
Lord the land

Tyra stared at the piece of cardboard resting in the palm of her hand. It looked so regal that only royalties were allowed to receive. It was so elegant that she almost wanted it framed.

After reading the content, she let her fingers run into the letters embossed on the paper. She read again the words written on it in bold, scripted letters.

If things turned out differently, it would have been her name written right next to him. But she had already accepted her fate. The two of them were just not meant to be.

She still felt a slight pang of hurt from losing the man she loved more than she had realized before. The guilt also ate at her heart after hurting him with her betrayal.

"Do you think we should attend the wedding?" She asked the man at his side, who also had an invitation from Dani.

Since she married him and continued with their charade, she made sure not to keep secrets from him. Not something as big as this.

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