
Chapter 123

Over in the Rocky Mountains?

The compound secured, the guards taken care of and the prisoners released, Sheng finally shifted back to his human shape and took the pants someone handed him, but not before he covered Gina in a long shirt that did more to display her assets than he liked.

Thank God it worked. He'd initially balked at the plan to return to Kaleb's stronghold. His first instinct not fear for himself, but for Gina. Sure, as a cop her first instinct would probably involve saving the victims, but Sheng had a duty to keep his woman safe. But as Chris and his brother's so eloquently put it, "If you tell her no, she's going to do it just to prove you wrong. And kick you in the balls for good measure."

All was well that ended well though. Kaleb had finally met justice. Sheng no longer needed to fear, capture at any rate. His new family on the other hand though?

"Just how many people stayed behind in case Kaleb tried something sneaky?" Sheng asked.

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