
Chapter Eight

They trooped out and Harry greeted the guests, before going to the main bedroom. He was not-so-gently tossed onto his bed as their clothing disappeared. Both his ladies had learned a lot about him that day and things quickly escalated from flying around on Harry's lap, while pounding into him, to him enlarging their breasts and modifying their bodies in other ways. He really liked their normal sizes, though he suspected for immortal women, it was a welcome bit of knowledge, to know they could have bigger busts, if they wanted. He'd make them something so that they could show off in their bikinis the next day.

They had a lot of fun, but before long, Harry had worn himself out. Fortunately the ladies had had quite a bit of attention that day already. That didn't mean that they didn't still collapse into puddles of pleasure on his sides, before drifting off with him.

The next day found Harry making a quick addition to his ladies' rings and then going down to make breakfast. Esme had beaten him to it, though, and smiled victoriously when she saw him arrive, with a plate just for him, already in her hand.

"The new addition to the pendant made this a lot easier for me." Esme said. "We should have thought of that sooner."

"So you're fine making human food now?" Harry asked.

"I still have to stand back a bit, so maybe we should make one for me to use when I am cooking?" she asked hopefully.

"Sure. If it helps you develop as a chef, I'd not stand in your way." Harry allowed.

Esme smiled at him, before her eyes widened at seeing his ladies behind him. "Did Harry make those?" she asked his girls, who walked into the room with smiles and two whole cup-sizes larger.

"We asked him nicely, on our knees, like a good wife knows how to." Kate winked.

"You woke me up and played with me and threatened not to finish until I promised!" Harry objected. It was true. He would have done it anyway, but being awoken to a blowjob, only for satisfaction to be withheld, was not a torture any man could stand.

"Harry, I don't want to hear that." Esme said.

"They started it." Harry said, taking the food and going to the table, where the others were apparently already eating breakfast.

"Still, it would be nice-" Esme said as she walked in.

"No!" Harry said. "I don't want to hear that."

"But if it's a simple thing…" Alice interjected, having heard everything.

"I'm only playing with my own wives' boobs, thank you very much." Harry said.

"He added it to our rings." Tanya said, as she sat down. "We'll help you ladies out later."

"But I want some of my own!" Alice wailed.

"Yours are fine." Jasper said.

"But not awesome." Alice pouted, looking at Harry's ladies and their fantastic attractions.

"Benefits of marrying Harry." Kate said, easily. "He tried all kinds of things last night."

"At your request." Harry said. "Seriously, who needs four boobs? I only have two hands, the rest is a waste."

"Back boobs." Emmett said, almost instantly. "You know, for when you're-" He couldn't speak anymore, because Rosalie had placed her hand over his mouth. To be fair, he was about to say something that would have people compare her to a canine.

"I like to hold onto the hips, myself." Harry said, proving that he'd followed that train of thought. "My girls have fantastic-"

"Harry!" Carlisle complained. "We're having breakfast."

"Boys! Behave." Esme said. "Seriously, you two are incorrigible."

"Perfect wives deserve compliments." Harry said, as he continued his meal. Not that he hadn't noticed that Rosalie also had a fantastic ass. He wouldn't say it, though. Not after his last comment.

"That's why he gets morning fun." Kate said.

"He really does like a tight-" Tanya started.

"Ladies! No you too?!" Esme asked, aghast.

"It's true." Tanya shrugged. They wanted to be here, after all. Tanya wasn't really opposed to having them there, but she missed being able to jump on Harry whenever the mood struck, which was often.


Harry had to do some work on the belt. It wasn't something he'd used in a while and he needed to check that it still worked. He went on his own, because he thought his wives would just distract him, like they often did while he worked.

Back downstairs, Tanya was actually having the same conversation with Rosalie. "So, after the last time we distracted him, he asked us to let him work in peace."

"So you walked around naked and had sex with him on every surface in this house, whenever he was trying to do anything but mount you?" Rosalie asked.

"We didn't get to quite all the surfaces until last night." Kate said.

"The ceiling was our last one." Tanya agreed, a little impish smile on her face. They were exaggerating, of course, though they did try out all the beds in the house, not that they'd ever admit that. Kate was the one that started that action, though.

"He cleaned it all with magic, but we felt it was needed." Kate said.

"He can't stand it if we bend just right, from the right position." Tanya said. "Harry is definitely a big fan of our rears."

"Especially naked." Kate agreed. "I was once actually picking something up and the next moment he had me pressed up against the wall, having his way with me." She shuddered at the memory.

"I miss surprise sex." Tanya mourned.

"It's not been a day?!" Rosalie exclaimed.

"I know!" Tanya said. "It's been so long."

When Harry finished his work, he looked at it in satisfaction. Then he went to check on the machine. It was still testing the finished human DNA for genetic anomalies, so he let it carry on and went downstairs, to join everyone else. They were supposed to go to Jacksonville today. Esme was glad Harry had sent a platter along for Edward to use, but wanted to meet Bella's mom as well and would be taking Edward a home-made meal in a sealed container.

Harry didn't have time for all the additions to the pendants, so prioritised adding floating and odour-repelling. They'd still be pale, but they could simply say that it was a family issue and that they used strong sunblock.

