
One lie leads to another

 The rooms were good. No complaints. 

Dick's mind however was occupied with something else. He had girls to pick up. I couldn't bring myself to tell him about how he might have been a little wrong to assume that girls would just flock around him. 

"Alright, let's head out!" Dick proclaimed. 

We were still in the process of booking the rooms. But Dick couldn't stop his excitement. I didn't want to rain on the poor guy's parade so I just kept quiet.

"Servesta, you stay here. I'll go get me some la- I mean meat for dinner." Okay, maybe he was more excited than I thought. 


Servesta however, had no problems. 

I sighed. Lianne smiled and didn't say anything. She obviously knew what I'd gotten myself into. 

Maybe I shouldn't have….

With Dick's constant nagging and hyperactivity, the booking process ended pretty quickly.

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