
Chapter 48: Loli Makes Plans

(Perspective Rin Kokonoe)

I can still remember the last moments I spent with my mother. Everyone supposes that I was too young to understand what death was, but I knew, I knew that my mother was dying and she would leave me alone.

I've been living with my uncle since then, but it makes me uncomfortable having him around, I don't know why it makes me feel uncomfortable the way he sees me and I prefer to stay at school with my friends.

I always thought that adults are garbage, all adults lie and betray, I hated adults.

One day when people became violent I was scared, I did not know what was happening. Children and adults went crazy, they started attacking others and it was horrible, I was scared.

Some teachers and classmates were able to keep calm and took us to an underground floor to take refuge, on the way many classmates were attacked by those things and we only survived because we were protected by the school pets.

The school had a back area where some domestic animals were taken care of, Yuki-senpai and Alice-chan were the ones who took care of the animals the most so when people went crazy, the animals came to help them and so we survived.

Some of the animals died protecting us which made most of my companions cry, but I did not care too much, I and my friends survived and only that mattered.

When we were in the warehouse we realized a problem, there was not much food. We needed someone to rescue us or we would starve, I didn't want my friends to die, I already lost my mother and I didn't want to lose them.

One day Kurumi-senpai went to explore outside to look for food or see if she could ask for help, Kurumi-senpai and Kaori-senpai are the bravest and they are not afraid to face violent people so they always take the initiative to explore, they are more reliable than most adults.

When Kurumi-senpai came back she brought help, someone had finally arrived to save us.

This is how I met Onii-chan, he is a handsome and strong man who can face any danger without fear. When Kurumi-senpai told us about the way that Onii-chan took care of violent people I felt my heart get emotional, Onii- chan was strong and trustworthy, the only trustworthy adult.

Onii-chan is 17 years old, but he is more mature and trustworthy than any adult I have seen, much better than the strange man my uncle is. I hope I never see my uncle again.

Onii-chan is not only strong and handsome, but he is also kind, he made all of us lose the fear of what was happening and he looked for ways to entertain us, I felt happy.

I started talking to my friends about ways to make Onii-chan by my side which made us have a strange conversation.

"Rin-chan wants to be with Onii-san?" - Asked one of the two best friends I have, Mimi-chan.

She is simple and cheerful, she has the best body among elementary school girls and even looks better than many high school girls, but she seems to dislike her own appearance.

"Rin-chan is moving away ..." - My other friend muttered, Kuro-chan.

Unlike Mimi-chan, Kuro-chan is very direct and sometimes she is a bit cocky but she is always nice to us, I just wish Kuro-chan would stop trying to kiss me, she bothers me.

I talked to them, but we got nowhere, Mimi-chan didn't understand what a male-female relationship was while Kuro-chan seemed annoyed with Onii-chan which confused me.

I thought about talking to a high school senpai, but I was worried that some other girl would get close to Onii-chan.

Onii-chan seems quite popular with both the students and the teachers, there was even that woman who came with him, a woman named Mikoto who seemed to be close to Onii-chan, I dislike that woman.

I incited my classmates to follow Onii-chan every time a teacher or Mikoto approached Onii-chan, I didn't want Onii-chan to be taken from me.

When I saw Onii-chan walking away with Mikoto at night I was enraged.

Why does the world always try to take my happiness from me? Why can't I get what I want?

My chest hurt and I was upset.

When Onii-chan and Mikoto entered a room I put my ear against the door and didn't hear anything, I tried to open it, but it was closed, I used some wires to pick the lock as I learned from a book, but it still didn't work.

I felt more and more frustrated until Onii-chan opened the door, nothing seemed to have happened and the woman named Mikoto only slept on a futon.

I felt nervous, but Onii-chan was not upset, we went to another room for something to eat and there I decided to propose to Onii-chan.

When things didn't go the way I wanted, I threatened Onii-chan without knowing why, I didn't know what prompted me to do it, but I didn't want to lose Onii-chan.

Onii-chan was the first person who gave me security, since the death of my mother I had never felt safe even with my friends, I liked that feeling and wanted to take it only for myself.

I think I made Onii-chan angry, I'm not sure, I just knew I was scared. When Onii-chan told me a strange story while he stroked my head, cheek, and neck, I felt scared.

I was scared of Onii-chan.

When Onii-chan moved away I realized that the fear I felt of Onii-chan was nothing when she compared it to the fear of being alone, I don't want to be alone, loneliness scares me.