Eleazar, Carmen, Laurent and Irina would be staying behind, since Harry and the girls were already three more than Edward's family.

They met up on the beach, where they'd be 'taking in' some sun, before going to Bella's mum's house. Harry had volunteered to make dinner, to bypass the issue with them hiding what they were doing. They met Edward and Bella and set up their spot, before Edward, Jasper and Emmitt rushed to the water. Jasper had Edward's new, improved pendant on him, so they'd swap him out while under the water.

The whole family had fun, eating snacks, drinking cool drinks (since alcohol on the beach was illegal, not that they'd know if Harry wanted to get people drunk), burying each-other in the sand and most of all, doing so around a bunch of humans in broad daylight. They watched as people strolled, children played and old couples sat by the beach, hand in hand, looking at all the same things. It was strange to think the whole group of them, except for Bella, were older than most of even those old people.

By the time the group left, Harry used his power to have his troupe ignored as they entered his one car.

"You should get something bigger." Emmett said.

"Not enough leg-room for you, big guy?" Harry asked, looking back at everyone comfortably seated, not even touching. Well, except for where they wanted to.

"No, I was just thinking, couldn't you get a big camper and make it even bigger on the inside, like this? Then we could all have rooms and do whatever, while you drive." Emmett said.

"It would be easier to explain than all of us showing up in one car." Rosalie allowed.

"Tell you what Emmett." Harry said. "You buy the thing and I'll make it so."

"Deal." Emmett said instantly.

"Then, when I get myself a yacht, you'll have your camper while the ladies and I take a trip around the world." Harry finished. "It's been ages since I've owned a boat. Bet I could get the thing to never need fuel, either."

"And fly!" Kate added.

"For you, my lady, anything." Harry said.

"And the camper too!" Emmett added quickly.

"We didn't agree on that." Harry smirked back.

"Do those two always do that?" Bella asked Edward.

"It used to be Eddie, who got most of the attention," Harry said, "but he's not been around for a while."

"At least you weren't around while they were talking about sex all morning." Alice said.

"No, we were talking about boobs." Harry corrected. "Big difference."

"And then Emmett said back-boobs, and then it was just sex." Alice said.

"Then Harry talked about how he admired his ladies posteriors and then we stopped." Carlisle said, sternly. Bella was blushing already.

"I'm sorry, dear." Esme said. "Harry and Emmett are just having fun."

"All the time." Emmett added, winking at Bella.

"This will never stop, will it?" Esme asked, in realization.

"Not like Harry needs to." Emmett said. "Poor human stamina. That's probably why he makes his mates sleep, when he does."

"It's not inaccurate." Harry allowed. "I can only go so long." He was silent for a moment. "That being said, I can twitch a finger and give them what likely takes you all night to give your mate."

"It's not inaccurate." Kate repeated Harry's words and smirked, victoriously.

"So, Bella, how's your visit going?" Carlisle decided to jump in.

"Mom loves Edward." Bella reported, appreciating the change of subject. "She does think he needs to eat more and get more sun, since he's so bleak."

"Next upgrade on the pendant, promise." Harry said. "I'm just trying to figure out how to conserve energy."

"We're in no hurry, Harry." Esme assured him.

"What did you add?" Bella asked, interestedly. She knew about the things Edwards pendant did, since their make-out sessions had become a lot more enjoyable since, but she didn't know what else he'd added.

"Odour repelling, to save their fragile noses from our disgusting human stenches, and floating, so that they could swim normally and float, rather than sink like marble." Harry said.

"Not all humans." Esme said quickly. "There are just some unsavoury people, who do not bathe as regularly as they should, or use too much perfume."

"You smelled delicious, when I first met you." Jasper said, with a bit of a smile, trying for funny. Unfortunately it failed, since he was the self-proclaimed weakest link, when it comes to control. "But this addition promises to help even my limited self-control." he added seriously.

"Makes sense." Bella agreed, with a nod.

"So, where are we going?" Harry asked as he started them out.

"It's half an hour drive." Bella said.

"North, North-West." Edward said, knowing what was coming and placing an arm over Bella's shoulder.

Harry smirked at him and said, "Hold on tight, Air Potter is taking off."

Stealth activated, the Chevy shot off into the sky, with Bella screaming for dear life as Harry did a couple of loops and high-g manoeuvres. When he levelled off, he was going in the right direction.

Edward was mumbling a few words to calm Bella, but she sat forward and slapped Harry on the back of the head. "You scared the life out of me!" she accused.

"I thought you'd be happy to be in a flying car." Harry smiled in the rear-view mirror.

"Well… I am, honestly. It's awesome, but I'd have preferred a warning." Bella said. "We're not even wearing seat-belts."

"Not necessary." Harry said. "Your boyfriend knew it was coming, and he had a hand on you the entire time."

Bella finally sighed and said, "Thanks, Edward." She knew he knew some things he wasn't sharing with her, but, considering what Harry could do, it wasn't unlikely that he'd ever stop surprising her.

"You're welcome." Edward said, before smiling at Harry, as he watched him in the rear-view, and Harry winked back.

