
Episode 400: Tournament of the BZM.

I can't believe the time has passed really fast and it's about time for the event to end. Everyone is enjoying everything and I got the opportunity to dance with all the ladies. I just notice that the highlight of the event is me and Ivonna, all the cameras are on us, not to mention that Elise is always asking about the hot stuff in my relationship with Ivonna. I hope that they edit everything out that's inappropriate for those who can't watch the live stream.

We are back in the theater for the closing party, everyone is satisfied by the looks on their face and the conversation they're having. Jason is walking up the stage and everyone immediately goes quiet.

"It was a long and a short night tonight, I hope everyone is having a great time here."

Jason claps his hands once and then looks at all of us.

"Before we close the event, I have a big announcement to make."

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