
Chapter 137

"Why are they fighting?" Ruth asked as she paused rummaging through her bag in favor of watching Kendrick and Joel duke it out.

Peter shook his head as he walked past her with an armload of fronds. "Because they're guys."

"You're a guy and I don't see you fighting."

"Yet." His grin made her lips curve.

"And they say women are hard to understand." She shook her head with a smile. "Hey, while I've got your attention, how important is sleeping in a tent, do you think?"

"How do you feel about waking up covered in bug bites and looking like a lumpy troll?"

"That bad?" Her shoulders slumped. "But I saw Kendrick sleeping under the stars last night and he seemed fine this morning."

"Because he's got tough skin. Your soft skin doesn't stand a chance. I'm going to guess your question has to do with the fact you're still having a hard time with your tent."

"No comment."

"Here, let me help you put it up while they're busy."

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