
Take It Like A Real Man

The sun was blazing down on them. Everyone gathered at the training grounds, anticipating the trial by combat that was about to take place. Seeing as her opponent chose to go with light leather armor, Nyx wanted to prove her strength. 

"Nyx! Have you lost your mind?!" Alum exclaimed as Nyx prepared her weapon. 

The leader of the knights has decided she would partake in combat with no protective armor of any form. She was going into the heat of battle with the clothes on her back. 

"Do you not have faith in my abilities?" Nyx snapped back at him as she glared straight at him. 

She knew he had her best interests, but sometimes she wished he would trust her abilities a little more. 

"Of course I do. But that's got nothing to do with how reckless you're being right now," Alum warned. 

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