
Vol. 6 - Chapter 61

As the sun began to lower descend past the horizon, Kaori watched the citizens and soldiers finish up their work for the day, with one more person to help them out. This time, Mizaki was amongst them, dressed in her Savior armor, directing the citizens to work a little faster. 

Kaori couldn't help but smile when she saw that. 

Mizaki had been practically living in hiding over the last month or two. The news that there was now a second Savior in Amber seemed to energize the city's citizens, and now, the overall energy seemed much, much more positive than before. Kaori was thankful for that. 

Progress. Only a little, but still.

Despite this fact, however, the portal up ahead seemed to only grow more and more intense in its dark radiance with every minute that passed. As Kaori looked ahead at it, she thought,  how much time do we have left? Two days? Maybe three? Is that enough? 

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