
Memories in the Past to the Present

After Vinna and I spend time together I went straight home.

Even though no one is there waiting for me, I don't mind it, because I know when I went outside again, Vinna is waiting for me.

"You look happy, Hiro."

An old man who's standing in front of my home.

He has gray skin and night sky eyes.

Different from the people I meet every day.


"Master Cerex."


"It's okay, humans tend to make mistakes sometimes, I'll forgive, but those who make mistakes more often should be eliminated. Right, Hiro?"

I'm scared.

This person here is the one who kill my parents, yet he went and see me like it never happen.

"Did you go outside and play with other kids? As my pet, you should just behave yourself here and wait until the time I have to use you."

"No, the king give me a job."

"A job huh. For a kid?"

"Yes, as a personal servant of the princess."

"I see... it doesn't matter, just do whatever it takes to do your job properly and don't make them look suspicious to you."


It's been a year since he appear and introduce himself.


"Who are you?", I asked the person who has weird skin and eye color.

"I'm Cerex, the person who kills your father and mother."


After he said that, I feel... scared.

My whole body shakes so much and I couldn't even look at his eyes anymore.

"What's the problem? Are you scared? Don't worry, I won't make you see them, not yet."

"W-What do you mean?"

"Let me tell you something scary, there's a bomb inside you."

After hearing those words, my legs shake more than before.

*My legs are going to give up.*

The fear makes my body feels tired.


"What a good reaction."

"Don't be stupid, there's no way a person will introduce himself as a killer of your parents."

"I can because I know you can't do anything about that. You can't avenge your parents. I can kill you anytime I wanted. You're just nothing but an insect to me."

"W-What do you want from me?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to observe, but I will sometimes give you some command and you have to obey it."

"What if I didn't obey you?"

"I will kill anyone in this place, but if you're obedient enough I'll let you save one person."

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't I just tell you? There's a bomb inside you, if that bomb explodes, everything thing in this world will vanish."

At that time, I know there was nothing I can do. After all, I'm just a kid.

"Also, if you tell this to someone, that person will die."







"Why are you spacing out? Is there a problem?"

"No, nothing. I don't have enough sleep."

"I see... you want to rest?"

"No, I'm fine."

She's in the middle of training at that time.

I didn't even notice it was her break already.



She pats her lap as she said that.


"Sleep here."


"Come on, just play your head here."

She pulls my head and forces my head to lay down on her lap.

"Hey, Vinna."


"If there's one person you can save and the rest will die, who will be that person?"

"I don't know why you asked that but... it's hard to answer."

"It's hard?"

"Yeah. Even though my mother died, my brother and father are still there, not only that, there's also Gavril, the maids, the other workers here, and ...you."


"Yeah, you're the very first friend I had. Everything becomes happy to me since I meet you."

"...I also feel the same!"

Those words just come out of my mouth all of the sudden.



"I-It's okay, it's better to know what you feel... hehe."

We look away from each other.

Both of us feels embarrassed at that time.

"Oi, are you done?"

Gavril calls Vinna to continue her training.

Looking at her back as she walks away from me.

*What now?*

If there's one person I wanted to protect, that would be her, but saving her but killing her loved ones will be pointless.

*What should I do? What can I do?*


I try to find a book about that guy.

Cerex told me that he was observing me so I have to be careful.

Upon searching from the library, I find a blue where there's a word "Outsider".

I immediately grab it and open its page.

I immediately show an image of a dog in full color.

It's not the dog that I see, it has gray skin and night sky eyes just like Cerex.

I immediately close the book and look around me.

There's no one there.

I walk and find I spot where I can read this.

I find a corner and sit there.

I look around first before opening the book.

There's no window there and no one there.

There's no way someone will observe me without me knowing.

As I open the book again, I saw a monkey with the same skin and eye color just like the other one.

I look at every page and I didn't see anything that looks like Cerex.

All of them are animals that have gray skin and night sky eyes.

There's also a blue line in their body that Cerex does not have.

"Maybe I should go and find other books."


I get surprised when Vinna calls me.

I immediately place the book beside my lap.

"What are you reading?" she asked.

I grab the other book I have.

Thankfully I was ready for this.

I have a book that has the same color cover as the book I'm reading now.


Vinna walks toward me and looks at the book in my hand.

"Oh, it's about Moirai."


"I see... so, what are you reading there?", she asked.


I randomly open the page.

On that page, you can see the whole Moirai map.

"Woah, I didn't know that Moirai is this big.", Vinna said,

Even I am also amazed at how big this place is.

Turning the page, there's also a side view of the place.


"What is it?"

"Look, there's a tall building here."

"That's the palace."

