
Huh!? Reincarnation

This is going to be a shit fanfic but oh well, don't expect much from the MC.



For those that don't know I died well shit, I wasn't able to finish the last part of my manga which I was at the last chapter of cowboy beep bop.


I screamed as I wish, I could've finished it but no. I had died in the middle of the street wearing headphones listening to my music as a fucking hit me straight on.

I don't feel nothing and anything in general, everything is dark is this what death supposed to feel like?

Feels like shit!


A light? even tho I didn't have a body, I still felt something as if pulling.


I felt something no thats not it I could feel now!

I open my eyes and I now see a ceiling and i'm started to feel something.

*Cough* Cough*

I started coughing harshly as something came out of my mouth. A piece of chicken bone came out of my mouth.


it hurts what the fuck was that. Now getting the memories flowing in all I see now is that the owner of the body died eating a chicken in his own bed laying down.

Poor lad thats one way to die in a way its quite something but this guys body which is mine now.

'Don't worry whoever died i'll take care of this body' Couldn't help say that to my mind now. Picking the piece of chicken bone and the plate where the rest of the food was I threw it in the trash.

[System integrating.....]


What the actual fuck is this i'm now hearing voices in my head?



[Lustful system fully integrated]

Lustful system?

Don't tell me is one of those. Out of all good one's I get this? Where is my OP system where I can power up more faster as systems like these you have to do more than expected.

But doesn't mean I don't mind, I wonder what kind of beauties I can get.


[Hello Host i'm your system of lust and i'm here to help you conquer beauties and help you get stronger to protect your future wive's]

"Woah! well thats something but can I talk to you in my mind?"

[Yes Host]

Much better! I don't want to sound like a dam lunatic out on the streets talking to my own system. Reading those fanfics sure do help.

'Can I see my stats.'



[Bane Cruiser]

Gender - [Male]

Age - [17]

Race - [Human]

Points - [0]

Talents - [Pheromone body]

Title - [Music Lover, Depressed boy, the lonely]

Strength - [5 - Weak like a chicken]

Agility - [15 - able to escape from junkies]

Endurance - [15 - able to handle some punches]


Seeing my stats, I had nice looks but haven't seen them myself in a mirror and i'm 17 years old. No skills my titles which not important but music lover sure am we have similarities! A lonely person? I guess the owner of the body was lonely most of the time.

Now looking at my current body stats this old host body really was weak. It's my time to make it even better as it's my body now.

Endurance, i'll work on that mostly everything at some point. I go to the mirror where the bathroom is as memories started to pour in and where to go in the house. Looking at myself i''m sure handsome but i'm skinny at least i'm not skinny where my rib cage is showing entirely. I have purple hair and white hair. Now thats quite the combination of color. But it makes me attractive I like it being unique.

Now that aside.

I'm in my boxers.

Then tears out of no where started to come out of my eyes as I receive a memory where the parents of the old owners body died in a car crash and that was this year. This just want to 0 to 100 real quick from me checking myself out to this.

Oh I see, as more memories come in the old owner of the body just shut himself from the world well thats quite something. I get it, imagining loosing parents not like I had any in my old life. But it still hurts me even if they were not my parents, balling my fist with anger as it's another shit luck I have.

But the old owners body, he lost them as they were abroad working on their jobs and he was living with someone without being with his parents.

It does hurt right now but I will great use of this second life! So I wipe the tears from my eyes.

Now going back to my room I put on some clothes, I can see headphones as this was a music guy, mad respect. The room is really dirty and disorganized which I clean the room now. Which I did and it took time to clean up this messy room but all worth it.


Going downstairs as I smell delicious food. I then see in the kitchen a stunning beautiful woman with hair passing slightly from her shoulders. So this is the person i'm now living with currently what a woman.

All I see is a big breasted woman with perfect body curves and pink medium size hair wearing a pink apron.

Wow thats a woman.

'System whats the status of her?'


[Shiori Arima]

Gender - [Female]

Age - [35]

Race - [Human]

Affection - [30% - someone caring for you as a friend]

Title - [Caring woman, Kind woman, God cook, the pink beauty, single woman, milf]


Quite something well I guess she only sees me as a good friend.


So thats her name huh, well she's way prettier than the woman in my own world.

