
133. Training Pays Off

Laura had been feeling embarrassed and frustrated that Asher had beaten her so easily. She held no grudge against him, bit held one against herself. This was because she had not properly practiced with her super power. She couldn't even stop herself when she was at her fastest speed. It was more than embarrassing.

Garnet had been up late preparing some small things for later in the week. On her walk to her own personal cabin, she found Laura out in the woods training. This was more than just a simple surprise for her. It was against the impression she had built upon first meeting her.

When Garnet saw her, Laura was moving as slow as possible to learn the control of her body as she moved. This looked simple since she was just stepping around and over logs. However, for Laura, moving this slowly was a harsh chore. Her faster metabolism pushed her body to move faster so matter what. This was great for getting to what she wanted to do, but her mind was always lagging.

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