

After he affixed the rock to his body, he went up to a tree near the bait he set up and slowly ascended it with pockets full of small rocks and one giant one affixed to his back.

He slowly ascended the tree and with each heavy grip, he made on the bark as he climbed it, the thorns of the vines slowly dug into his skin and made him bleed from where the vines contacted his skin.

Pushing through the pain, Ashur finally finished climbing to a suitable branch of the tree, before sitting down on it. as he tried to recover from the strain from climbing the tree.

Soon after, Ashur noticed that the slave trader was slowly approaching the position of his trap, and took off the giant rock on his back, before getting in position.

A few minutes later, the trader arrived just as Ashur planed.

Soon after Ashur and Riveria escaped, the slave traders gathered together and decided to split up and search for them as they could not have gotten far, but they also agreed that if one of them finds them, they do not engage, but alert the other traders to come together.

each one of them went in a suspected direction they escaped to and looked around to find them.

The trader in question that was currently following Ashur and Riveria's trail was Frank, and he was currently looking around to see if he could find the two.

As he was walking, he suddenly heard something that sounded like something was rustling leaves and stopped.

He quickly looked around to see what that sound was, and he quickly located the sound.

It was coming from a bush not far from him and it stopped as he looked at it.

He pulled out his sword and scanned the forest around him in case of any surprise attacks before slowly approaching the bush wearily with his sword pointed right at it, and as he got closer, he suddenly noticed a piece of fabric sticking out of the bush.

He recognized this fabric! !t was the same one the boy was wearing!

Instead of approaching the bush, he stopped.

He knew how dangerous that boy was, and wanted to get his friends over here to help him with the boy instead of rashly going in alone.

But suddenly as he was about to leave, he felt some kind of liquid fall on his face and used his hand to wipe it off.

'Is it going to rain?' he thought.

But when he got a look at what fell on his face, he was confused.

'Blood? Why the hell-?!!!' suddenly, he quickly turned to look up above him in a split second, and what he saw was a huge rock coming right at his face and the huge creepy smile of Ashur as he looked at him from the branch above.

'Demon' was the last thing he thought before the rock quickly impacted his face, killing him.

After he made sure he was dead, Ashur emptied his pockets of rocks and slowly made his way down the tree.

Ashur did not spare any time in grabbing the sword on the ground and went up to the body and unceremoniously took the sheath of the sword, before we went back to the bush to grab his shirt and Ene that he left on the ground.

"Master...That was brutal," said Ene as she looked at the scene.

"If I did not do this, there was no way we could avoid being recaptured otherwise, come on, we need to get moving," said Ashur as he started jogging over to where Riveria was.

Soon, he arrived where he hid Riveria.

"Riveria, I'm back," said Ashur as he arrived at the spot where he hidden Riveria.

"Ashur?" asked Riveria under a bunch of broken-off branches and other green things.

"Let me get you out of there," said Ashur as he started taking off all the stuff he put on her to hide her and finally lifted her back up in a princess carry.

As he picked her up, he noticed she must have been crying while he was gone as her eyes were a bit red.

Ashur started to slowly walk with her and knew that his body was quickly reaching its limit, and he would slowly collapse soon. But he pushed on with pure will, and with every step, his body hurt in pain, but he still continued to walk.

After walking a bit, he felt something and quickly noticed that The Force wanted to guide him somewhere, so he followed the feeling and slowly came to a stone wall of a cliff?

Ashur was confused, why did the force want him to come here? He lowered Riveria onto the ground and to which, she asked, "Why are we stopping here?"

Ene was also confused and asked, "Yeah Master, why are we here?"

"I don't know, the force guided me here," said Ashur as he looked around.

'The force again?' thought Riveria as she wondered if 'The force' was really was a skill, as she never even heard of such a skill.

Ashur looked around the stone wall and there was nothing strange about it and it was just a normal wall.

He was stumped and did not know what the force was guiding him to.

'Why don't I use the force to see if I can find it?' thought Ashur as he closed his eyes and used the force to spread out from him and scan the surroundings to create a 3d model inside his mind, kind of like how a bat uses echolocation, but Ashur substituted it with the force instead.

He soon noticed that there was something up with a small bush on the side that he easily overlooked and went over to it and pushed it aside to reveal a hole that leads to a small cave inside the wall. One that could barely fit both of them in.

This was exactly what they needed right now, a place they could hide and not be found while Ashur recovered his strength.

"I found a cave we can hide in!" Ashur said as walked over to Riveria and scooped her up, before bringing her over to the cave.

"There really is a cave!" said Riveria.

She would have never have guessed that there would be an entrance into a cave behind this small bush.

Ashur pushed the bush aside before he lowered Riveria into the cave and let her crawl inside and followed after and let the bush go, and back to the way it was when he first found it.

It was a pretty tight fit inside the cave and Ashur and Riveria could barely fit inside of it as they laid side by side and only a bit of the raising sunlight broke through the bush and there was enough light to just barely make out their faces.

After they made themselves comfortable on the rocky floor, Ashur turned to Riveria and said "Sleep and rest," before he laid back down, and slowly closed his eyes before he immediately passed out from exhaustion.

As Riveria saw Ashur suddenly pass out, she wondered why he would go to such extremes for her as even the knights that served her father might not push themselves this hard just for her, but he did so without hesitation.

This was also the first time she was so close to a boy before, she felt like she was a puppet while inside the palace, which ultimately made her decide to sneak out under the surveillance of the guards using some hidden passageways only the royals and their trusted confidantes know of, and she used it to travel outside the place and explore the outside forest.

She traveled outside the city walls for the first time in her life and it was amazing to disobey her father for the first time.

She was having the time of her life as she explored the outside forest, but suddenly she encountered several human men that grabbed her, and as she saw the cage at the back of the carriage, she instantly knew what they were, and she struggled to break free, then the slave traders spotted a small boy about the same age as her slowly approaching them, and the rest is history.

Riveria heard stories of knights in shining armor saving princesses and thought that they were just some fairy tales. But to her, Ashur is like a knight in shining armor from right out of the fairy tales she read that came to save her when she thought all hope was lost.

Riveria propped herself up to stare at Ashur's sleeping face for a few minutes before she used her hand to brush aside his hair to see his face better.

She stared at his face for a few minutes as he quietly slept, and hesitated for a few seconds before she leaned down and kissed him on his cheek.

Immediately after she realized what she had done, a sudden heavy blush spread on her face before she retracted her face and laid down trying to forget what she had just done.

Meanwhile, two blue eyes stared at what she did as a grin spread from Ene's face as she looked at Riveria from Ashur's phone that was propped up against a wall.

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