They arrived at Renée's house in a few minutes. Considering Harry still needed to prep for dinner, he was glad for the extra time.

They all got out, while the stealth was still active, and Harry went to retrieve the bags he'd brought with them, from the trunk. Despite their offers, Harry was the only one carrying the many bags. He wanted to make an impression. He was the cook. Apparently Bella had mentioned his prolific skill and when he offered to cook, Edward had suggested that they allow him.

Renée Dwyer, formerly Swan, Charlie's ex-wife, current wife of Phil, a minor league baseball player, was shocked to see the large group of people walking into her home. She'd known, of course, but she'd not expected to see a family of supermodels.

"Hello." she finally said, seeming to come back to herself. "Hi, I'm Renée, Bella's mom."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs Dwyer." Carlisle said, stepping forward and shaking her hand. Phil was also there and seemingly just as shell-shocked. "Mr Dwyer." Carlisle greeted him as well.

Harry waited for most of the introductions to be over, before he said. "Hi, sorry, could someone show me the kitchen, please? I need to get cooking. There's much to be done."

"Oh, sorry, Harry." Bella said. "This way." she indicated and Harry followed her to the kitchen.

"Bella, I'm about to make a large meal in a kitchen that's not ideal." Harry said, after he put everything down. "I need you to keep your parents out of here, so that they don't see anything they shouldn't, okay?" he asked.

"Let me just get Phil a refill." Bella decided.

"Edward will warn us." Tanya said, as she took out the apron she'd gotten for herself, when Esme had claimed Harry's spare, saying that it had sentimental value, since it's the one she started her education in.

"Thanks, Bella, Tanya." Harry said, as the counters cleared and everything flew out of the bags to find a space.

"You're going to cook all this?" Bella asked.

"I'll cheat." Harry said. "If I came here with less food, it would be difficult to explain how everyone ate, now wouldn't it?"

"Yeah. Good point." Bella said, before shaking her head and heading out.

"Harry asked that we stay out of his kitchen." Bella reported aloud, when she re-joined the others.

"His kitchen?" Phil asked.

"Where Harry works, becomes his space." Carlisle said. "Trust me, you won't regret it."

Harry had a full course worked out in his head and items started flying around the room as he copied things separated them, made implements that he used and banished again and to any but him it looked like a poltergeist was haunting the kitchen. Sometimes something would bang into each other, but it was soon followed by a laugh from the other room, as the others laughed it off saying Harry must be doing something special again.

By the time the first item was ready, Harry's wives were there to take them out. They served everyone the correct items, too. "What's this?" Renée asked.

"Chopped lobster with a spicy freshly made mayonnaise, in lettuce." Tanya said.

"How'd he prepare it so fast?" Renée asked.

"Harry's got his tricks." Kate repeated.

"I'm basically just standing by, though." Tanya said. "He's moving through that kitchen like a force of nature. I'd only get in his way."

Renée had taken the lettuce in her hand and bit into the food, like she'd seen Esme do. Her eyes shot open and she groaned. "This is amazing!" she said.

"Told you, mom." Bella said. "Harry's weird sometimes, but he's a chef. Dad told him he should go professional."

"He's not wrong." Phil said, as he, too appreciated the food.

Alice, in the meanwhile was busy out back setting up seating with Jasper. It wasn't anything special, but it was warm and the breeze outside was just starting to cool off, so it would be perfect.

After the appetizers, Harry started getting into the swing of things. Soon, all sorts of foods started exiting the kitchen, while Bella's mom and stepfather just stared. They were seen out and asked to take seats. Harry needed to prepare the food this way, with his ladies taking the food out, in actuality, since he couldn't mix the foods up. Everyone needed to be served, so that's what happened, his wives not minding in the least, because Harry had promised them a reward, later.

By the time the main dish, seared scallops with brown butter and lemon pan sauce, was served, he finally went out to join them, his ladies by his side. Alice had left a space open for them.

"Harry!" Emmett said. "Finally decided to get out of the kitchen?"

"Just one or two courses left, after this." Harry said, smirking.

"When will you get to eat?" Renée asked, concerned.

"Oh, I nibble as I go." Harry chuckled, as he took a bottle of wine and poured himself a drink, while Edward had the forethought to do the same for Harry's ladies, with another bottle. "Eat up people, these taste best warm." he said, as he took a sip from his glass.

It showed something that neither Renée nor Phil commented on his casually pouring himself some wine. He was quirky, but he was obviously a prodigy, so allowances were made.

The main dish was not a large one, but that was the point of multiple dishes. You have time to appreciate everything. This plate was just as appreciated as the previous ones had been.

"How did you do all this?" Renée asked.

"Add heat, stir, take out, serve." Harry shrugged. "Usually some combination of those."

"But this was made in our kitchen?" Phil asked.

"It's only your kitchen when I give it back spotless." Harry said, sternly. "But yes."

"Harry has some really old family tricks." Bella said. "He probably doesn't want you going in there and seeing how he does it."

"Don't spoil my fun, Bella." Harry smiled as he shook his head at her slightly. "Fine, I use a lot of special preparation tricks and ingredients, but I like to keep people guessing. It's part of my fun."

