
Vol. 2 - Chapter 65


"We heard that the portal disappeared," Anders said. "So, the mission was a success?" 

"Mhm," Ash nodded, with crossed arms. 

"Good!" Anders chuckled, "that's one less thing to worry about, at least. Our original plan should be good once again. Thank you for your efforts, Savior. Here, I trust this is enough compensation for such dangerous work?" 

The Lord of Sapphire walked up to her and placed a coin pouch in Ash's hands. She opened it and spotted, at the very least, 5 white crowns. He smiled at her as her eyes remained fixed on the coins. 

"Rest, Savior. We may yet need your assistance." 

Ash turned around and walked out of the room. 

It was strange. This entire journey started because she wanted as much money as she could get before inevitably falling to a demon. Now though, the coin pouch in her hands made her feel no different. 

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