
First Move

Two days passed before the opportunity came for Apryl to get Chester and Callum to come over and help Oreo and Timid move. Lydia and Brian decided that they wanted to go out for the evening and spend some time together for a few hours since he had been too busy to allow them to have time to eat together or spend much of any other time together with his mate.

Apryl and her sisters were fine with that. Lydia as usually had already taken care of most of the food preparations of the evening so they didn't really have to worry about that. Apryl had also made sure to tell Lydia that the two omegas would be moving out soon because she found a werewolf who would be willing to get him a job and a space to stay and that his friend could come with him. It was only half true, but she figured it was safer than being completely honest about what she was planning on doing by this.

For the most part she trusted her aunt, but there was a tiny part in the back of her mind that doubted her as well since she didn't her that well nor did she have any way of confirming or denying if she was telling the truth when she had said to Apryl and Summer that she had no idea about Brian's past. Thus, it was safer to do move between a lie and the truth until everyone was safe.

Chester had made other plans for that night, but had no problem dropping them to help out when he was told the news. He even made sure that Jeff would be there to give them the correct passcode to the door. He didn't trust giving in text or over the phone just in case anyone could get a hold of it somehow.

It only took him a little half an hour to reach the house as well. Which meant that they just needed another half hour at most to get out of there if both Oreo and Timid were willing to be moved. Apryl knew that it would help the shy female omega to know that she didn't have to worry about being in human form to be transported once again.

Keith had wanted to come as well, but he had to work that Friday night and didn't want them putting anything off just because he couldn't be there to help. He did assure them though that he would met them at the hotel once he got off if they were still there.

Chester requested that Callum stay outside to be the lookout much to his disappointment only because he was smaller and it was harder to spot him with his lean build and short stature in human form. Which left Chester to come inside where the rest of Apryl's family were to help her with the moving process.

Chester had hardly stepped a foot through the door before he was met with a low rumbling growl. Even though her daughter had warned here that there was going to be a strange wolf coming to help them, it didn't stop her from giving off a warning growl since she had her defenseless pups.

Hearing this, Apryl held up her hand to tell Chester to wait by the door while she stepped further inside to let her mother know everything was okay and who it was invading her space.

"Easy mama wolf, I'm not here to hurt anyone, just to help out." Chester assured her when he came into her view. Summer had stopped growling, but didn't move out of the defensive position she had put herself in around the pups. Even the older pups who wouldn't quite transform yet seemed intimidated by him even though he was only in his human form. He didn't intentionally mean to come across as intimidating, it was just how people tended to read his body language and due to the build of his body.

"Is this the person you said?" A voice asked from further back in the room causing Chester to turn his head away from Summer and the pups to see who had spoken. He stopped the salt and paper wolf who was now sitting up with a slimmer golden wolf tucked close to him with their ears down.

"Yes, well one of them. This is Chester. Keith couldn't come because he had work and Callum is waiting outside. Chester is one the who helped to find the place for us though." Apryl explained.

"He might seem intimidating but he isn't here to hurt anyone. He's the one with the van that's going to help move us. We don't have much time though which means I need both of you to cooperate and move as quickly as possible." She continued as she looked at both Oreo and Timid.

The male omega understood the importance of the small timeframe that they had to work with, his companion however wasn't as eager to move with the unfamiliar wolf there. Apryl may have been able to vouch for him but that didn't make him any less of a daunting presence.

"If you don't come with me now Timid, it's going to be a lot harder for you to move later and there won't be anyone else here with you while I am going." Oreo remarked and trotted over to where Chester was. He couldn't deny that he was intimidating by the unfamiliar with as well, but the scent he got off of him wasn't the same one he smelled on Brian and that lead him to believe he was someone that could be trusted.

Timid's ears went further back on her head after her friend had said this. She knew that it was a tough weigh out that she was facing. Either stay here while Oreo left or risk being together with him and the unfamiliar wolf in close quarters. Glancing between Chester and the rest of the pack she seemed to determine that she would rather deal with risking being around the unknown wolf than being left behind without her friend.

To try and decrease the level of tension, Chester moved back to the entrance and held the door open so that Apryl could lead the two omegas out and he would be slightly out of the way in order to avoid additional stress.

The next small pause came when they stopped Callum who they had forgotten to expect, upon seeing another unfamiliar person, both omegas fell in line behind Apryl who they felt safer being near.

"Really, you think that I'm more intimidating than that guy behind you?" Callum asked in mock offense as he put his hands on his hips when he noticed the way that the two omegas reacted to seeing him.

"I think that you will find me to be quite a bit of fun once you get to know me." He commented as he headed towards the back of the van to open it up once he saw that they were both still in there wolf forms. It would be safer for them back there because no one would be able to see them.

Apryl even agreed to ride in the back with them to make the transition easier and less stressful since it was going to be pitch dark the entire ride to their next destination. Now she just had to hope that she managed to get back home before Lydia and Brian returned.

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