"I'll not look if you keep making food." Renée promised. "Though, I think I'm getting fat just thinking about it."

"This is nowhere near five-star." Harry said, self-deprecatingly. "I use the most important special ingredients."

"Love?" Renée asked.

"What's the other?" Phil asked, nodding along with his wife.

"My special ingredients are, love," he said as he leaned in as if to whisper a secret, "and magic." he finished, smirking at them.

Renée laughed. "Fine, keep your secrets."

"Still, never thought I'd see the day I agree with Charlie Swan." Phil said. "You really have to consider becoming a chef."

"Like I told Charlie, I don't want to do it for a living." Harry said. "I like being in the action, but I also love seeing people enjoy what I make for them."

"He doesn't want to be stuck in the kitchen." Tanya said.

"Sorry, what's your name again?" Renée asked.

"Tanya Potter." Tanya said instantly.

"And she's Kate Potter." Renée remembered. "Family?"

"Harry is our husband." Kate said.

"Wait, what?" Renée asked.

"I declared us married." Harry said. "I was ordained online. I'm a representative of the Galactic Council of the Dominion."

Renée smiled at that. It was just a game that they took too seriously. "Well, congratulations, then." she said with a tolerant smile. "Any plans for children?" she asked, playfully.

"We're still working on that." Tanya said. "Harry's not easy to convince, but we'll get there."

"You have to excuse Harry's eccentricities." Esme said, smiling along. "The girls are quite serious about him though."

"I'm planning the wedding already." Alice put in.

"Family of yours?" Renée asked. She could see the eyes and skin and draw her own conclusions.

"Cousins." Esme said.

"Well, if you'll excuse me." Harry said, getting up. "I've got a snack and dessert to prepare." Then he was off, the girls following him, after getting all the plates together.

"How old is he?" Phil asked.

"Eighteen." Carlisle said. "Same as some of my kids."

"He seems… I don't know." Phil said.

"Old, for his age?" Renée tried.

"He's had a difficult life." Esme said. "We forgive him his eccentricities, because he's such a sweet boy at heart."

Harry was already finished with the rest. The snacks were just palate cleansers, before dessert. Harry and his girls spent the next few minutes cleaning up and actually needing to take more things out of the cupboards to 'wash up'. They'd need to leave them on the drying rack, as evidence of the cooking.

The snacks were small bowls of sorbet. Harry had still done everything by himself, so that everything could taste their best for the immortals.

Emmett looked at the tiny bowl and frowned. "What's this supposed to be?" he asked.

"It's a palate cleanser, Emmett." Esme said. "It's supposed to make it so you can appreciate the next dish better."

Instead of using the provided spoon, Emmett upturned the bowl and swallowed the lot. "Consider my palate cleansed." he said, smirking.

Harry had wondered what he would do and had gone to watch. Emmett seldom disappointed. The look he got back, told him Emmett had known he was there.

Harry went into the kitchen and added the finishing touches to the seven-layer lemon meringue he had prepared. Caramelized sugar crystals in the shape of a lemon, stood on top of each slice. This was a special recipe he'd developed himself. It was literally impossible to create without magic. Each layer had a different texture and flavour, which complimented each-other perfectly, in an explosion of flavour.

He and the ladies served the dessert and Harry sat down to watch.

The girls had been told that it was special, but they'd not seen all the steps, since he made it while they were busy carrying dishes out.

Esme was the first to try it and her first bite actually stopped with the fork still in her mouth, as she groaned in absolute mouth-heaven. The rest soon followed suit and for once, Emmett didn't inhale the food. Rather he savoured every bite.

There was complete silence as dessert was consumed, followed by more silence as everyone looked at Harry.

"That… That was…" Renée finally said, breaking the silence, unable to find the words.

"Magical?" Bella suggested.

"Exactly!" Renée agreed.

"You're more than welcome." Harry said, smiling.

"And you don't want to become a chef?" Phil asked, incredulously.

"I could only create that, because I was not working towards that." Harry said. "Every layer of my seven layer meringue was designed to complement the other, considering texture, taste and the compatibility of each layer. I needed to consider hundreds of things and test the results every time. A professional chef would not have the time for that kind of experimentation."

"So you could sell this?" Carlisle asked, just as impressed.

"This is a recipe only I have." Harry said. "I like it that way. Maybe one-day I can pass it on to the next generation, when I'm old and grey."

"Keep it in the family." Phil said, nodding. "Many families have such special dishes, that they don't share. It's not a bad idea, and a legacy someone could follow and pass along through the generations."

"And he's only eighteen." Renée said.

Harry didn't respond to that, but he got up and started clearing dishes away.

When Harry was inside, with his girls, Renée turned to Esme. "You look at him like you've adopted him, too." she said.

"He's too old to be adopted." Esme said. "We do consider him family, though."

"He's teaching Esme some of his tricks, even." Carlisle said.

"I was never much of a cook, but now I'm making dinners almost every night that my family enjoys." Esme said, proudly.

"Harry's a special boy." Carlisle agreed. "He doesn't just cook either. He does everything with his whole heart. You never have to wonder where you stand with him, because he's honest about it too."

"When he said he married those two, in his heart, he meant it." Jasper said. "He even gave them rings."