"I see, but have you ever been in that place before?", she said while pointing to the top of the palace.

"I haven't."

I had never been there before or knew it exist, but the fact there's a door there means we can get in there.

"Aren't you in the middle of training?", I said to cut our conversation.

"Oh yeah!"

She immediately stand up and run away but said goodbye first to me.

The library will be closed shortly so I have no time to go and find other books.

I ended up borrowing the book I have and bringing it home.

When I get to my home, I immediately open the door and grab the book that I've been hiding behind my clothes.

"Such a lovely book."

Someone said.

I turn around and saw Cerex standing.

"Why do you have that kind of book?"

"I'm just curious about you and I find this book."

"I see. That's great, exploring your curiosity at a young age might help you in the future, but don't explore too much, you might get lost in the dark forest."

"My fate is already decided, so getting lost is not a problem for me anymore."

He smiles at me before going outside.

I didn't follow him after that.


After that day, Vinna brings me inside the palace instead of having training.

"Wait, aren't you have..."

"Don't worry, I tell Gavril I don't feel well."

"The fact that you're so energetic right now means you're okay."

"Come on, only this day. Just let me do what I want."

We went upstairs.

It takes so long before we manage to get on top.

We stop so many times halfway to rest.

"Hooo... we made it."

"Where are we?"

Vinna steps forward towards the door in front of us.

"Tada!", she said as she open the door.

"Wait, this..."

"Yeah, the top of the palace in the book."

Stepping forward, we can view the whole Moirai here.

Even the outside is visible here.

"Amazing right?"


"Woah! You finally smile!", Vinna said.


"Was it really amazing?"

"Well... I guess so."

"I see... hey, I want to go outside Moirai someday."


"I want to see more."



I don't know what she meant by that but at that time, I already decided.


"I want Vinna to survive.", I said.

"I see..."

Then he continues.

"Do really want to protect her?", he asked.


The old man walks toward me and pats my shoulder.

"Then, try your best to get stronger."

"Yes, I will do that."

*What did he mean by that?*

I just said yes without thinking.

The old man smiles calmly at me.

"Well then, see you again."

He turns around and starts walking away.

"Wait!", I shouted.

"What is it?"

"Is there no other way to--"

"No, there's no way. Also, try not to get caught."

The old man continues walking away from our house.


When he disappears, I stand up straight and look at the ceiling.

*I already decided. I will protect you along with your happiness.*


"I thought I will able to control you even if you become an adult, but I was wrong. I shouldn't let you become the princess's servant. At first, you only wanted to protect her but as time passed, you get attached to other people, and you begin to care for other people. The number of those people become to grow until you decided to save everyone. Such a waste Hiro, I thought you will be fun to play with, but I was wrong, you're just a cat that rebels against your owner once there's nothing to feed you."

"You never owned me."

I throw my knife toward him.

He moves aside to dodge it.

I immediately dash towards him while grabbing my other knives and then swing them towards him.

He walks back to dodge it.

"Was that all? Is that thing that those humans teach to you? To be this pathetic?"

"It's better than to become your plaything."

"Hahaha! Die!"

He swings my scythe towards me.


I jump and land on the top of the scythe.

"You're the one who's going to die."

I push my knife towards his face.

He uses his hands as a shield.


He let go of the scythe.

I try to jump away but he manages to grab my neck immediately.

"Don't waste my time, Hiro. You're starting to become annoying."

"Getting mad?"

"I'm not."

He raises me into the air and then smashes me to the ground.

"Go to sleep. I'll wake you up once I needed you."

The ground even breaks as he pushes me to the ground.

"Humans, such weaklings but very stubborn."

He let go of me and start walking away.

"Hey, we're not done yet."

"Oh, you still awake."

He grabs the scythe and swings it down towards me.

I immediately stand up and jump to the left to dodge it.

"You won't win against me, Hiro! No matter how much you try."


"What's with that smirk?"

He dashes toward me raising the scythe but before he swings it down, a knife flies toward him.

He moves back to dodge it.

I immediately dash to him and push my arms towards his stomach.

"Fool! What are you doi--"

Even though my hands even reach him, he's still bleeding.

"It can't be."

"Yeah, remember this power?"

"Don't tell me."

"Yeah, it's her amulet."

"I see... you went too far to beat me."

"You got it wrong, right?"


I can see the confusion on Cerex's face.

"Sorry, I was late."


"How did you... survive? That amulet is planted in your heart. How it's even possible?"

"It is possible, as long as there's someone who can heal you over and over again."

"Miss Altina."

"You really respect her so much, but well, we're the same. She never hesitates to help us even though we're clearly the enemies of humans."

"I see..."

"Now... it's payback time."

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