I held onto Onii-chan, apologized, and pleaded that he would not abandon me. Onii-chan agreed to take care of me as long as I was a good girl so I promised to be the best girl in the world so that Onii-chan wouldn't leave me.

When Onii-chan went out to explore before the rest of her group came back I started talking to my friends to make a plan that will give me Onii-chan's affection.

"I don't understand Rin-chan, do you want me to hug Onii-san?" - Mimi-chan asked.

"Yes" - I nodded.

Mimi-chan is cute and she has big breasts, the other kids teased her so I spread rumors about those kids to stop teasing her.

Onii-chan prefers women with mature bodies so Mimi-chan should like him.

"Being together with Rin-chan ... Even if I have to offer myself to that guy it's fine as long as I can be with Rin-chan, a threesome with Rin-chan ... I agree!" - Kuro-chan seemed excited, I don't know what she means by threesome but she's fine, it's just weird how she's drooling.

Onii-chan will reward me if she helped him to be with Mimi-chan and Kuro-chan, I once heard a teacher say that men were creatures who only thought with their crotches and wished to be with many women. I don't know what the teacher was referring to, but I understand that Onii-chan wants more girls.

I dislike the idea of ​​sharing Onii-chan but the idea of ​​losing him terrifies me so I will do my best to get Onii-chan to give me a prize. A kiss should be fine, even though we are not married yet...

"Are you okay Rin-chan? Your face is red and you breathe strangely "- Mimi-chan asked me with concern to what I said was fine.

Onii-chan seemed attracted to Miki-sensei so maybe the teachers and the other students would be a good choice to give them to Onii-chan.

Just imagining a happy life with Onii-chan motivated me to make an effort so I began to talk with my classmates and senpais to get them interested in Onii-chan, some teachers appreciate our talk, so the whole group ended up talking about it. Onii-chan is the best.

"Not again ..." - I think I heard Mikoto mutter, but I'm not sure.

While we were talking Onii-chan came back while he was carrying a pink-haired girl, I think I have seen her a couple of times. If I remember correctly, there were several children who bothered her, but since she was from another group I never paid attention to her.

I felt annoyed seeing how the girl clung to Onii-chan, but I want to be a good girl and only bad girls are annoying.

I approached Onii-chan, but Mikoto got there first.

"Another girl? You really are a trash lolicon "- Mikoto looked happy despite his insults.

Is she tsundere? Does Onii-chan like tsundere? I have to find fellow tsunderers to make Onii-chan happy.

"It's complicated, I'll explain it later" - Onii-chan smiled wryly.

I was curious about what they were talking about, but I didn't want to be a bother so I just walked over in silence.

Onii-chan saw me and nodded with a smile. - "Kaede, she's Rin, she's a reliable and kind girl who won't hate you, I'm sure Rin thinks your horns are cute, right Rin? "

Horns? I looked at the head of the girl named Kaede and saw a pair of ears, those should be her horns. They are strange and they look like ears but if Onii-chan says I must like them then I will.

"Kaede-chan, your horns are cute, they look like ears" - I smiled.

I learned that people react positively when I try to act cute.

The pink-haired girl looked at me with teary eyes before nodding.

Onii-chan put the girl down. - "Kaede, stay with Rin for a moment, I have to talk a few things with Mikoto, I'll be back with you in a few minutes"

Onii-chan leaned down and whispered to me so that only I could hear. - "Take care of her, she is important, if she takes good care of her then I will give you a reward"

Onii-chan patted me and went to talk to Mikoto.

I took Kaede's hand that she seemed to want to go back to Onii-chan. - "Come on, I'm going to introduce you to my friends, are you hungry?"

Kaede nodded and followed me.

When we arrived with my friends, the group was curious about Kaede, especially her horns.

"Are they for real?" Kurumi-senpai asked.

"Nn" - Kaede nodded shyly.

"Can I touch them? They look cute "- Mimi-chan approached with curiosity.

Kaede nodded and Mimi-chan touched her horns. - "They are real! How cute! What is your name?"

"Kaede ..." - Kaede seemed overwhelmed by Mimi-chan's bubbly attitude.

Most of the group came over and started talking to Kaede, although Kaede's horns were strange we had seen horrible things in recent days so a few simple horns didn't matter.

This task was easy so Onii-chan will reward me a lot especially after knowing that I helped most girls get interested in him, I started to imagine the happy moments I will have with Onii-chan but was interrupted by an angry cry.

