
Chapter 223

The cavalry arrived in time for the cleanup. As to how Stu's family knew to come, the killers had finally made a mistake. It seemed the human female's brother, some kind of tech guru, made some electronic inquiries that triggered an internal alarm with the shifter council. The shifter council turned around and notified the Grayson family. When they couldn't reach Stu on his cellphone-because his cell service didn't work in the mountains-they descended en masse to the rescue.

And chaos ensued.

Stunned by the fact not one but both of her lovers were grievously injured, Patricia went into a bit of shock. That lasted only as long as it took for Stu's mother to slap her out of it. Literally.

"Pull yourself together. These boys are too tough to die."

Patricia hoped so. As to the dead bodies and the crime scene?

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