhere else.

'Is he going to give me some surprise? What could it be?' She started thinking. He had been so distant for the past few weeks so she was not sure if she could believe that. Their relationship had really gone downhill.

By the time they were done with dinner, it was completely dark outside. The red and orange clouds had vanished under a blanket of darkness. Jason paid for the meal and they left. She was eager to get back to the hotel and considered calling for a cab.

"I'm going to call a cab." Regina pulled out her phone.

"Wait." He called and pulled her toward himself "Let's go take a look at there."

He was pointing out to the forest that was just a few walks away from the hotel.

"I don't think we're allowed to go over there."

"We are not going to break in and steal anything as if there would be anything to steal there," he said with a laugh."We will just wander outside it, maybe we can see some ghosts."

"Uh...I don't know, I still don't think it would be safe to go there at night."

She turned back to her phone. "Let me just call a cab."

He pulled her phone from her hand. "Call a cab later. Come on, Let's go, I really want to see this." Grabbing her hand he pulled her again along with him. Seeing him in such a good mood after such a long time, Regina didn't want to ruin so she let him get his way.

"I didn't know you like forest. We have a beautiful park near our house with a lot of trees there, you know."

"Yeah. Don't compare a park with a huge forest. Both of them are different." He stopped near the boundary of the road and stared at the inside of the forest. "It is so peaceful here, I wish I could build our house here."

"I wish not." While looking at Jason's face she said to herself.

"Let's go a little more closely." He pulled her farther towards the forest, stepping away from the streetlamps that lit the road but still everything was visible in the moonlight. But still, Regina felt a shiver creep up her spine. "Jason, I really think we should go back now."

"Please, just a few more minutes. I want to find a flower here to give you as a sorry for the troubles I have caused you till now."

"I..." Immediately she felt a warm feeling rising inside her. She felt so happy being with Jason right now.

"Come on I think I can find a flower if we go a little inside." He dragged me along. "There's nothing to be afraid of. You have me."

"Fine. But we need to be careful, in places like these, there may be some gangs looking to loot the passerby." Even though she was feeling happy but a part in her heart was alarming her to be careful.

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