[Quest received!]

A quest already? I have't even been in this new world for like 1 hour.

I opened the quest logs and then clicked on the quest I have.


[Main quest]

[Objective - Conquer, Shiori Arima]

Shiori - [Not Conquered]

[Background- A beautiful woman that loves to cook and wants to be a housewife and wants a husband that can love her, currently looking for a husband that traveled to japan and live here]

Time limit - [20 days]

Rewards - [Weapon Master, Lie detection, Ak-47, 1,000p]

Penalty - [Shiori finds a husband, you loose your dick, loose relationship]


You gotta be kidding me this is absurd. Holy fuck I lose the ability to not reproduce. I can't have that shit happening to me.

I will make this woman mine.

"Hello Shiori"

Shiori jumped a bit as she was surprised that Bane actually came out as she always has to go up there and leave the food in front of the door. As she missed the old Bane cheerful and everything.

Brights up the mood and makes her laugh. Now she eats alone and makes her lonely and thought maybe she should move out to find someone else.

"Bane!? Do you need something?"

"Yeah I just wanted to eat here with you"

[+20 Affection]

That made Shiori surprised but happy as it lightened the mood, making her smile. I saw that I earned affection points from her and thats good

"Good, food will be ready in 5 minutes"

Shiori was happy that Bane got better since his parents death he never came out of his room and she tried to cheer him up but never worked. Loosing faith but still hanging there staying by his side. As he helped her in her life by lending a spare room to her and she could start working without worrying.

But pays rent every month but only a small portion as he made her do that. Since Bane payed for the rest of the rent.

"Ok i'll wait here"

Shiori nodded and happily started to cook with a smile on her face.

Wow her ass is big and I wonder how it feels like spanking her. Knowing that I have a quest on her, I should learn what this talent does.

'System what does Pheromone body give me or help me with'

[Pheromone body -> body will help you get woman faster and make them lust, love and devote to you but you will need to work hard as when you hit 100% affection they will follow you every desire but still have their own will unless you don't want them]

Nope I don't want them to be robots or some shit.

'How do I activate it? Or can I make it turn on and off?'



[Talent - Pheromone body]


[Description - Makes woman attracted to you more as it ignites their desire the more they are affected by the Pheromones that you give out in a close range but it is more affected when touching the person as it ignites their desire more faster to be overcome by lust for you]

[Mode - Off]


I see really useful and the only one I got from coming to my second life. But I like the system said it entirely different than what the description was of the actual ability was. But whatever it is what it is.

"Food is done lets eat Bane"

"thank you for the food Shiori"

Getting bits of memories from the old host coming to me as they just call themselves by the first name without any horrific. We are in japan thats where I live currently. I have school too which the old host didn't go to. I have neighbors and friends I think female friends.


"something the matter Bane?"

Shiori asked in a worried tone since he did just come out now.

"No it's nothing its just, i'll go back to school well finish my last year of high school"

"Oh i forgot you have to finish school, doesn't your starts in 10 days"

"10 days? Thats enough to do many things"

"Like what?"

"Bettering myself! Of course"

Shiori smiled at Bane's enthusiasm, feeling that he really is back t his old self but feels more different but can't put a finger to it.

"Good and try to talk to your friends as they are worried about you"

"Yes I will Shiori"

We finished eating as Shiori gets up.

"I will have to go to my job now"

"Take care Shiori"

Shiori now went back to he room to change into her job uniform which was an assistant to someone in her job. The uniform looked tight as it showed off the curvaceous body that Shiori has.

Her breast looked so big that it could pop off any moment from the clothes.

"Bye Bane see you at night"

"you too Shiori"


Shiori left the house and went to her job. I then questioned does she have a male boss if she does that man could be dangerous a perverted old man or someone perverted.

Which was my inheritance of the money that my parents left behind. I have to use it wisely.

I could make or use it to make a restaurant that could be huge. But it would cut my money to 1 year if i thin about it. Only having 200,000 yen in my bank account. But I would need a head chef and waiters.

I can't cook but I could maybe have Shiori cook as my head chef as her cooking is super good. People should know that she can cook but waiters maybe have people the old host had.


Old host = dead person that died from chocking on a chicken

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