
Chapter 13

Bored. So bloody bored. Naomi tried to listen to Phil as he droned on and on about his successful practice. She tried to focus on his face, but his weak chin, which she'd never really noticed before, and pasty white skin made her wish for tanned and muscled?

Nope. I don't miss or want those two testosterone laden idiots. She tried to imagine kissing Phil, letting him touch her with his soft hands and couldn't stop a shudder. Okay, so he's not the man for me. It didn't mean Sexy and Sexier were. But wanting to screw their brains out and chaining myself to them for life are two totally opposite things. And if she didn't fear the former would lead to the latter, she would have probably just scratched her carnal itch. She still might if she could only assure herself they wouldn't try and trick her in a moment of weakness.

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