
Chapter Fifty-Six

"That was...great." He said as he rubbed my back.

"R-really? I-I did ok?" I asked.

He laughed. "Yeah love." He said and kissed the top of my head.

"B-but you've had better." I say, I wasn't able to look up at him.

"Don't think like that."

"But it's true...you've probably been with lots of girls and they were probably all better than me."

"There's no one better than you." He said as he cupped my chin and had me look up at him.

"T-that's a lie. I-I'm not a-as experienced as other girls."

"It's not about experience Ari, it's about love. If you're worried about experience I am more than happy to help you with that." He said with a devilish grin on his face.

"Ai-Aidan." I say as I'm blushing.

"I'm serious-"

"I-I know you are. You're very...diligent."

"I-I meant about love. You can't pay for that, you can't substitute it, and it makes all the difference."

"Aw, that's really sweet." I scooch up and give him a kiss.

"And I'm still willing to help you practice to become more experienced."

"That doesn't surprise me." I say and he pulls me in closer as his hands start to roam my body. "Ai-Aidan."

"I thought we'd start practicing now." He said as he started to grope my body.

"There's no stopping you...even though we've already-" I say as I push him away but he pulls me in close again.

"I told you, just the thought of you..." I could feel his bulge pushing against me as he held me tight.

"Aren't there other duties you should be focusing on-"

"That's the problem Ari. I can't focus anymore with you around." He said as he started lifting the bottom of my dress up.

"N-no." I say as I pull it back down.

"Ari, your performance was great but-"

"Not enough. I know. L-let me t-take my dress off f-first." I say as I fumble with my dress ties.

"And why is that?" He asked with curiosity.

"W-well y-you al-always want it of-off." I say as I finished untying the dress.

He smirked. "I see what you're trying to do."

"I-I just want to p-please you."

"No, you're trying to limit our sex tonight."

"D-don't say it like that."

"Like what?"

"L-like it's a transaction."

"I don't think of it that way." Aidan says as he gently peels the dress off of me. "You want to jump right to the good stuff?"

"N-no, I just know you aren't satisfied un-until m-my clothes are of-off."

"That cute stutter of yours is back." He says as he yanks my dress up and spreads my legs.

"N-no, it-it's n-not c-cute." I bury my face in his chest to hide my embarrassment.

"Oh but I think so." He bent over and put one of my breasts in his mouth and started to play with it. His hand made it's way to my sensitive area and started moving his fingers back in forth to cause a pleasurable sensation to start to build in my groin area. I held onto him as he continued to tease me. I grabbed at his back and pulled him in closer as the sensation built up and came to a head.

"Ngh." I moaned as my body started tingling.

"I'll never get tired of the noises you make." He said and kissed the top of my head.

"You just enjoy teasing me." I said and looked up at him. He was wearing a devilish grin that made my heart skip a beat.

"And you don't enjoy teasing me?" He questioned.

"I-I've grown to like it m-more." I say, trying to stifle my stutter.

"You don't have to try so hard. I love you just as you are."

"B-but I ha-hate my st-stutter. I was t-teased a-a lot for it."

"I've already told you I find it cute. I pity the man or woman who would dare say anything about it." He said, I could see a hint of rage in his eyes.

"Hmm." I said and looked down. No one would say anything to my face here of course but who knows what they say when I'm not around. I've wondered about it often. I tried not to care but I found it difficult to put it out of my mind entirely.

"Hey now." He said and tilted my head back up. "The only thing you should be thinking about now is me." He said in a husky voice. I could feel his bulge starting to return and press against me.

"I um." I say, my face starting to feel flush again.

"You can't make a face like that if you want me to back off."

"B-back off?"

"I want you to want me." He said in a husky voice. "I want you to feel me." He took my hand and placed it over his bulge, letting out a moan as I leaned into it.

"It's...I'll try." I lean up and kiss him deeply. He wasn't asking too much of me but it seemed embarrassing. I know he's my husband but this is all new to me and I wasn't quite comfortable with it yet.

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