
Chapter 22 Rescue Mission Starts and Antonia (Rewrite)

The next day morning, all the people that will participate in the mission except Kio, Manami, and Aoi can be seen doing their preparation in the house where Kanda, three Catia's team leaders, Itokazu, and Jack finalize some plans together in the living room.

Kanda looks at JACK in front of him before he points at one location on the map and says, "JACK, have you confirm that she had been placed in this place?"

JACK nods as she says, "Of course, Kanda. From my information, her location was located inside a cruise ship which is 10 miles away from the east of Okinawa coastline. Here, this is the ship where she had been located."

JACK places the picture of a cruise ship from her cleavages before she puts it on the table.

"Thank you, JACK, although I don't know why you put that picture in your breast." Said Kanda before he looks at Itokazu and says, "How about your preparation for the transportation, Itokazu-sensei?"

"We have prepared a patrol vessel where you can put about 50 personnel inside there." Replied Itokazu before she asks, "How about the equipment or the firearms, Ichijou-kun?"

Kanda says, We don't need any firearms as we will use Catia's weapon where their weapon mainly purpose on dismantling others weaponry. For the equipment, I need need an Assistroid that has a strong jamming capability. Can you prepare that, Raven?"

"Yes, sir." Answered one of the Catia's raid team leader.

Raven is one of the team leaders for the Catia's raid team. She has short jet-black hair and black eyes. She had been given Raven as her nickname by Kanda where Kanda also gives the nickname of Hawk and Swallow to the other two team leaders.

Hawk has medium-length red-orange hair with red eyes while Swallow has midnight-blue bob hair and blue eyes.

All the Catia's combat personnel have worn a body-tight suit with a black and white motif for the team leader and a brown and white motif for the team members.

Kanda looks at his watch as he says, "We will leave with 30 members which are me, fifteen people from Catia, and 14 people from the Itokazu-sensei team including her. We will start at 0800 sharp this morning."

"How about me, Kanda?" Asked JACK about her task.

"JACK, you will safeguard this house and lead all the Assistroids inside the house." Said Kanda before looking at those Assistroids in the house and says, "For the Assistroids, I hope that you can listen to Jack here and use non-lethal weapons when there are enemies that come here."

JACK agrees to Kanda's order as the Assistroids lift up their small sign-boards which have written some words like "Got It" and "Affirmative".

"How about us, Kanda? I want to help you too." Asked Aoi as she enteres the living room with Manami.

Kanda shakes his head and says, "I'm sorry, Aoi. You, Manami, and Kio need to stay at home and listen to Jack's order."

"Why?" Asked Aoi again.

"I can feel that this mission will be difficult as bad feelings suddenly creeping inside my heart. Therefore, I couldn't guarantee your safety and don't worry, Aoi, I can assure you of my safety during this mission." Replied Kanda.

"B-But..." Aoi still trying to say more but Kanda says, "If you worry about me, why don't you just pray for my safety so we can have another date when I get Eris back later."

Manami taps Aoi's shoulder and says, "Just listen to him, Aoi. We know that he can be a little stubborn when he had made his decision."

Aoi nods before she looks at Kanda firmly and says, "Fine...but I will take that date as a promise, Kanda.

Kanda laughs as he says, "Hahaha, don't worry, just leave it to me later."

After all the talk, Kanda and the mission team going to their vessel that will carry them which had been located beforehand as they quickly depart to the sea at 8 in the morning.

==At another place==

A soldier salutes towards the woman in front of him before he reports, "Ma'am, we have detected a patrol vessel going straight towards our target's location."

Madam J nods as she says, "Hmm...look like they already start their plan. Let's go, initiate Plan Crush."

"Yes, Ma'am." Saluted the soldier before he goes to report at other team.

Several helicopters can be seen coming out from an unknown place before they are going towards the sea.

==Inside the cruise ship, Eris's side==

"Ano...where am I? I need to go back home right now as I think that I had worried others. And who are you?" Said Eris as shell looking at the maid in front of her.

She asks the maid with a long burgundy hair until her waist where she is wearing a victorian maid attire. She also has a scar under her right eye.

"I'm Maya, Eris-sama. I had been tasked as your maid to tend all of your needs inside this place. You're now inside a cruise ship that belonged to my superior where we currently at 10 miles away from the east of Okinawa coastline." Replied the maid named Maya.

"Why am I here? And am I could order anything from you?" Said Eris as she looking at Maya.

Maya says, "We need your presence in our humble place later, Eris-sama, and yes, you can order me to do anything for you."

"If that's so...then, I order you to let me go home right now." Said Eris as she gives her order.

Maya shakes her head as she says, "I'm sorry, Eris-sama, I couldn't do that."

"Why is it?" Asked Eris curiously.

Maya replies, "My leader wants to meet you first before she can let you go home later. Anyway, I will let you meet Neko-san as she will accompany you during our journey towards our place."

After she said that, two maids stationed inside the room opens the door and Eris can see something is coming towards her. The object that coming towards her has the same look with the Assistroids.

