
Final Judgment

Twenty-eight small ships with two magic wielders per location, and there were six special humans flying along with the ships.

Martha was in her dragonic form, and her wings flew swiftly. The power to Space was rippling out as she zoomed out with ease.

As they approached, the Emberdons activated their spells in the Energy Conversion Circles crafted in their scepters which generated the magic armor. Kyros paid more attention to this among the team, and each Emberdons was involved in crafting the conversion circles. This specially crafted circle produced a powerful mage armor that covered their forms. The armor enveloped a layer around their skin and made them look like robots.

"Exoskeleton Mage Armor, Battle Form!" The Emberdons cried out.

"Black Squadron, let's volt in!" Demerus ordered.

Martha secretly rolled her eyes as she recalled the intense and forceful talk of Calaminus to make them say this.

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