
Dinner Party (I)

[Ah! Joon-won. Your shooting is already done? I thought you said this one is going to take longer than your normal ones?] Min-Seok answered his call and immediately asked a few questions like he always did. 

Joon-won rolled along the bed as he replied, "Yes, even I thought it would take longer. But it turned out fine at the end and it got done quickly. Anyway, what are you guys doing? Did you take a leave today too?" 

[Yes, I took leave today. I need to help the little girl in packing up things. She can't handle everything alone. So, I'm helping her out. We went to the store earlier and bought the things she might need there. Everything is going well. What are you doing? Did you have your lunch yet?]

"I'm back in my room now. I had lunch with the other actors in the film. They took me out for lunch as today is my last day here. Everything went fine. Did you guys have lunch too yet? How is the packing going on? Everything ready?" 

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