"And he's a hell of a friend." Emmett said. "He can take a joke and make them. He's basically the brother we never knew we had."

"But we're not here to discuss Harry." Carlisle reminded them. "We're here to meet the parents of Edward's girlfriend."

With that, the conversation went back to lighter subjects, as stories of Edward and Bella's school days were shared, with Emmett adding to the stories, to make Bella blush, without getting too explicit. He could be tactful, if he chose to. He wasn't as young as he looked after all.

The rest of the evening was quiet and relaxing, until the time was noted and they decided to call the evening to a close.

"Thanks again, Harry." Renée said. "That was probably the best meal I've ever had."

"Sorry for the lacking kitchen." Phil said, rubbing behind his head, as if in embarrassment. "We do mostly simple stuff."

"A kitchen is never lacking, as long as there's room for love and a little magic." Harry said, smiling at the two.

He walked off with his ladies and soon they disappeared, with nobody seeming to notice that they had. The procession followed that trend, until only Renée, Phil, Bella and Edward were left standing there. Abruptly the older seeming of the four, turned around, just in time to miss Carlisle and Esme disappearing.

It was part of the stealth magic, to protect from being noticed, after all. Those who knew, could see the people disappear. Those who didn't would look away, or find something else interesting suddenly.

"Now I just need to figure out what I'm going to do with the rest of the food." Harry sighed as the car disappeared, only to reappear in his Miami garage.

"Eat them?" Emmett suggested.

"There were only four of us eating the ingredients I purchased." Harry pointed out. "There's still a lot left over. I prepared a full-course. Do you know how much work went into that?"

"I think the only people who know, were those allowed in the kitchen and Edward." Carlisle said.

"Here you go." Harry said, handing a stack of containers to Alice. "This is for the others."

"There's more dessert?" Emmett asked hungrily.

"You had yours." Harry said. "Let them enjoy it, too. Trust me, it's not as good if you have it all the time. Sometimes a thing is only precious, because it is not seen every day."

"Besides, we have other things to do." Rosalie said, excitedly.

"Oh, right." Emmett said, suddenly all business.

"That's right." Harry said. He turned to his ladies. "I'm going to ask that you do not enter. This next part is supposed to be between husband and wife. I need to be there, but…"

"We understand, Harry." Tanya said. Kate nodded. She'd insist on the same, when their time came.


Harry walked up to Rosalie and Emmett and placed a hand on their shoulders. Then they disappeared, only to re-appear in the genetics lab.

"Did you just teleport us?" Emmett asked. He knew Harry was capable, but this was the first time he did it with him.

"Basically." Harry said, as they went through decontamination and then walked to the machine and confirmed that everything was ready. He brought up a screen and it showed a single cell. "What you're seeing is Rosalie's first human ovum, since she was turned. The sperm cells are awaiting a specific stimulus to become active and for that, I have to show you something I helped develop, quite a while ago. I tuned it up and ensured it works and now we just need to set the last part up.

"There will be a little discomfort for the both of you." Harry said. He took them to an adjoining room and started.

He showed Rosalie the 'belt', which was a cloth that she had to put around her abdomen. It would mold to her form and basically become part of her for the duration of the process.

"The reason this will be uncomfortable, is because I need you, Rosalie, to get with Emmett. You need to get him to finish inside you." Harry said apologetically. "The belt will capture the moment of… insemination, and allow the sperm to activate and impregnate the ovum."

Then he made a bed for them and told them to couple, before leaving the room.

Rosalie was more than up to the job, it seemed, and finished with Emmett in minutes. Her repeated requests to put a baby in her had him there much quicker than normal, the real possibility of making a baby exciting him quite a lot.

They both walked out of the room, with expectant looks on their faces. When Harry smirked at Emmett, about to make the inevitable joke, he smirked right back and spoke first. "If your ladies can't get you there in minutes, they can learn a thing or two from Rosalie." he said.

"I'll give you that one." Harry said, as he pointed at the large display. "You are right on time. Some of the sperm are making their way to the ovum now."

The sperm moved erratically, as sperm does, swimming blindly around.

"Come on, little buddies!" Emmett encouraged them. "She's right there! Go for it!"

Harry smirked. Emmett was really excited. Rosalie was silent as she watched her future unfold before her. Within a few minutes the process completed and they watched in wonder as the Ovum started to change, before their very eyes.

Rosalie suddenly held her hands over her abdomen and looked down. "What?" she asked.

"The belt has more than the function I told you about." Harry said. "It's now part of you for the duration of the pregnancy."

"Pregnancy?" Rosalie asked.

"The belt will grow, as the child does." Harry explained. "You'll feel every kick, every movement, just like human women do. The best part, and the one most parents appreciate, is the fact that sound can travel into the belt. Your kid will hear you, even here, where the actual fetus will be growing."

Harry had no sooner finished, than he was engulfed in a hug from both the future parents. "You can't know what this means to me." Rosalie said. She wished she could cry!

"Her and me both." Emmett said. He wasn't thinking about crying. He was thinking about how he was going to be a father. He finally let Harry go, even as Rosalie continued to hug him. "Do you know what we're having?" he asked.

