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Damien has lived a quiet life in riddleston ever since the terrible demise that met his family, he has a dark and twisted past that he has kept hidden with a built up personality that shadows his cynical and dubious side, But things get a little twisted when strangers from his past storm into his newly found serenity in life, hoping to find a part of him that hasn't existed in years, the part of himself that he keeps hidden from the world, Little did they know that poking the past could be very dangerous.

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The strong scent of coffee filled the air and with every breath it only got stronger,

You could see almost the whole town from the coffee shop, it was positioned at the center of riddleston,

The town with retired old sneaky politicians and rich business mogul and magnate from all parts of the world with their over pampered privileged children and slutty wives, if you liked those kind of companies then riddleston was the place for you,

*miss jane...*the strong baritone voice coming from the counter was damien's,

He owned the coffee shop which still surprised locals for some reason because his Father was one of the most successful moguls, if not the number one and they were also rumors that he was a consigliere but that part was probably a lie,

He and his twin sister used to be the talk of riddleston' high school but after the tragic demise that met his sister and the horrible accident his parents were involved in a year later, he barely talked to anyone still doesnt now but he kind of got his life back, everyone thought he'd be so rich after his parent's death and even move out of town but that didnt happen, which made people wonder where all the family' wealth went to,

*miss jane? * damien called out for the second time to the young lady standing in front of him,

*I'm sorry* jane said with a blithe expression all over her face,

*I'm so sorry, i'm having the worst morning* jane apologized again smiling as she picked up the cup of coffee with her name on it from the counter,

*well, i hope it gets better soon* damien replied charmingly before calling the next person with the cup of coffee already in his hand.

After three cups of coffee and hours of sitting just staring at the laptop screen in front of her, her face puckered like a child about to cry,

*rough morning, aye* standing in front of her, still with the charming smile on his face,

*can i?* damien asked pointing to the seat that was opposite her,

*please* jane replied urging him to seat,

*the morning clearly hasnt gotten better and its almost noon* Damien said easing into the chair,

*you have no idea* Jane replied trying to force out a smile,

*sorry, my name is jane* she said patting her forehead with her hand,

*i kinda figured that out after the third cup of coffee....so whats making this morning which is about to be mid day a bad one?* Damien asked

*i'm supposed to be writing this article on sub urban lifestyles of women married to successful business men but i have absolutely no idea what or how they live their lives, i honestly thought this was going to be one easy article but the empty screen i'm looking at clearly says otherwise*

*i know a thing or two about sub urban lifestyles maybe not intensely but some insight which am guessing would be alot of help*damien said trying to help,

*i'd really appreciate it, how out of the ordinary can their lives be*jane asked

*you'd be surprised...not all of them have real jobs except if you consider shopping, a ton of it and going to different spas every day to get their skins pampered a hell of a job then they are getting very busy* damien replied smiling,

*but that doesnt sound like a job* jane said

*to sub urban house wives its quite alot, you'd think they do meaningful things, for women married to millionaires but just a few do actual meaningful things and fewer ones that dont announce to the whole world their few good deeds* damien's eyes gleamed with a smile on his face,

*whats so funny? thats alot* Jane replied

*its past noon...* damien said looking at the watch on his wrist,

*i spent the better part of my morning talking to you and you helped me tremendously*

*well, i'm happy i could help, would you like to grab lunch?.... I would offer you here but i sell just coffee and muffins * damien smiled asking,

*very good coffee at that.... Why not, i'm little bit hungry from all the coffee i've been drinking* jane replied looking at damien, there was something about his face that locked her eyes on them, she was clearly attracted to him but who wouldn't, with those childlike dimples and emerald green eyes it was impossible not to stare even a little,

*come on then, i know a good place just down the street* damien said getting up and walking towards the counter,

He leaned forward talking to someone at the other side and turned to see if jane was ready,

*after you * he gestured holding the door for her.

*this is quite the place you guys have here* jane said looking around the restuarant,

*the owner did put alot of work in it* damien replied

*do you know the owner? * jane asked as they took their seats

*a little bit, we went to riddleston high together*damien replied

A waiter walked up and dropped a menu for both of them,

*you should try the pasta* damien suggested

*its really good, its the best in town they say*he added

*pasta it is then* she said signaling to the waiter to come over, the waiter walked up to them and picked up the menu and took their orders,

*so how was it like growing up in riddleston, if you don't mind me asking* she leaned forward with her hands placed beneath her jaw relaxed on the table,

Damien took a deep breath and smiled

*it was amazing actually, we moved here when we were two, then the town was still very welcoming.... *

*we? * jane asked

*..... me and my twin sister blair, i'm sure you must have heard stories* damien said

*there were always stories spreading in town then and even now, but that didn't make them true* jane replied

damien looked at her and smiled,

*it wasn't the case for most people still isn't, people were always so quick to say something, to give their opinions, still are if you ask me*damien said,

*after blair' death, my entire life went downhill from there but before that everything was beyond fine and dandy... *

*my parents died when i was eight, my aunt took me in and we moved to riddleston to start afresh*jane said,

*most people thought i would skip town after my parents died but the big surprise was me staying and working through it all, for some twisted reason people expected otherwise....it took alot of time for people to stop looking at me very strangely*damien added,

*well, you should be proud of yourself* jane said smiling as she took his hand in hers trying to make him feel better,

*and that smile... *she added laughing

*don't make me blush*damien replied,

The waiter placed both plates on the table with a glass of water and walked away,

*this looks amazing* taking in the aroma that came from the plate of pasta, jane picked up the fork beside the plate and rolled the pasta on taking a full fork of it.

*that tasted amazing* jane said walking out of the restuarant with damien,

*thank you very much for the food, for helping me with the article....*jane said looking at him, she leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek,

*we should do dinner sometime*jane added

*we definitely should*damien replied with a grin on both sides of his cheek as he watched her walk away.

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