As that object slowly coming and its figure gradually become bigger and bigger before it stops in front of Eris where the object had 3-meter height as its standing.

Maya calmly introduces, "She is Neko-san and she will accompany you later. There is no person inside this suit so I hope that Eris-sama understands."

Maya introduces the object in front of her where Eris innocently accepts her half-assed explanation just like that.

Then, the Assistroid-like suit calls Neko-san takes Eris's hand and bringing her out of the room while being followed by Maya.

After 15 minutes of walking, Neko-san finally had reached her destination where she brings Eris inside a room where multiple attractions that can be found in an amusement park and an arcade likes Merry-go-Round and arcade games can be seen inside the room.

Then, Eris and Neko-san play together inside the room where they had tried all the attractions for almost two hours before they take a break which Maya brings a lot of food inside the room.

After they finished their break, suddenly a siren had been resounded inside the room where Maya takes out her walkie-talkie and asks her subordinate on what had been happened.

Later, Maya excuses herself from the room where Eris had been left with Neko-san inside the room. Eris suddenly talks to Neko-san as there are only them inside the room.

"Eto...You can come out from that suit, you know, Neko-san." Said Eris as she already knew about the suit.

Neko-san silents for awhile before the suit suddenly opens up in half and a figure can be seen inside the suit.

That figure is a girl with blond hair until her neck and has blue eyes. She wears a peach-colored short puff-sleeve dress and has a pink cat-ears hairband in her head.

"How do you know that there is a person inside the suit, Eris-sama?"Asked the blonde girl as she looks at Eris.

"Your suit just like my Assistroids but it much bigger so I think that the suit had been controlled by a person inside the suit. Anyway, what are your name, Neko-san?" Replied Eris before she asks her name.

"You can call me Antonia, Eris-sama. I'm also the leader that Maya had been talked to." Introduced the girl named Antonia.

"Hello, Antonia-chan. Can I know why you take me here? Furthermore, I need to go back home as I think that everyone is worried about me." Greeted Eris back with a smile before she talks to Antonia.

"I need you to act as our spiritual leader inside the organization so we invite you here, Eris-sama." Said Antonia about he purpose.

Eris shakes her head as she says, "You know, Antonia-chan. I couldn't act as your spiritual leader as my mission doesn't allow me to be involved in any religious organizations. However, I can still become your friend and let's go playing together later."

Antonia looks sad as Eris rejected her invitation before she becomes happy as she heard Eris's next sentence before she says, "Are you sure, Eris-sama? Could I be your friend?"

Eris nods as she says, "Of course, we can go together with everyone. Moreover, I will introduce my friends to you later. Can you let me go home right now, Antonia-chan?"

"Although I want to take you back but I think that Eris-sama needs to wait for awhile as there is an emergency right now. After my subordinate solves the problem, I will send you back home, Eris-sama." Said Antonia.

"Thank you, Antonia-chan. However, I think that this emergency may be related to my friends." Said Eris before she continues as she stands up, "Let's go, I will introduce them to you later."

Antonia ponders for a second before she says, "Um...Ok, Eris-sama. But do you think that they can forgive me as I take you here without their permission?"

Eris nods as she says while taking Antonia's hand, "Of course. They will understand if I talk to them first."

Eris and Antonia go side by side as they walking towards the commotion that had occured as they walk out of the room which they took about 10 minutes before Eris can see Kanda already fighting with Maya and a maid with an eyepatch on her left eye.

Eris quickly shouts, "EVERYONE!!! Stop your fighting!"

Kanda and two maids in frontof him immediately halt their fighting and glance towards the voice's direction came from which they can see Eris and Antonia coming towards their location.

Eris quickly coming to Kanda before she hugs him tightly which Kanda hugs her too.

Kanda looks at Eris as he says, "Eris! Are you fine? Who's the one that comes with you?"

"I'm fine, Kanda. She is Antonia-chan. She said that she is the leader of this organization though I don't know their organization name." Said Eris as she introduced Antonia.

"Although I want to know why you suddenly became closer with the leader that takes you away, I want to ask you why you don't try to contact us before. Are you eating too much and have forgotten to contact us later?" Said Kanda as he looks at Eris.

Eris scratches her cheek in embarrassment as she says, "That's right, Kanda, I forgot q out that. Hahahaha."

Eris just laughs awkwardly where Kanda just shakes his head as he facepalmed when he had heard her answer.

"Anyway, let's go home, Eris, everyone were worried about you at the house." Said Kanda to Eris.

Eris looks hesitantly at Kanda before she says, "Ano...Kanda, can I invite them to our house too. I promise Antonia-chan to introduce others to her. She only just wants to invite me to their place when she took me here."

Kanda looks at Eris for a second before he nods and says, "Hmm...fine, Eris. However, I need to ask her something first."

Kanda just pats Eris's head before he goes towards Antonia where he had been blocked by Maya and the eyepatch maid.