"I can do you one better." Harry said. "I can show you what they will look like, when they grow up."

"No!" Rosalie exclaimed. "I want to find out on my own." She let go of Harry and turned to Emmett. "If I find out that you know the sex before they are born, I'll never have sex with you again." she threatened.

"Kid's not here yet and you're already suffering the consequences." Harry said, smiling at the look of fear on Emmett's face. "I'll need you both to step out, then. I need to double-check that the pregnancy is viable and ensure there are no defects." Harry said. "This will mean that I will know what you're having, though."

"Out!" Rosalie said, pushing Emmett to the door. "Let Harry check that our baby is healthy." She shoved him out the door, before smiling back at Harry. "Thank you, Harry. I know you'll be thorough. We'll be waiting outside."

Harry proceeded to confirm that the fetus was normal, projecting the DNA into a compiler and produced the image of what it would look like in a few years. The results had Harry smiling. It would be a perfectly healthy and normal-looking human being. He set the device to run a full battery of tests on the projected DNA, looking for any abnormalities. This one would take a few days, but he'd know everything from probable intelligence and health to features.

When he exited the room, he met the two, right outside.

"Well?" Rosalie asked, nervously.

"Perfectly healthy, as far as what they will look like, at least. No physical defects, from a genetic level." Harry said. "The tests on the structure of the DNA will take a few days to finish, but so far everything looks completely healthy and normal."

Rosalie suddenly exclaimed, "I'm pregnant!" Then she fell on her knees and held her face. She really wanted to cry. "I'm pregnant, and I can't even cry in joy. What will my baby think, when I can't act human?" The next moment, she realized her hands were wet. Her eyes were leaking. She looked up at Harry, gratitude filling her heart, as she was finally able to release her emotions.

"Me too, please?" Emmett asked Harry, as he bent and held his wife. Soon, he too was crying manly tears of joy.

If Harry had known, he'd have done something for them long ago. Crying could be very cathartic. People really should tell him these things. Tears were just saline. Forcing a duct to produce tears, especially with how soft the immortals were most of the time now, was pretty simple. In fact, it was as simple now, as it was on humans. Harry didn't know how he'd work it into their pendants, but he'd find a way.

He left them there and walked down the stairs to the Miami house. He was not surprised to see his ladies there, waiting for him.

"Could you do it?" Kate asked.

"That's not something I'm at liberty to discuss." Harry said seriously. "Doctor/patient confidentiality, you understand."

Tanya tried to contain her emotions as she hugged Harry tightly, but said nothing. She didn't want to spoil the surprise. This would be Rosalie's big moment. It was easy to figure Harry out; he'd have looked different if he'd failed.

They led Harry to his room, where there was privacy, and celebrated for a bit, before Harry fell asleep. The ladies chose not to join him this time and shook off the feeling, as they got up. No chance in hell were they missing the moment Rosalie told the rest.

They went back out and waited where the stairs would appear.


Rosalie and Emmett kept their mouths shut, though. They wanted Harry there when they shared the good news.

That only happened at breakfast the next day. Harry had not quite realized that Esme would always beat him to making breakfast. She didn't sleep, after all. He was just always groggy in the morning and didn't think much further about it.

When everyone was seated, Rosalie stood up. "I have an announcement." she said.

"We, have an announcement." Emmett corrected, joining her.

The rest suspected they knew, at this point, but said nothing, only hoping for the best.

"I'm pregnant!" Rosalie exclaimed, a smile coming to her face, as Emmett reached down and placed a hand on her stomach. Her eyes welled up and a few happy tears escaped. The spell normally worked for a few hours, so Harry just assumed that he'd added too much power.

"Pregnant?" most asked, looking between the happy couple and Harry.

"It's complicated." Harry said. "I can give Carlisle some of the information, since I'm sure he'd appreciate knowing what steps we've taken to protect the fetus, but I'm only ever telling everything to someone when they decide to do this. I also only have the capacity for one of these at a time, so nobody else is getting a baby for the next nine months."

"But, we wanted to-" Alice started.

"It's not to be difficult." Harry said, holding up a hand to stall her argument. "I don't have that many of the devices. I can only do one, because it's a physical limitation I have."

"I'm so happy for you Rosalie!" Esme said, her voice full of emotion, as she hugged her, before pulling away and looking at her face. She wiped away a tear from Rosalie's cheek. "And just a little jealous."

"Harry, can you do this for Esme?" Rosalie asked, as she sniffed.

Harry nodded and soon Esme was crying too.

"Do me!" Alice exclaimed.

"Why do all of you want to cry?" Harry asked, even as he complied. Emmett didn't even make the joke he was expecting at Alice's exclamation.

"It's a happy moment, Harry." Carlisle said. "And very exciting. I'd love to be able to join them?"

Harry complied, and soon Carlisle had shed a few happy tears, as well, as he held his wife.

"Lab projection of subject RE2053, in coordinates…" Harry said aloud, looking around the room, "Alpha, two, three, two. Beta site."

A projection, like a hologram, appeared over the table they were sitting at. The fetus was starting to grow already.

"That's the fetus?" Carlisle asked.

"Baby." Rosalie insisted, even as her eyes refused to leave the image.

