

"Mariam...!" His voice was loud.

'Why is your voice this loud...?' Mariam asked Samuel in her head.

Still shaking her a bit, Samuel got worried as he still called her name.

"Mariam...!" His voice got louder.

And of it got to the loudest, the guards that were standing outside the room, guarding it, would have to enter to check the situation, and that would lead to an emergency situation, which, in the end, would not be necessary, at all....

As she heard him call her name loudly, she frowned.

'What is wrong with you Samuel...?' She kept on asking Samuel in her head, instead of out-loud.

He called one more time.

"Mariam, Mariam...are you okay?" He asked.

"Can you hear me?" He asked again, but this time in a low but serious tome so as to not attract the attention of the guards because that would also ruin his reputable position as the third to the King.

He was known as a man that did something with a reason behind it and not a person that does something without a reason.

Whenever he did something, he always had a reason for it.

If he raised an alarm for an

emergency, he had a reason for it.

If he spoke to the King suddenly, he had a reason for it.

If something happens on the kingdom; either good or bad, he, was the first (1st) to inform the King about it.

Even if he was inside the Castle and not outside, in thee city, within the Kingdom, he always knew, and would inform the King.

No matter what the problem was, he was there to inform the King about it.

But if he suspects something wrong, or of he feels it, and evaluates the situation, even of when explained to people without clear understanding, Samuel was always there to bring out the reason for it.

He always had a reason for everything, plus, he never spoke to the King unnecessarily, and that was what earned him third (3rd) place to the King.

Maybe if Andrew ever becomes King, Samuel would become 'Second', to the King, not only because they are friends, but because, he (Samuel) could be trusted.

Both by the elders, the whole household of the Castle, and also by the the people of the city, not to forget the King and the entire royal family.

Samuel could be trusted.

As he called Mariam's name, the guards that guarded the door on either side, looked at each other, then went back to what they were doing....

Standing, and guarding the door, whole they minded their businesses.

The reason being that, they trusted Samuel to handle the situation and not call for unnecessary emergencies like some other people in the Castle do.

He could handle everything.

So now, seeing that Mariam was acting out of behavior, Samuel would carefully sort the situation in front of him out first before an alarm for an emergency.

As he called her name one (1) more time, Mariam got angry, she had had enough.

Pulling away from Samuel's grip on her shoulders, she yelled;

"Samuel, what is wrong with you?" She asked as she yelled.

Samuel was taken off-guard.

He staggered backwards and almost fell.

Mariam saw the situation she caused and was quick to act.

Reaching forward, she stretched out her hand and grabbed Samuel by his hand.

With his weight that was more than hers, she used her other hand and reached out to hold the bedpost, so as to hold her weight and hers, so as to enable her pull him up, and that's what's he did.

Pulling him up, she asked again;

"Samuel, what is wrong with you?"

Samuel stared at her, he didn't say anything.

Looking at Samuel, she frowned.

"Are you alright?" She asked as she when Samuel had stood straight and was now looking at her.

Samuel stared at her blankly.

Waving her hand in front of Samuel to get his attention, Samuel didn't move neither, did his eyes as she called with fear in her voice;


Samuel's eyes were fixed on her, but it seemed that his mind and gaze was on something else, as he didn't move, even when called.

"Samuel?!" She called.

When the guards heard Mariam's voice calling with fear, one of them knocked on the door.

"Uh...Mi'lady, is...is everything alright?" One of the guards asked.

A she turned and was about to answer, she heard a deep voice form behind her.

"Yes Anophilus, everything is okay...!" Samuel said.

Mariam looked at Samuel for a while and then at the guard, before turning back to look at Samuel.

Samuel also caught her gaze.

They stared at each other for a while. Samuel's heart felt warm as he looked at Mariam.

For no apparent reason, he smiled.

Realizing what she was doing; that she was staring at Samuel, her gaze fixated on him, she blinked multiple times, as if snapping back into her consciousness.

Looking away, just to avoid looking at him much longer, She said in a gentle tone;


And without waiting for either the guards nor Samuel to respond, she turned and walked away swiftly.

Samuel still watched as Mariam walked alone on the dark.

Her little figure moving fast, as if trying to avoid something.

Then he seemed to have remembered something...

Mariam wasn't very swift when it comes to walking, but when there was a need, her brain need not tell her legs what to do...

They do their work by naturally walking fast, as if they sensed danger...

That last part had Mariam frown.

"Danger...!" She muttered to herself.

Stopping abruptly, she tilted her head to the right as she thought of something, still frowning.

"Danger...!" She still muttered to herself.

'Why does this ring in my head...?' Mariam asked to herself.

Naturally, Mariam wasn't a fast walker, but when she sensed something bad about to happen, her body was quick to avoid any danger...

And that included walking very fast, only when something bad was about to occur...

But why did she have this feeling?

Mariam thought to herself.

The frown on her face now softened as she thought.

'But Samuel's been my friend for a vet long time...he wouldn't hurt me, would he?' She thought as she asked herself.

She had known Samuel since the time when she arrived at the Palace like five (5) or seven (7) years ago.

Other than Andrew, Samuel was her best-friend and she felt like she could trust him, no matter what.

She shared with him secrets, he did the same, they played like little children, when in fact they were adolescents...

They had memories together...

But why did she feel this uncomfortable when she's around him?

It felt strange...

Then she heard footsteps behind her...

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