
Chapter 34: Jealous

I DON'T KNOW HOW long Zander had been gone before I heard the doorbell. I was just wandering around the kitchen, speculating about what he could have been talking about, and I was angry, really angry.

Oh no, I thought. Ruthie probably drove over because I didn't text her. I had turned my cell phone to vibrate until I changed the ringtone.

I rushed to the door as the bell pealed again. But the person standing on my doorstep was not my best friend. Instead, it was a fuming Isaac Efoti. His face was purple, shoulders curved up, fists on his hips, and thunder on his face. I backed up.

"Uh. Hi, Isaac. What's up?" I said, pulling the door closed a little.

I could have sworn I heard a low growl come from his mouth. Really? There had been way too much growling around this house lately, I thought.

"What was he doing here?" Isaac snarled.

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