"That's Rosalie and Emmett's baby." Harry confirmed. "Real-time."

"That's what it looks like now?" Carlisle asked, as he walked around the table to inspect the three-dimensional rendering. "It looks completely human." he agreed. "It's not going to suffer in an immortal body?" he asked.

"Let's discuss this in the lab." Harry said, finishing his breakfast, as all eyes were on the projection.

"Harry?" Eleazar asked. "Could we request the use of this process next?" he asked.

"Please, Harry!" Carmen added. "We know you'll prioritize your family, but we'd love to have our own. Especially now that we can raise a child reasonably normally."

"I'll not be deciding the order." Harry said. "As far as I'm concerned, we're all family, so there's no playing favourites. Carlisle and Tanya should discuss this among them and work out a fair system. My personal vote is to agree, but only because Rosalie and Emmett will likely raise their child with their uncles and aunts around all the time."

"That's really not up to me." Carlisle said, knowing what responsibility was being forced into his hands.

"It is now." Harry smirked. "I refuse to be the one to choose. Until everyone agrees, there's going to be no more babies."

Harry was still thinking about what to do with the food from the previous evening, as he left the table, and decided to share the wealth, after he gave Carlisle some of the specifics of the process. He'd make a big deal of having prepared a meal already and invite Charlie, Billy, Jacob and maybe tell them they can bring a guest or two. Billy would need to take it easy on dessert, though. That, or Harry could simply cure the diabetes…

Actually, that thought had merit.

Harry called Billy for the first time, that morning.

"Harry." Billy said calmly. He didn't know what to expect.

"Hi, Billy." Harry greeted. "Any chance you can make it out to my house in the next hour or so?"

"Why? Is there a problem?" Billy asked, with a frown. Did Sam do something again?

"No issues." Harry said, calmly. "I just want to speak to you for a bit. You can bring Jacob, if you want?"

There was silence for a bit, before Billy seemed to make up his mind. "I can be there." he decided.

"Awesome." Harry said. "See you in an hour."

When Billy arrived, Harry met them at the car, before Jacob could help his father out.

"Hey, Billy." Harry said. "Hi Jacob. Don't get out. This will be real quick." He stuck his hand into a pocket and pulled out a vial. "This is a cure for your diabetes. It will taste awful and likely smell like poison, but I know it works. Take it, if you decide you can trust me. Oh, and, don't tell anyone. I don't have a lot of this." He handed the vial over and then waved. "Cheers." Then he was gone again.

Harry picked up his phone and called Charlie then. "Harry, how are you doing?" Charlie greeted.

"Hi, Charlie." Harry greeted. "Listen, I'm in a bit of a pickle…"

"Did you knock someone up?" Charlie asked, a bit of humor was in his voice, but he still asked it seriously.

"No, no. Nothing like that." Harry said. "No, I've prepared this whole meal for training purposes and I just realized that I don't have anyone to share it with, with the Cullens off on holiday."

"I thought you were also away." Charlie asked.

"Oh, I come and go." Harry said. "Can't stay out of my kitchen too long."

"So, what, you need me to come help you eat?" Charlie asked. He sounded willing.

"You and a few others, if you don't mind." Harry said. "It's a full course too, so I couldn't eat it all on my own, even if I tried, and some of the dishes might spoil, too."

"You don't have to twist my arm." Charlie chuckled. "Tonight?" he asked.

"7pm." Harry agreed.

"I'll be there." Charlie said. "I'll bring Billy and ask him to invite a few people."

"The more the merrier. I'll only have Tanya and Kate with me." Harry said. If Billy brought some of the wolves, they'd be uncomfortable the entire time, unless he decided to be nice.

"See you later." Charlie greeted.

Harry would be bringing his girls, but they insisted that they'd had enough food and would be playing waitress, while Harry got to enjoy the meal, this time. Harry had treated them to some chocolate body paint. The fact was that they had already finished it, by licking it off his body. He'd made sure it was both filling and delicious. They may have also gotten a bit drunk off it. He did take a shower afterwards though. Knowing it was actually blood, wasn't really something he enjoyed. The ladies knew this, but also noted that he didn't act it, as they enjoyed themselves. He'd be getting special rewards for that, later.

By the time dinner time arrived, Esme and Alice was setting up the table for the food she'd prepared, while Harry and his ladies used the stairs to go to Forks.

They arrived a little early so that Harry could set the kitchen up and properly plate everything, placing preservation magic, so that everything would be just right.

Charlie showed up with Billy and Jacob in his cruiser. A van followed them and Harry was unsurprised to see Sam getting out of the van, but with them were not only the six boys, but two girls.

"Wow. They didn't take your suggestion for the amount of guests lightly." Tanya said. After dividing everything up, Harry had discovered that he had underestimated the amount of food. He'd sent a quick message to Billy, stating that he could bring a few more. He realised who would be coming, but decided to take the opportunity to make some headway with the wolves.

"That's all the seats filled." Kate agreed.

"Awesome." Harry said. "No leftovers."

"Hi, Harry." Charlie greeted. "Got enough food for all these people?" he asked.

