
Artem - Searching




Things had been going great with Star lately and I couldn't have been happier. But there was something I wanted to do for her. Something that I thought would make her really happy.

Chay and Doc had both told me that Star had mentioned her cousins. The ones that had tried to help her, the ones who had taught her to read and write.

Supposedly, the cousins weren't allowed back in the house lately. No doubt that sick freak, Uncle Howard, had banned the cousins because he believed they would have helped Star to escape from him. And I truly hoped that's how the cousins were.

That's why, ever since they had both mentioned them to me I had been looking for them. It wasn't that hard, I had their family registry with their names on it to help me. The only true hard part was tracking down where they lived now since all of their information was unlisted.

This wouldn't stop me though. There was always a way to find someone, even when they wanted to stay hidden. After just three and a half days of searching, I had managed to narrow down their location. I just hoped they were willing to come back with us.

After I cooked dinner I left the house. I wished I could stay and eat dinner with Star for a second night in a row, but I had a lot more nights ahead of me that we could spend eating together, missing this one didn't seem so significant when I thought of it like that, plus I was doing this for her.

The cousins were living in a small town about two hours away. Close enough to head back home if needed, but far enough away that they were out of their family's reach most of the time. They were living together with a third member of their family. A female named Ella, I didn't even know if Star knew who she was or not.

I arrived at their small house just before nine that night. The lights were on and I saw cars in the driveway, plus I could sense three people inside with distinct yet familiar scents. The rest of Star's family had smelled like scum, but these three smelled like a summer breeze, each with a different undertone. They were definitely related.

They had apparently sensed me as I came up their driveway. I had come alone so as not to intimidate them at all, I just hoped this all went well.

Before I could even knock, the front door had been pulled open. There were two men glaring at me and a woman standing behind them. None of them looked happy to see me.

"Who are you?" One of the men said. He was about my height with light brown hair and eyes so dark blue they looked like the night sky, and he was built like a fighter.

"Why do I smell my cousin on you?" The other man asked. He looked a lot like the other man, only shorter by an inch and his hair was two shades lighter. They were definitely brothers.

"Hello, you must be Reed and Bailey. And the lady back there is Ella, correct?"

"Who's asking?" The taller brother asked me.

"My name is Artemis Cooper, Artem to my friends." I grinned at them then continued. "I am the new Alpha of the Hidden Paw Wolf Pack. And I happen to be Star's mate." I saw the shock register on their faces as they gasped at me in surprise.

"How could you be her mate." The shorter brother asked. I really wish I knew which one was which.

"My Beta came across Star on one of her escape attempts, that was when we became aware of her. After that I was determined to save her no matter what."

"Why?" The woman standing behind them demanded.

"It's what I do. I don't like the way things were run." I answered quickly.

"What happened to the last Alpha?" She asked me, skepticism thick in her voice.

"I killed him when he refused to step down." I said this while grinning, and I noted the surprise and smiles they all three gave me. "I didn't like the abuse that the Alpha let happen, I have been planning to take over for fifteen years, ever since a friend of mine was killed by his family."

"So, you know what happened to Star?" The taller brother asked.

"Yes, I do. And I happened to have the instant mate connection as soon as I scented her. But don't worry, I will never pressure her into anything."

"Why are you here exactly?" The woman asked me.

"I think it will make Star very happy if she could see you again. She has mentioned her cousins who had tried to help her."

"She has?"

"We've missed her so much." The brothers both lowered their heads as they answered.

"Will you come back to Gem Creek? Will you return to the Hidden Paw for Star's sake?"

"Yes, yes we will." The taller brother spoke. "I'm sorry, we haven't properly introduced ourselves. I am Bailey, and this is my brother Reed. Back there is our sister Ella. The three of us hated the way things were run in our family and needed to get away. But it hurt us so much to leave Star behind."

"Ella was just a kid when Star was locked away so she didn't understand what was happening. She was only five at the time. And when we left home, when we were basically forced to leave or to suffer for our different way of thinking, we took Ella with us. She has a big heart and cried over the abuse that was happening around her."

"She was only thirteen when we left."

"Thanks for giving him my life story." Ella sneered at them. "Want to keep rambling on to him?" She laughed that time.

"It's nice to meet you all, it really is. And I am sure Star will be happy to meet Ella too. She doesn't have any family and few friends right now. She's only been away from them for a few days now."

"Only a few days?" Reed seemed shocked.

"Goddess, I had hoped you were going to tell us you saved her a while ago." Bailey lowered his head in shame. "I wanted to go back for her, I wanted to save her."

"Don't blame yourselves. I saw what kind of power they kept at the house. It would have been hard for the two of you to save her on your own." I was doing my best to console them.

"No, we should have done more. We should have saved her."

"It's not your fault." Ella told them sternly. "How many times have I told you that? They would have continued to beat you both. The two of you almost died the last time you tried to help her." Ella put one of her hands on one of each of their shoulders and squeezed comfortingly. "Don't beat yourselves up anymore. Things worked out. You're safe, I'm safe, and now Star is too. What more could we have asked for?"

"That it didn't take this long." Reed still looked upset.

"Please, come back to the house with me and see her, I know it will make not only her feel better, but also all of you."

"Yeah, that sounds great." Bailey was smiling now.

"I want you guys to stay at the pack house, if that is alright? You will be closer to Star there, and you won't have to worry about your family finding you."

"Yeah, I think that would be for the best." Reed agreed.

"Great, will you come tonight? Right now?"

"I think we should pack up first, and head over first thing in the morning. We can prepare to stay for a while." Bailey spoke in almost a questioning tone as he looked over at his brother.

"Yeah, we will settle things here and head there as soon as the sun comes up. I don't want to leave any loose ends here." Reed was grinning now.

"This is wonderful." Ella was smiling as she looked at her brothers. "I haven't seen them this happy in a long time. Thank you Artemis." She was smiling at me now.

"Please, call me Artem."

I left them shortly after that, knowing they would be at the pack house as soon as they could the next morning, and with plans to stay for a while too. This was going to make Star so happy. I couldn't wait to see the joy on her face when she saw them. That was such a wonderful thought

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