
Chapter 36

Annoyed, but unable to figure out the exact cause, Mitchell stalked home and flopped full length on his parents' couch, trying not to feel like such a coward for fleeing. For years it became second nature to avoid Francine, but tonight, actually seeing her, smelling her for the first time since their teen years, he discovered something he never expected. She's hot! Actually, more than hot; sexy, curvy and with an enticing aroma that made him want to sink to his knees and bay at her like he'd worship the moon.

It seemed almost sick to think it. Little pig-tailed Francine, pain in his ass, with her shrill voice, raucous ways, and determined chasing, had gone from annoying pest to luscious beauty. Even closing his eyes, he couldn't erase the sight of her from his mind, but in his mental vision, she wore nothing, just some freckles begging that he count them with his lips.

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