
Like her?

Keith wasn't exactly sure why, but he found himself in being in a rather good mood by the time he had finished eating lunch with Apryl and had come back to campus to start his second job. Perhaps it was just because she was someone relaxed who was easy to talk with despite the edge to her attitude that he wasn't quite certain she was even aware of.

He had initially wanted to drive her back to her house since she had no other reason to go back to campus since her classes were done for the day and she didn't have to worry about homework until the following day. She rejected this offer immediately, concerned that something might happen if Brian was already back at the house and he saw Keith there.

He respected this and also told her that they would have to make some time soon so that he could finish giving her the honest explanation about what happened between him and her uncle. He wasn't sure when that would be though with everything else going on.

Keith had hardly been working for thirty minutes before his phone started ringing. He wasn't sure who would be calling him though since he knew Apryl preferred to stick with texting and he was certain that Chester would hardly be out of his meeting. He was surprised to see his phone ID read that it was from Callum. What did the small werewolf want? He thought Chester had said he wasn't feeling well.

"So, what went on?" Keith had hardly answered the call before Callum was asking him a question.

"What do you mean?" Keith asked back not sure what the other was talking about.

"You went to lunch with someone or so I was told." Chester had really been so quick to tell the other? It would figure.

"You heard that from Chester?" He asked though he already knew the answer as he leaned back against the table. No one was around so he didn't have to worry about getting in trouble for taking calls when he should've been working.

"Was he wrong?" He could hear the tone in Callum's voice that dared him to say the other werewolf who wasn't present was wrong when he said Keith had taken someone to lunch with him.

"He isn't wrong, but I don't think that technically indicates that anything went on with anyone."

"Doesn't it though? I bet it was that Dark girl, Apryl I believe her name was." Callum sounded a touch too excited from the way he was talking which caused Keith to smile.

"Yes it was, but only because there was something important that I needed to talk with her about." He told Callum, becoming quiet as he waited to see what the other would have to say to this.

"Something important? About you or her?" He was always the more curious out of their crew and had never had a problem with asking all the questions.

"Is it really that important for you to know?" Keith then asked not really wanting to answer that question because he knew exactly what the other was going to say to him.

"Keith, you are really going to try and take that kind of approach with me? You know that I am really good at figuring things out. Even if you don't tell me clearly, it's not like I wouldn't be able to figure everything out and put the pieces together myself." Callum wasn't wrong about that. He hardly ever interrogated Keith, but he was great at getting Chester to tell him things that he wanted to know even after the other werewolf would say no and seem intent on not telling him. How he managed to do it so successfully was a mystery of the world that Keith one day hoped to solve.

"I think that only works on Chester." Keith laughed as he put the phone on speaker so that he could continue talking with the other and get his work done at the same time since he could tell that the conversation was going to keep going for a while longer.

"You say that, but I don't think it's actually true. Because I am going to make a guess that you told her something related to your past. I might not know why, but I can't think of a reason why you would eat off campus if it wasn't for that." Keith was silent for a moment as he tried to think of the best way to refute the other's guess.

"It was related to her own family. She has been dealing with somethings that she doesn't want a lot of other people to know about right now." It was partly true, it was one of the reasons why he wanted to eat away from the school. The other part being that he didn't want anyone on campus to hear about his background.

"Was it related to you?" Callum asked after a few seconds of silence followed by movement in the background.

"Perhaps." Was the only answer Keith was willing to give him. He couldn't say no because that would be a lie and the other would know that later when found out. Thus, it was better to give a noncommittal answer.

"The guy who doesn't like to mention anything about his past actually brought it up around a girl he hasn't known that long?" There was an edge of amusement to the tone as Callum said this.

"Like I said, it was something to do with her family. I was only filling her in on somethings that might be related to her." Keith replied, defending his reason for doing something he knew that the other was going to say was out of the normal for him.

"Really? That's the only reason that the guy who hates talking about it would bring it up. I think that there's a much bigger reason behind why you did it."

"And pray tell, what reason would that be?" Keith inquired as he stopped working again so that he could pay attention to what his friend was going to say. Perhaps he would have to talk with Chester later about not letting such things leak to the smaller werewolf.

"I think that it perhaps has something do with the fact that you like her." Callum replied catching Keith off guard with what he said, it wasn't what he was expecting to hear. Callum didn't give him a chance to reply though before he continued speaking.

"You haven't known her that long so even if the reasons you justify it by saying that it had something do with family matters-it's still out of character for you. Not only that, you actually took her out to lunch off campus to someplace that you only frequent on special occasions such as when we go out to celebrate something. I also hear that it sounds like you spend a lot of time talking with her while you're at working and helping her out with various other things."

"Those two things aren't related. I help her out because she's new to everything and one of the professors asked if I would be willing to do it since I'm good at helping out a lot of the other new students that come on. As for lunch, it was a stressful topic so of course I was going to pick someplace special to eat because it would make it less stressful." The noise on the other end of the phone told Keith that the other wasn't quite buying his justifications for the situation and decisions.

Was it possible that he liked Apryl? He wasn't sure. It wasn't something he thought about despite the fact that he knew that he enjoyed her company. This was something that he was going to have to spend some time thinking about.

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