
No Reason To Lie To You

The carriage stopped in front of the Wang Residence. Wang Hao stepped out of the carriage. He gave his hand to Yin Na and put her down the carriage. Lei Wanxi also stepped out of the carriage, and the three went inside the Residence. 

"Yin Na, go with them. After you get ready, I will meet you," Wang Hao said and looked at the two maidservants whom he had called. They both took Yin Na away while Wang Hao and Lei Wanxi went to General Hall. 

Lei Wanxi sat on the chaise while Wang Hao sat on the other one. "How does Prince Wanxi find out?" General Wang asked. 

"I happened to find out. Doesn't General Wang know that I have eyes in every direction?" Lei Wanxi praised himself. General Wang smiled and asked him if he would like to take tea. 

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