
Resolve and Purity

_________ POV Narration_________

The day did indeed not progress normally for anybody else besides Beru.

All of the heroes that were part of the capture team were left in a daze. As the villain escaped right from their grasps. It was an extreme embarrassment to all of the heroes present.

Many now saw this event as a sign that Japan was in danger. And many didn't know what to do.

It was quite clear that the heroes failed to catch even one of the members of the organisation that endangered them and the public.

This all became public knowledge, as the entire fight was broadcasted on television and many saw the way Beru had managed to shrug off several punches from All Might and other top Heroes.

The police didn't really waste any time though. Using all of the manpower that was present, they apprehended Wolfram and his associates.

They pinned half of the blame from the heists on them. So they made that arrest publicly to appease the masses.

Wolfram's men all received reduced sentences and Wolfram himself was only on house arrest.

This was also part of Wolfram's deal with the police. The mercenary leader was not foolish enough to believe that he could escape so simply.

But he also had different plans in his mind. He wasn't exactly the type to just wait out his sentence after all.

All Might was left in shock, as the villain had escaped right from his grasp.

He didn't understand how a person could be so resilient, after all, the villain was certainly injured quite heavily throughout the fight. And it was clear for all to see.

Sometimes his movements turned sluggish, other times he seemed to take a step in the wrong way. He certainly had some broken bones in his body.

Mirko was quite impressed at the man's pain tolerance. She was quite shocked to see him get up from so many hits. As well as block punches from All Might himself.

She wasn't big on idolizing others, but she could tell when someone was strong. And she knew that All Might didn't get his title just due to popularity.

That man was definitely strong.

So, The Rabbit Hero decided to make catching that villain her new target. Not to mention she found him to be quite interesting as a person, he was also more than capable of a fighter.

The best thing about him was that Rumi wasn't really sure if the man even classified as a villain, or if the organisation behind him was even villainous in nature.

What type of evil organisation sent someone to protect the civilians and law enforcement at the places they raided? It simply didn't add up.

And she wasn't the only one with these questions. The head investigators taking care of this case were also quite stumped as to how to categorize this new organisation.

They simply had nothing to go off of. Beru's escape through the sewers was also unexpected.

It was pretty clear that the villain knew the sewage system perfectly, it was likely how he had always escaped from the scene.

This also meant that he had done a lot of research on each of the locations raided.

This was all speculation on the investigator's part. They had no way of knowing that Beru was just teleporting away when turning corners and outside of the view of cameras.

Overall, the situation left many of the public dissatisfied. And many of the heroes that attended the event were ashamed.

One of those was also Mt.Lady, she had been used as a bat to injure and ruin a few buildings. She had also gotten a concussion from being smacked into every building in front of the villain.

But it was pretty clear to everyone present that the villain was holding back. It was in his job description after all(at least the one he gave Mirko), to make sure that nothing too serious happened.

Mt. Lady was left with a bruised head, and she hadn't even managed to do any damage to the giant villain. She was even reprimanded by her team.

She started holding a grudge for the shapeshifting villain. She vowed to hunt him down too, to get rid of her shame.

Many heroes that were present that day made similar vows. Their pride had been harmed by the way Beru had swatted them like flies in his giant form.

The shape-shifting Giant was immediately called an S-class villain. But there was no picture to put up of him. They had no way of knowing his actual identity.

So, the news just presented him as an unknown. It was just the dark silhouette of a man with a question mark in the middle of it.

But his quirks and abilities were explained in detail.

'Has the ability to take the form of others(conditions unknown), Can turn into a giant recorded up to 36 meters in height(suspect seems to retain the strength of one even when his size is normal)'

That was all they had about the villain. But the heroes weren't discouraged. They knew that this organisation would pop its head out again eventually. And they certainly couldn't have all that many powerful villains.

So, they all remained vigilant.

Now, the day was also a bit exciting for someone else.

Toga was always doing her best to gain Beru's attention romantically/sexually. But she always made 0 progress.

Thought's like 'Am I not pretty enough?' or 'Is he interested in someone else?' always popped up in her head when he was in the room.

But Beru would always be warm to her, the circumstances didn't really matter to him. She would always receive a head pat and a compliment or two.

But now, Beru had finally done what she had wanted him to do for a while. He had walked in on her while she was showering.

She developed a habit of taking showers frequently for something like that to happen. But she didn't expect anything to actually come out of it.

One could imagine the excitement of the 'slightly' obsessed girl when Beru teleported inside the bathroom. Although it was by accident, he was there nonetheless, and he didn't leave.

His actions after he realised she was there were also exciting to see for her.

But, when seeing that he wasn't even budging when she was trying her best to make him look at her, she gave up.

It took her a while, but she finally had realised something. 'He isn't interested in my body...' She didn't really know what to make of that revelation.

On one hand, she knew that Beru cared about her a lot.

It was evident by the way he acted with her. He didn't seem, to allow others to take many liberties with him. But she was always allowed to do anything.

So, while this realisation left her a bit disheartened, it also gave her a warm feeling.

Because it confirmed something that had been bugging her a bit. Beru's care for her had absolutely no ulterior motive.

His love for her was pure, it wasn't tainted by any desire or ulterior motive. Even if it was purely platonic.

There was always this question at the back of her mind. 'Does he really care about me?' She always had the nagging thought that he was just there for something.

But she just couldn't understand what that thing would be. Beru didn't have anything to gain out of helping her.

Besides her body that is. Or, at least that's what the infatuated girl's mind brought her to.

She didn't mind it though, she genuinely loved Beru after all, and if he wanted to have her body, if that would make him stick around and not abandon her... Well, she was more than willing to give.

Beru was not entirely aware of this. He always thought she was just playing around with him. But he could also tell that some feelings were there.

He did his best to subtly shoot them down when possible. But he didn't want to see Toga hurting. And he specifically didn't want to be the cause of that pain.

He had already decided to help her through everything.

But he didn't want her to consider him everything she had. He wanted her to become her own person. To grow up beautifully, happily, surrounded by people that she could trust. Not villains and crooks.

His convictions were strong, and his will to see her succeed was great.

He hadn't mentioned this to anyone. But Toga was a large part of his decision to remain in Japan and partner up with the Commission.

He wanted to be there for her and doing so while on the run would've been difficult. He couldn't even think of a feasible way to do so.

Fleeing the country wouldn't have been difficult.

Sure, he would've had to forget about everyone that he knew, but that wasn't really hard for the Insectoid. He had done so in the past, although for different reasons.

But he knew that he wouldn't be able to help Toga if he did something like that.

So, he decided to just partner up with the Commission. Even if they were shady. Even if he knew they smelled of nothing but trouble.

What else could he do? Teach Toga about the excitement that normal life could bring while being a fugitive?

But, he was quite satisfied with his life for now.

There was only one thought nagging at the insectoid's mind. It was banging on the back of his head. A question waiting to be answered. But one he was afraid to seek the answers to.

'What happened to Souma?'

But fear wouldn't be able to hold Beru back for long. He was soon going to look into his old childhood friend.

Even if he had to rip apart a few scientific institutes to do so.


Eyy, I'm back, mostly done with the renovations, but still new to work and got a lot to learn

Still, I will try to upload somewhat daily again(to get back in the habit as some would say)

Hope you all didn't miss me too much xoxo(fuking kill me nohomo)

If u want to support me look up VeganMaster on Patre_on:


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