
Love is in the air

The door squeaked as soon as the warm water run onto my skin. I quickly turned around and checked why it suddenly sounded.

My heart stopped beating when I caught a glimpse of the man who was standing right in front of me.

He was wearing a wet black jean, barefoot and topless. His hair was wet as it soaked deep in the water.

I wondered what happened to him as he suddenly appeared out of the blue.

"Why… why are you here?" I narrowed my eyes at him and waited for an answer.

At first, it was hard to believe that it was Lisandro. I thought he was fooling me around when he said that he would visit me whenever he wanted.

And here he is now. Looking at me straight with those glinting golden-brown eyes which made me more nervous.

The relaxing sound of the water echoed around, and no one dared to look away from each other's eyes.

Lisandro took other steps towards me as the door closed on its own and we were left alone inside of the bathroom.

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