"How can you get close to that thing ?! Just look at her, she's a fucking monster! All of this must be caused by her! "

A brown-haired girl with two little pigtails stood up to scream causing everyone to go silent, this is bad.

"What are you saying?! Kaede was brought by Onii-chan so she must be good! " - I screamed furiously.

If that idiot makes Onii-chan mad at me I'll make sure to make everyone in the group hate her and Onii-chan ditch her.

"Obviously this is her fault! She is a monster just like those things outside! " - The girl kept screaming, causing some students to hesitate.

"Yes, she is strange, maybe she is not human ..."

"A monster ... That's scary ..."

I panicked, if Onii-chan is disappointed in me she might leave me.

"Stop! Kaede is a cute girl and I won't let anyone speak ill of her! " - Kurumi-senpai raised her voice furiously causing the muttering students to be silent.

I made a list of the people who were muttering, I must ruin their lives by almost making me fail the task that Onii-chan gave me.

"How can you defend that thing ?! She is just a monster! " - The girl kept screaming.

I felt a sudden chill. When I saw Kaede I saw her trembling as she lowered her head, her bangs covered her eyes so I couldn't see her expression, but she looked sad.

I had the sudden urge to get away from Kaede but the idea of ​​disappointing Onii-chan terrified me so I stood in front of Kaede.

"Shut up! Kaede is important to Onii-chan so she's not a monster! Shut up or I'll make sure you don't speak again! " - I screamed furiously.

The girl was about to scream again but Onii-chan arrived in an instant.

"What's going on?" - Onii-chan sounded annoyed.

Onii-chan carried Kaede and the feeling of chill disappeared, it was strange.

"She is screaming that Kaede-chan is a monster and she is to blame for what is happening" - Mimi-chan pointed to the girl that started everything, good job Mimi-chan.

"I see" - Onii-chan looked at the girl and the group that had sided with the girl. - "Do you think Kaede is a monster?"

The girl looked nervous but still, she nodded.

"Well that's right, Kaede is a monster" - Onii-chan nodded surprising us all.

"And I'm a monster too" - Onii-chan kept talking while he stroked Kaede's head, I also want him to stroke me.

"If you dislike monsters so much I'll go with Kaede" - Onii-chan turned around and I quickly stopped him.

"If you go, let me go with you!" - I screamed in panic.

Did I let him down and is he going to leave me?


"Okay, let's go Rin" - Onii-chan smiled at me.

Onii-chan won't leave me, he's so nice, Onii-chan <3

"I'm also going with you"

"And me"

Several girls and teachers supported following Onii-chan, after all, Onii-chan is great.

The girl who caused the problem and the group that followed her turned pale, even they understand that without Onii-chan they have no way to survive, idiots.

I thought of something. - "Instead of leaving why don't we kick them out?"

"That's not good Rin, we can't abandon someone just because he thinks differently" - Onii-chan said that while he smiled at me gently making my heart feel fluffy <3

"Not... I ... I did not want to say that ..." - The girl repented and apologized. - "I am sorry"

Despite her words I could see anger on her face, I have to get rid of her or she will continue to bother Onii-chan.

In the end, things worked out and Onii-chan went to another room with Mikoto and Kaede, it seems that Kaede had fallen asleep since Onii-chan started carrying her.

When Onii-chan left I thought about what had just happened. There is strength in numbers, that annoying girl had incited several girls with her words since there was no unity, although Kurumi-senpai and other girls supported Kaede even so it was not enough.

If I want to stop Onii-chan from leaving then no more incidents like this can happen.

I approached Mimi-chan and Kuro-chan and spoke to them seriously. - "The plan to make a ... What did you say was the word Kuro-chan?"

"Harem" - Kuro-chan answered, she knows many things.

"That, the plan to make a harem for Onii-chan is a priority, the people here must be part of it." - I looked at the group of the rowdy girl who moved away a bit from the others. - "As for them, we have to remove them from the group"

"Well, I don't like them" - Mimi-chan nodded.

"Those who annoy Rin-chan are unpleasant" - Kuro-chan looked angry.

"Okay, then let's start" - I said and my two friends broke up to talk with the girls and teachers in the shelter.

I'll do whatever it takes to make Onii-chan reward me. If I behave well Onii-chan will love me and I will never be alone again, Onii-chan will protect me. Onii-chan will see to it that nothing bad happens to me, he even will protect me from my uncle.

Onii-chan is the best <3

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