
Chapter 149: Peace Treaty

"LOOK, PEOPLE. HE'S JUST kidding. No one is shooting anyone. And you are not going to fling someone around with your ..." I waved at his hands. "Whatever."

The guys glared at each other, nobody backing down.

I squeezed Zander's hand again. "Please," I begged him along our mental path.

"Stow it, Rambo," Ruthie ordered Maverick. "If Tru says it's okay, then it is."

I sent her a grateful smile. They finally tucked their guns away and Luke obediently kept his hands lowered. Despite his bravado, he looked truly ill, hopefully regretting his stupid joke. Or, maybe the pain from his injured leg was getting to him.

Turning to Wynona, I said, "He looks like he's going to pass out. Maybe he should sit over there." I pointed to the base of a redwood tree with a bed of soft pine needles nestled around it. Wynona looked anxiously at her friend and hustled him into a seated position. He wasn't happy about it, but didn't seem willing to fend off the petite brunette.

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