
The Delicate Nuances of the Hyperdrive

Ferin Striped Tail, a student at the Institute of Magethechnology, listened to another scientist who talked about known things. Most of the science conference attendees showed up to once again demonstrate the quality of science in their sectors. These conferences allowed them to brag and talk about the advantages of one race's thinking over another.

Lee had long understood the basic problem with the theory of hyperdrive structure.

When a ship enters hyperspace, it leaves its natural being or material space. This phenomenon is known as pseudo motion. It is the result of tremendous acceleration, perceived in the natural environment as a hypervelocity mismatch. The velocity is the maximum normal speed. But in unnatural space, the normal laws of velocity do not work.

At hyperspeed, the universe condenses into a blue tunnel that effectively cuts the ship off from normal detection and observation methods. The ship enters a mysterious space.

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