

Sheng Li and Ying Lili came to the ground where the five pieces of the Han army were resting. Wang Hao and Xiao Zhan followed them, while the Commanders stood near the large table in the middle of the resting ground. The torchbearers were put all around the resting grounds, illuminating the entire area. 

Seeing the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess, they all bowed. "Raise your heads," Sheng Li said in a loud voice.

Wang Hao put the map of the Palace, which he stole in the morning with Wan Ju. "Your highness, there is only one entrance to enter the Palace. The front of the Palace has skilled shooters and javelin throwers. So, we need a good defense to prevent the entire army from these attacks," Wang Hao pronounced. 

Sheng Li and Ying Lili keenly studied the map. "What about this?" Sheng Li pointed the finger at the south of the Palace. 

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