

"Good. Apart from Lynn and Kerryn, who're we missing here?" Itohan asked.

"Peregrine!" Manuel replied.

"Tch! Yeah. Peregrine. Any idea where he's destroying his demons?"

Manuel pointed towards a dense part of the forest by his side.

"Hmm. Of course. It's Peregrine afterall. Common. Let's head there. Iyoha you go get the other two girls. Training's already over. We don't want day breaking on us here," Itohan said.

"Yep, yep!" Iyoha replied before heading in the opposite direction Manuel pointed.


'I'm guessing, at this point, I was already used to these situations. Me, against like a hundred of these...things. A hundred undeads, infecteds. Depends on what you call it. I started expeditions much earlier than my classmates cus of my talents, but was restricted to be their technical mates due to the time I joined Clementine's Sanguine Military. Pathetic, really.

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