
Few months later in stromland

It has been 6 months I'm in westeros I spent lots of time here in the stromland and basically as a explorer and good resident in SummerHall.

(flash back 2 months)

well this land is basically strom and rainy most of the time so we kinda change our outfits a little.

And we arrived here at near the SummerHall ,

after months of travel.

when we entered the stromland I remembered that Randyll Tarly had a little chat with my squires.

So asked them' what is that Lord talked with them?'. They replied that ' lord Tarly asked them if we're related to one of his bastard uncle and where they lived until now and lastly what is it they wants to do in the future ?'.

So seeing there skills he thought to recruit them. A traditional man like him value martial skills than a true born son.

but why did he not recruit them then ? or asking me to hand them over. Well who knows?

So we reached the place where a second Targaryen prince would get his castle and a title Prince of SummerHall .

we are going to the nearby village close to that place and make our stay.

but one thing that I noticed was three riders that saw us from distance then they returned to where they came from in full speed. hm some kind of scout ?. I ignore that because

I've encountered three groups of bandit already.

and send them to afterlife or mother's embrace in westeros or Others take them ?

well the last part I don't want to because those Others will gladly take them.

Those bandit thought that they have the number advantage so they attacked us .

One group had 12 member and other had 15

so they surrounded us . They think that we were chicken's in armour and kill us and take our good looking armour's. But me and my squire's just easily killed them .

well easy for me but the boys have to struggle a little and got some cool scar's .But I just used this bandits to boost my minions exp point.

but the last group made us laugh hard that

both brother just dropped on the ground.

it happened when we all after long journey taking some rest.

this group came with 7 man , one is a old man who he proclaim that fought in last blackfires rebellion and with him 6 boys not older than Alban and Alaric . And asked us to 'surrender out belongings'.

I just thought this some kind of pranks from the old man, but I slap the older man to know if his sane or not and two boys with him ran and the other two piss themselves. And my squires put a dagger on two of them and shouted at the those that ran , if they take another step this two will lose their lives.

then I asked the old man "'what the hell are you thinking and attacking or threatening fully armour men.''?

The old man replied "p please ser s spare us we are starving and recently our village is ravaged by plague and we thought that it it wou" I stopped the old man and reassure him that if he explains everything we won't harm any of them..

Then he explain that few months ago the plague hit he's village and take out all most 80 percent of old and adults population .

he is the mayor of summer village and actually fought in that war .

And rewarded with this village mayorship .

And the village where they had five hundred

population is now reduce to nearly hundred children and teenagers .

I was shoked by the news so" asked him what did he do about the situation ''and he told us that he did everything .he asked help from other Lords and also send message to the lord paramount but they never received a reply. but did received a stern warning from nearby lords that if anyone leave this place they will kill everyone in it for spreading the disease.'

maybe the maester of those castle advice there Lord about this .

Then the old man explained that because of

they have no value no trader pass by here .

and also there income was from farming in the surrounding area . but because most of them is dead now so no farming and this village has no value.

And also his village is in the jurisdiction of the prince of SummerHall .

But now there no administration in SummerHall so they don't have to give tax right. ?..

No that's absolutely wrong now they have to pay taxes to those came to demand it.

So far only three houses sent there tax collector here but nobody help them or protect them .

and he already received death sentence and his granddaughter will be raped if he reported

to the crown or to the lord paramount.

No wander he lost his mind and thought us some lordling camping in the woods.

I'm truly conflicted about what can I do ?

I'm just a knight all I'm good with is welding a sword and some good diplomacy.

It's the order of Maester that should be the one that stand against this foe . There are the learned Men that guide's the realm but I kinda know there expertise is only for the nobilities.

And this kind of village have no value to them now . And this is not just here , it's happening all over kingdoms. People just tragically dying.

And they are despite having knowledge they just kept it themselves so that they could keep there power.

I looked at my squires and they looked scared

because they have first hand experience with this because the capital is center of all pandemic outbreak.

I know it's fun watching people going to war with eachother on tv but experiencing it is totally a different story .

So for some reason I gave the men 20 gold for him buy food's for hundred souls that are remaining . And I told him to 'take wagons with him it will be three days journey .

He gave me a stiff nod and asked if i like to visit the village ?'

Actually I don't want to but I need to rest in bed . Also I need to know what kind of pandemic there facing and if the situation is

truly bad I will leave imidiatly . But he said 80 percent of them is dead already so what can go worse..?

So he started to guide us towards his village .

The village mayor is called Durran the fearce

when he was young ofcourse.

we learned that only his granddaughter is last living member of his family .

we entered the ghost village and walked on it's muddy street , and all I can see and smell is dead .

we came to the only house that has lights . with Two barn's, one maybe recently built .

we can see several girls and boys doing tons of work .

Durran called his granddaughter who came few minutes later who have small clothe wrap around her face like a face mask for protection.

she's just came here from checking the patients who lives in the separate barn ..

when she removed her safety clothes I could see that she's quite good looking but suffering malnourishment . Maybe lack of sleep and rest made her like this .

but she still looking good with tall body long black hair and blue eyes ...wait isn't that Bratheons Gene trait ?

that's thought for later ..

when she saw her grandfather returned safe.

she was glad and also asked who's the new company. Then he explain it to her everything . when she learned It that he became a bandit in order to bring help .

she scolded him in a way that he would prefer my sword rather than her wreath.

After some introduction about all is happening around she just cried because how helpless she felt . Apparently she's talking care of the last survivors .

So first I gave them half of our provisions we have , That can gave two meals for all of us

Durran diparted with those boys he had with two wagon next morning I tried to stop him but he told me that he knows this road better than anyone. I'm half convince that he would die on the road.

Then Durran granddaughter Ava is her is name thanked us for all of this . they have already spent what amount of there savings but no help ever arrived. then'I asked about what kind of pandemic she's fighting'?..

she gave me her proper explanation then I concluded that it's Cholera .

So I spend Two months in this village and somehow saved them from extinction.

All I did was provided them with money and some of my knowledge that can be little helpful and told them not to drink water without boiling it first .And some sanitary tips

and somehow that worked.

I and spend lots of time around the village and it's surrounding .

this region is the best land in the stromland

but because of uneducation this people's died

and now this fields are just do not have anyone to tend them.

and one hundreds children and teenagers become orphans . But now they looked healthy and strong they restarted there lives again .

I spent lots of time with the village kids

and maybe they will remember the name of The Eagle knight Ser Alan Winters.

What i basically did in the village is telling story's and hunting and spending my time with Ava who is very interested in medical knowledge . And her skeletal figure has changed and she does look like a sexy black haired nurse . All she needs is some uniform .

my squires have also doing something , like flirting with the village girls and beating the boys in spar or anytime they try to pick a fight.

life is going well for me here that I almost forgot why hell was I here in the first place .

and somehow I also recruited 6 New minions. ahm I mean servants aslo known as squire and gave them the welcome to hell training .

comment your thoughts guys

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