
Surprised after surprise 1

As per the canon we had a guest few months after Princess Elia was escorted to me. Lord Paramount of the North in person, Eddard Stark came back with my stepfather's horse, a child and his sister's body. I almost peed myself in my fanboy mode.

You have to understand how much it means to me! I admired the man! In my shitty world finding a honorable person was the same as finding an adult virgin! Impossible! To put it simply my previous world was already rotten to the core. Me included.

I liked him so much that I stopped watching the series the moment his head rolled. To make the feeling clear to you, I felt like someone NTRed me!

It took a monstrous number of fan fictions to get used to the idea of the ever present death in this world.

I was almost 5 name days then, and I will be the new lord of Barrowtown in the future, with my mother taking care of everything until I'm old enough to take over. Fortunately I don't have to swear allegiance to him yet until I'm ready to take over my Lordly duty.

I could hear them speaking or more like my mother shouting at him.

"You Starks! Have taken everything from me!" She shouted and cried. I think she felt some love for my stepfather at the beginning before she saw his flaws and stumbled upon one of his drunk runts, then it was more like friendship and obligations but they still knew each other for a long time and now he is gone as well.

Should I have saved him? But then I would probably die at the end because of an 'accident' and nothing would change... It's already too late for doubting myself!

"Mommy..." I whispered quietly, not being able to tolerate her tears without doing anything about them. Sometimes I think that the way the people that don't know me treat me rubs off on me... I can be childish as well.

Unfortunately they heard me and now Ned and my mom are looking at me hiding behind the doors of her solar.

"Impossible..." I could hear Lord Eddard's trembling voice.

"Come here sweetling. Meet your uncle. Lord Eddard Stark. The warden of the North that can't even keep his friend alive!" She said mockingly not hiding the truth and came to me and took my hand leading me to the shocked wolf.

My mother is what you would call a "feisty" woman. She says what she thinks much like Mormonts and Umbers.

"This is my son... Brendan Dustin. Now you know why you Starks take everything I treasure from me?" You tell him mom!

"How... How could it be... H-he didn't have any children...!" He really took a hard hit huh.

"Officially no. Your father made sure of that. Why do you think Brandon's and yours best friend took him in as his own. And then you took his father and stepfather from me and him as well..." She started to get angry again.

The new Warden of the North probably didn't even hear her and started walking up to me when Loki and Laika came in front of him and started to growl showing their little fangs and earning my moms nod as approval. He was even more surprised seeing the two wolves.

"Loki, Laika it's alright!" I came up to them and picked them up, they are bigger now but I'm bigger as well. Ned came closer under my mothers and the pups watchful eyes and knelt to my level.

"You have your fathers eyes and your mothers hair..." He tried to touch my face but Loki wanted to bite him. He didn't react badly to it.

"I'm sorry my lord, they just protect one of their pack..." I told him afraid he will do something stupid, he's the lord paramount now, but he just smiled. Huh? Oh the Stark words about the pack surviving together.

"You have good companions Brendan..." He looked at me and I could swear I could see some happiness on his face for a second. "They're not companions!" I shouted angrily correcting him and he looked troubled. "They're family!" I said snugging my face to the pups getting some licks from them.

"Lady Dustin, let him foster with the Starks." He looked back at my mother. "Your town prospers and your businesses flourish, we can all see the changes on your lands and in other towns. With everything now, you might not have enough time for Brendan..." Oh boy... Ned... you're going to get yourself killed. I looked at my mother and here it comes...

"Lord Stark. Please leave before I tell my guards to remove you by force." The cold tone of my mother is here.

Lord Eddard did understand she's grieving so he didn't took it to heart. I have to admit he's kind of cool!

"You must understand, he's Brandon's son!" He got more emotional as well.

"No, Lord Stark, he's not. Your father made damn sure of that. Leave!" He didn't know what to do, but seeing our house guards opening the door because of the shout he knew that the talk was over.

He lowered his head one last time, looked at me and left with his shoulders dropped.

He turned around at the door and looked back.

"Once a Stark always a Stark Lady Dustin. I keep my pack together as well..." then he left.

Damn cool! He's like Clint Eastwood of Westeros!

I feel a bit bad for him, but remembering how we were treated I can't see this solving peaceful between him and my mother, and even if I admire him, there's no question about my choice.

"Mommy..." I came closer to her and hugged her tightly, my pups felt her being sad and whimpered and licked her dress after I let them go.

"It's alright my sweetling. It's alright..."

The next few days weren't easy for me. My mother was really hit hard, not so much with my stepfathers death as re-living my real fathers execution as Ned told her exactly how it happened... Even now she loved the man.

Somehow I managed to occupy her thoughts until she at least partially forgot about it and because she overheard one time as my stepfather shouted at me while drunk and called me a bastard, since then I think she started to erase the man from her thoughts as well.

I visited Princess Elia and Rhaenys whenever I could, we usually went on short trips or walks around the city together and she was impressed with my land.

Every time little Rhaenys asked about something she too was listening with a small, cute smile on her face.

I told her as well about everything that happened after their 'death'.

She had a hard time with it, but she already was an outsider in the Red Keep even before the war, so the death of Targaryens didn't move her much.

She felt bad about her best friend's Ashara Dayne death until a week later the said person showed up in Barrowtown.


Yours truly made a miracle happen again and not the last one. Lady Ashara decided to leave her previous life and stay with her best friend, that's why the rumors about her death.

My men came just after Ned and from the report she was in the proverbial one foot outside the door or in her case outside the window.

Some shouting, crying and few scratches on my men later, she heard them out and here we are.

Don't even have to say that I'm probably the only man in this world who ever got kissed by the three of the most beautiful women in Westeros and trust me the titles are well deserved!

Ashara knew that my 'father' was killed in the same battle as her brother 'died' as Ned didn't tell her what actually happened and that made us grow closer.

I was now sitting on a cozy, warm, furry blanket teaching my apparently new little sister reading as she started calling me big brother out of nowhere.

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