
Abri And Alice

Abri and Alice immediately became close; both of them had no previous friends. Abri and Alice are genius kids who prefer to be alone rather than playing with their peers.

Andrew, I entrusted Abri to you, I'll go to Mom's grave first, and I'll be right back. Alex then left Andrew's house and headed straight to his mother's wet funeral.

While at home, Andrew was pleased because his daughter laughed again after her mother died in an accident. After that incident, Alice became a quiet girl who doesn't like to talk, and she prefers to be alone.

"Alice, do you enjoy playing and studying with me?" Abri asked Alice, who is currently helping her put her clothes in the wardrobe in her new room.

"Of course Abri, I've never had friends before. I was so happy when you came and wanted to be my friend!" Alice and Abri cleaned Abri's clothes while chatting. Behind the door, Andrew shed tears as he watched Alice cheer up again. He hopes his daughter can return to socializing as before.

Andrew wiped his tears and met two small children who have now become friends. "Abri, Alice, you guys know each other and are friends this fast?" Andrew hugged his daughter, who was now standing in front of him.

"Of course Papa, I'm very happy that Abri is here. From now on, I'm not lonely anymore." Alice returned Andrew's hug tightly.

"Abri, are you happy with your new room? If you still have something you need, don't hesitate to tell me!" Abri nodded.

"Of course Papa, I will definitely say it. But for now, that's more than enough. "Abri smiled at Andrew.

"Alright, Abri, you are indeed a good boy and very smart. I am pleased with everything you have. Now, you have to rest first. Your father is visiting Grandma's grave. Later he will be back soon.

"Fine daddy, thank you in advance. Then I'll rest first. I feel my body is very tired." Andrew invited Alice to leave Abri's immediate room and gave allowed Abri the opportunity to rest for a moment.

"Alice, you also have to go back to study, tomorrow I will enroll Abri in your school. I want you to always be together." Alice nodded her head. He then returned to his room and immediately studied and did some homework given by his teacher.

Abri was asleep when Alex returned. Currently, Alex is calling his wife, Kia. Kia asks if Abri is at home or not.

"My dear wife, Abri is very happy to live here. He also immediately got along with Alice. Take it easy, I'll be back tomorrow." Alex comforted his slightly worried wife.

"Thank goodness then. Okay, I'll see our baby first, looks like he's awake." Kia then disconnected her call from her husband. Alex immediately left Abri's room and headed to his own room to rest too.

The next day, Alex gets a call from Zio telling him that Kia is missing!

"Assalamu'alaikum Alex, sorry to disturb your rest time, but I will say something fundamental. Hopefully, you will stay calm and be able to return to Indonesia soon. Zio sighed for a moment, then continued his words.

"Alex, Kia is missing, it looks like she was kidnapped by someone because the CCTV in our house is broken." Zio then explained to Alex about the chronology of Kia's disappearance this morning; they were all busy looking for Kia and were not found until now.

Alex decides to come back soon because he is so worried about Kia. Alex felt a little calm when he heard that his son was with Ayya. On the way home, Alex always remembered his wife's face last night. He didn't think that last night would be their last meeting before Kia was kidnapped.

Alex immediately met Andrew and Abri. Alex told everything that had happened to Kia without hiding anything from Abri because Abri was brilliant. After telling everything, Alex immediately left England and returned to Indonesia.

"Andrew, I will leave Abri with you. Pray that this problem will be resolved soon and we can quickly find Kia safely." Andrew hugged his brother's body and promised his brother that he would take care of Abri no matter what.

"Brother, calm down! I will look after Abri as if I were looking after my own son. Now I have to take you to the airport immediately and you can arrive in Indonesia soon." Andrew and Alex rush to the airport while Abri and Alice are at home. They will wait until Andrew returns. Alice invites Abri in, and the little girl is comforting Abri.

"Abri, don't be sad! Your mother will be fine." Abri nodded. He then invited Alice to their home. The two of them were now sitting on the living room sofa.

"Alice, do you have a laptop?" Abri asked Alice.

"Of course you have, would you like to borrow it?" Abri nodded, and Alice immediately ushered Abri into her bedroom.

"This is the laptop you need, do you want to hack CCTV in your home?" Abri smiled at Alice; the little girl is genius.

"Yes, Alice. I suspect I know who the person who kidnapped my mother is. I'm pretty sure it was him!" Alice nodded, she then sat beside Abri, and the two of them immediately hacked into Kia's broken CCTV.

Abri and Alice finally managed to find out who the person who kidnapped Abri's mother was, but Abri could not contact his father at this time because Alex was on the flight.

"Alice, I turned out to be right. Grandpa Cheng was the mastermind behind all these events." Abri was furious with what he had just seen. Abri is currently thinking about what was really behind Grandpa Cheng's betrayal of his grandfather, Professor Zhang, who had passed away.

"Abri, who exactly is Grandpa Cheng?" Alice really doesn't know the problems the Abri family is facing.

"Alice, you don't need to know who she is, but what you need to know is that right now, my family is in big trouble. I'll see how far Grandpa Cheng will go.

"Very well, Abri. I will always wish the best for your father and mother. I will always be by your side too." Abri smiled and nodded at Alice.

"Thank you very much, Alice. I would also be very happy if you helped me." Abri looked at Alice with joy

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