
If You Don't Know Where to Go, Ask Someone Else.

Emily froze for a moment in front of a large metal door, took a breath, then ran her keycard over the lock. In recent days, this ritual has been special.

The light shows that visitors to the Pharaoh Magazine watched earlier, as soon as they crossed the threshold of the department, have already been replaced with the memories of employees and their photographs for several days.

It was like the interactive graduation album you usually get when you graduate from high school. Short videos about how the work on different projects went, funny photos that have been collected since the department was founded.

Emily did not know ninety percent of those events and did not participate in them, since it was long before her appearance. But she knew every person who was in the video or photo. None of those who agreed to work with Justin went out of their way. Everyone stayed true to their goal until the very end.

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