
Chapter 184

Acat wanted to pound his chest.

She's ours.

In every sense of the word. So why did Chaob frown? "What's wrong?"

"She hasn't accepted us."

"I'd say the mark on our thighs says otherwise."

"Marks I don't think she would have placed of her own volition had she known what it meant."

"But she did. Whether she meant to or not, she is bound to us and we to her. This is a time to celebrate."

"Or tread with caution. Perhaps we should do as she asks and ensure her sister returns from whence she arrived."

"I'd say that's up to the gods, not us."

"Oh, that's priceless coming from you. Weren't you the one, less than two weeks ago, who didn't truly believe in the will of the gods or fate?"

True. Acat shrugged. "That was before. Now, even I have to admit there might be some truth to the legends."

"And who's to say we wouldn't have done the same thing had we met her during the course of business in town?"

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