"Charlie. You should know better than to underestimate our Harry." Tanya said, taking one of Charlie's arms and leading him up the stairs.

"So, the whole pack, huh?" Harry asked, looking over the assembled people. "There's more of you."

"Are you bringing more bloodsuckers to Forks?" Sam asked, scowling.

"They are all out of town, besides my ladies that is." Harry said.

"This is worrying." Billy said. "If the spirits are awakening so many and you've not expanded your circle, something bad must be coming."

"Probably the Volturi." Harry mused.

"Harry, they aren't supposed to know." Kate pointed out.

"They'll hopefully never find out, then." Harry agreed. "Come on, before Charlie comes back to help. Tanya will only be able to distract him for so long."

"She's showing him the big-screen." Kate said. "He'll be properly distracted for a bit longer."

"Thanks, luv." Harry said turning around and walking to the stairs. Billy's wheelchair lifted up slightly and followed him. "Let's get you up there Billy. If Charlie asks, just tell him the boys helped."

They all trooped after him, some looking at the floating wheelchair with awe.

One of the boys turned at some point. "Come on, Leah. Apparently this guy is some sort of gourmet cook."

Harry looked back and saw one of the Quileute girls just staring at him.

"Leah!" Sam barked. "Move."

The girl seemed to shake herself, before quickly following.

Harry had asked Tanya to light the fire and he'd set up the outside dining area to be a somewhat less formal dining area. He realised that Charlie would not be one for a formal setting and doubted Billy would fare any better. When everyone was assembled, Harry started pouring drinks. Mostly just juice and sodas, but he gave both Billy and Charlie a chilled beer.

"When the next game is on, we're coming here." Charlie said. "Your TV is huge!"

"Had it shipped here from oversees." Harry said. It was actually one he had had before. It was capable of much greater quality than what was currently available on the market, or what the available channels in this world could achieve. "It's still just a tele. I don't see more than what you do. It's just over a larger surface."

"Still." Charlie said. "I want to see it."

"Fine." Harry said. "I don't have any issues with that." He turned quickly, as he saw two of the boys grab another one and prepare to toss him in the pool, fully clothed. "No shoes in my pool." he warned. The kid that had been about to enter the water was laughing, but they put him down. "Feel free to swim, if you want, but I don't like having whatever is stuck under your shoes in my pool. Cool?"

There were a few nods, and soon the younger of the kids were having fun.

Before long however, the ladies started bringing out the food. They didn't have to wait long before they had to start taking plates away, as the pack seemed to wolf everything down in just a few bites. All except for Leah, who kept on staring at Harry and eating slowly, usually as she looked away when he looked back at her. Harry decided to address it and left Charlie with Billy, who had claimed seats near the fire, savouring the appetizer. Billy was doing a good job of distracting him, too. Likely to give Harry some time to talk to the pack members.

"Did I do something to offend you?" Harry asked as he sat down across from her.

"No." Leah said.

"Is there a problem, then?" Harry tried.

"Um. No." she decided.

"This wolf is lusting after you, Harry." Tanya whispered, as she took Harry's plate. "She's basically a bitch in heat. Has been since she saw you."

"I can't help that!" Leah objected.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked. There seemed to be real conflict on her face at the moment.

"It's a wolf thing." Leah admitted.

"You imprinted?" the younger boy from before asked.

"Shut up, Seth!" Leah said, blushing.

"Oh… I think I see." Harry said. He closed his eyes for a moment and concentrated. When he opened his eyes again, they were luminescent. Glowing green eyes met brown, and the girl looked at him with pure love written on her face. Harry closed his eyes again. When they opened, they were his again. "It's a pairing thing. She's mated to me." he finished.

"No." Kate said, as she stopped nearby, having been listening. A plate dropped from her suddenly immobile fingers and shattered on the floor. "He's ours." she said dangerously, quietly.

"Let me help you with that." Harry said as he got up quickly. "If it is what I think it is, I don't think she has a choice. Don't get angry at her because her spirit decided who she's allowed to love." he whispered to Kate, knowing Tanya could hear. He did not know everyone in the pack could too.

"But you're taken." Kate whispered back.

"That doesn't matter to the spirits." Harry said. "She's the only female wolf and I used to be a spirit shaman. They can see the connection I have. They're likely trying to use me to strengthen the tribe with the only pawn they can move in my direction."

Kate wasn't happy, but she knew Harry wouldn't lie about such a thing. If it was true, the girl was only being manipulated by higher powers. To be angry at her, would be like being angry at the sun for daring to shine on her. "Fine." she growled, before she got up and took the broken plate back to the kitchen.

Harry sat with Leah again. "Listen, I think I know what's going on." he said. "If you want, I might be able to reverse this for you. You shouldn't need to feel this way, because of something out of your control."

"No, please!" Leah begged in a whispered plea. "I want this. It's better than it was."

Harry sighed. There was a story there. He'd ask after it later. They were getting a few too many stares for it to be coincidental. "You can all hear me, can't you?" he asked, and suddenly everyone looked away, basically confirming it. "Keep what you heard to yourself. Billy doesn't need to know my past. I'm not a spirit warrior anymore. No beast of the land, sea or sky dwells within my soul."

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