
New Day For A New Beginning

All five of them continued walking for the next thirty minutes before finally exiting the woods. They arrived at a clear but huge lake that happens to have a high amount of fog over it. The lake sat by the side of the mountain base. The green trees and starry night sky was just beautiful.

"We have arrived at The Phantom." Norman declared.

"I don't get." Ben asked looking around the entire place seeing nothing but an empty view. Not even Lucy's radar could locate any abnormalities.

Norman smiled in pride as he was about to show Ben what The Phantom are made. He stretched his out his hand to form a fist that held his spatial ring, pouring-in his Mindpower the ring began to glow with silver light around.

Suddenly, in the background a stone platform became visible. Old worn out pillars stood around the platform, engravings could be seen etched on the aged pillars. Ben had only seen something like this once, although not as worn out the difference wasn't too far off. He had seen something like this in the Badlands.

From behind one stone pillar a middle aged man walked out. He approached the group with a stern face, his hands behind his back, his pitch black robe were all so menacing to Ben. Heck, the man's being scares the hell out of him.

"Norman," his voice was deep and dry but his eyes was as sharp as a middle. "You've returned, but without Monte. Care to explain?"

"Greetings master Zod, yes we were unable to return with Monte... it's because he's dead." Norman said a bit sad.

The man before them raised his head to face the sky, Ben could tell he was angry. "Natural cause or...?" he asked still facing the sky.

"He sacrificed himself to give us some time to escape from the hands of the wizards from Fordox Magic Institute, sir." Norman said with his head held down.

"Hmm, very well." sighed the man before looked down at Ben, "And who is this?"

"Even after Monte sacrificed himself for us the wizards from Fordox still came after us, we would have all died if it wasn't for him. He saved our lives." Norman rose his head while looking at Ben.

"And because he saved your lives, is it what gave you the right..."

"He's a Chosen, master Zod." Missy's words interrupted the wizards words.

A hint of anger flashed ever so lightly that it died out when the full meaning of her words registered in his head. He gave Ben one more intense look before looking at Norman for confirmation. Seeing Norman nod he looked back at Ben.

"Hmm? Did I hear you say a Chosen?" they all heard a female voice coming from a broken pillar with a flat top, within seconds a pristine white cat with shimmering golden stripes slowly started appearing.

Ben who was seeing this for the first time has his mouth wide open, it was just so cool. It was like looking at the Cheshire cat from 'Alice in Wonderland' but not the fat one though. "Did that cat just talk?" because the whole place was still quite Ben's whisper was heard. He got embarrassed for losing control of himself.

"This is no ordinary cat, Ben. This is the Guardian Spirit of this glorious institute." Missy told him.

"Good evening Mrs Hogwarts!" all the students bowed with their hands crossed over their chest forming an X.

"Good evening students. Looks like Fordox attacked again, *sigh*. Well then let's quickly go in so you can get... wait a minute. How come you're missing an arm and lost a fellow student, dead, yet, you have no other injuries. Explain yourself Norman." the white cat, Mrs Hogwarts, questioned angrily. Without an answer she immediately spread her aura to cover the four students and Ben, this made them to all fall on their knees.

'I take my words back, this cat is very life threatening than the man!' Ben screamed in his head. He however was able to stand but barely and with shaky legs. Both the middle aged man and cat was stunned but before they could act an answer came.

"It... it's was Ben who... gave us a potion... to heal our wounds." because the brunt of the force coming from the cat was focused on Norman, Pele spoke up.

The two turned back to Ben, Mrs Hogwarts released the students from her aura. Slowly, silently, she walked above the pillar's flat top until she reached the edge, without caring one bit as though she was blind or something, she continued walking.

Ben had wanted to warn the cat but remembering what just transpired he decided not to, 'Let her fall, for all I cares' he thought. However, that never happened, what happened next made Ben realize he still knew nothing about magic.

The cat kept walking... on air!

"Identify yourself." Mrs Hogwarts said, she was inches away from Ben's face.

"I am Benjamin Williams from the Moonlight Kingdom, a Chosen of The Phantom Magic Institutes." Ben declared in a straight voice despite sweating bullets.

"Have you been taught wizardry before...?" she asked coming even closer and whispered, "...don't even lie to me boy." she added rounding Ben's head as she walked on air.