Kanda looks at the vigilance maids in front of him as he says, "Relax, you two. I will not harm your master."

"Maya, Sarah, puts down your weapons and backs down." Instructed Antonia as she looks at Kanda that came in front of her.

"Yes, Antonia-sama." Said the two as they stood behind Antonia.

Maya and Sarah, the eyepatch maid puts down their weapons before standing behind Antonia while they are glaring at Kanda which he just chuckles at them before closing to Antonia where he squats while leveling his eyes with her.

"So, Antonia-chan. Do you know what is your fault?" Asked Kanda as he looks at Antonia.

Antonia shakes her head as she says seriously, "Not at all! I just invite Eris-sama to our sanctuary so she will be far away from being corrupted by any of you."


Kanda just hit her head with his fist where Maya and Sarah's glares become intense as they looks towards him when he hits their master.

Antonia holds her head in pain as she says, "Ow!!! What are you doing?!"

"Nothing, I'm just hitting your head, Antonia-chan. You know, Antonia-chan, your definition of invites can be seen as wrong by your subordinates as they literally kidnapped her away from her friends." Said Kanda as he reminds Antonia.

"But...I can do anything as long as they could invite Eris-sama here." Said Antonia with slight hesitation.


Another fist went by on Antonia's head as she says, "Ow!!! Why you hit me again?!"

"You selfish brat! Do you know? Because of your order, your subordinates take Eris forcefully and had injured Manami and Aoi." Reprimanded Kanda as he looks seriously at Antonia.

"It's that true, Kanda? Are they fine?" Asked Eris suddenly as she has concerned looks on her face.

"Look! Your Eris-sama also didn't know about their condition as I think that you did not ask your subordinates about what happened during their mission when they took Eris here." Said Kanda to Antonia before he looks at Eris and says, "Don't worry about them, Eris, they just have some light injuries and they are waiting for you at home."

Eris breathes sighs of relief as she says, "Thank goodness."

"B-But...I'm just trying to take her away from that place as I think that I could do better in entertaining Eris-sama."

"I know, that's why I had asked one of your subordinates that come to our house before to give your invitation." Said Kanda before he looks at eyepatch maid and shouts, "Oi, Eyepatch maid! Do you give my words before to your master here?"

Sarah harrumphs as she says, "Hmph...why should I give your words to my master? She didn't need to ask for your permission to invite Eris-sama."

Antonia has surprised looks on her fave before she says, "Sarah! Why you didn't tell me about that?"

"Antonia-sama, you didn't need to listen to this barbaric man." Said the eyepatch maid named Sarah.

"You're the one who's barbaric. Sighed Kanda as he shakes his head before he continues, "Now, I know why you didn't know about this. I'm sorry, Antonia-chan, it's all your maid's fault but you must ask others' permission first if you want something so you can make friends with others and you will not play alone."

Kanda just pats her head gently as he slowly talks to her which Antonia says, "B-But, they just want my grandfather's wealth when they send their daughters to play with me before this."

"Don't worry, we can be your friends later and I know that Eris has invited you to be her friend too." Said Kanda as he smiles.

"Yes, Antonia-chan. We can play together again." Supported Eris as she nods.

"Um, Eris-sama." Nodded Antonia at Eris's words before she asks, "What is your name, big brother?"

Kanda pats his forehand before he says, "Hahaha, sorry that I forget to introduce myself. I'm Ichijou Kanda, Catia's recently appointed ambassador, but you can call me as Kanda-niisan."

Antonia nods as she says, "Ok, Kanda-niisan, and I'm sorry about what I had been done before."

Looking at Antonia in front of him, he says, "Don't worry about that, Antonia-chan, but you need to train your subordinates later and don't become like that mad dog."

Kanda just rubs her head while he points his finger towards Sarah.

"Who are you call a mad dog, your insolent brat?" Shouted Sarah angrily as she had been held Maya beside her.


Two explosions can be heard and shock the entire ship where Kanda quickly holds both Eris and Antonia from fall down.

Kanda's earring suddenly shines and two familiar faces can be seen in a hologram in front of him.

"JACK, Chaika, why you call me right now?" Asked Kanda as he looks at the faces on the hologram.

"Kanda, we had identified an unknown group had attacked the cruise ship where Chaika here also can assure that the alien called Madam J is the one behind this attack." Said JACK quickly.

"Yes, Kanda. You need to go out from that ship fast. I think that they want to kill all the people inside the ship." Supported Chaika as she said seriously.

Kanda nods as he says, "Ok, thank you, JACK, Chaika."

The hologram disappears immediately and Kanda looks at the people near him and says, "Let's go, we need to escape right now. Antonia-chan, I need you to inform all of your subordinates to abandon this ship now."

"Alright, Kanda-niisan." Nodded Antonia before she gives instructions to Maya and Sarah before she follows Kanda to escapes.

They can hear multiple explosions sound as they run towards the exit where they can concluded that the forces under Madam J had started their attack on them.


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