Thinking for a while Ben finally answered. "No." He knew he wasn't lying, no one ever thought him how to manipulate the elements he was given when he came to this world.

Staring into Ben's eyes she stood there trying to figure out something from Ben. Ben was indeed nervous but did nothing but stood too.

"How did you heal their injuries?"

"I used a potion of mine." Ben answered.

"So," the cat turned tails and began strolling back to the broken pillar "you're trying to say you have a potion that can patch up wounds that accompanied the reason why his arm is missing but cannot regenerate his arm? why's that?"

"It can only mend torn flesh and muscles but cannot recreate an entire arm." Ben's answer was filled with confidence.

"Where did you get that potion from? Or will you say something inbetween, you bought it or you made it yourself."

Ben has to choose between exposing his talent or keeping it in. It not like he doesn't want the attention he just doesn't want it so soon. "I got it the recipe after going into the Badlands to complete an S rank mission, and yes I made it my self."

Gasps rang out from all three sides, each and every one of them was shocked. The students knew Ben was an Elemental Swordsman but hearing his mission was something else. They all knew too well where and what the Badlands is, this was because no one from their Institute has ever made it back alive after taking that mission.

"Very well. Master Zod, please take Ben here to the administration tower and to the tower he is assigned to when he's done. Just hope you're a fast learner boy." Mrs Hogwarts told the middle aged man and Ben respectively. After that it reached the broken pillar and stretched lazily before laying down like it was about to take a nap, slowly she started fade away.

"Put on your ring." Master Zod said in the same dry and deep voice, his gaze threatening to pierce through Ben's skull.

Ben inserted his ring on his right hands middle finger, and that's when he remembered something very important to him. "What about my mount, can I bring him along with me?" Ben asked pointing at the fiery red stallion at the back.

"As long as it doesn't cause trouble, that is. But I highly doubt that this is a good mount for you." Master Zod said looking at the horse with a slight frown.

"Why do you say so?" asked Ben.

"Hmm," Master Zod sighed before looking at the students who had stood up by now. "It might be better you see yourself. Now for all of you, gather around." the rest came onto the stone platform and stood, nothing happen and Ben thought it was weird until Master Zod spoke in Molta. "Accipe nos ad Phantasma!"

Immediately the words left his mouth a white light shone from beneath their feet in the style of flames before engulfing them whole.

Ben felt a suction force around his body, he started spinning which made him very dizzy. Ben closed his eyes tightly and grabbed on Flamion's reign. He felt himself being lifted off the ground before dropping down again. He lost his balance and tripped somewhat, lucky for him having an enhanced body he held himself before he could reach the ground. His head was turning and he was feeling funny, he didn't know why but tried to hold down whatever it was.

"Hmm, you look quite... ah, I knew it would come eventually." Master Zod's raspy voice came from the side.

Yep, Ben still threw up. Even his physically enhance body was no match for what took place. Every single person who used a teleportation array for the first time will inevitably throw up, unless you are strong enough on your first try but that's unlikely.

Now Ben knew what that funny feeling was and knew he never wants to experience such a thing again. Taking in a few gulps of air he calmed himself. He stood up and when he saw his environment a clear gasp was heard.

The sky was clear with very tall towers driving their way into the sky. Ben could tell the air here was very pure and refreshing. Ben could swear he was seeing things that can only be described as a fantasy right in front of him. Up in the sky aside the towering towers, he could make out people with wings flying with its support, people who had their legs replaced by a little whirlwind lifting them off the ground.

At one side Ben saw what looked like a park used for relaxation, there he saw many types of beasts, some he had seen during the day Chosens were selected, there were still many though that Ben didn't even know about and some he did.

Every beast seem to be sitting next to someone or accompany someone for a walk. He even saw a giant blue wolf playing fetch with a metal pole. Griffins, Pegasus', Sabertooths, Sauni, Drakes, giant eagles and many more were all in one place.

Ben kept watching this in awe as he was directed towards the paved cobble stone road, until something caught his attention. At every tower doors people would occasionally appear or disappear or simply just walk through it. 'That looks familiar, like in a movie or something' Ben thought. This was like a new beginning for him and he will try his best to make the best out of it.

"Welcome to The Phantom Magic Institutes." even though Ben wasn't facing Master Zod he could clearly hear the pride in his voice.

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