
Chapter 17

Patricia blinked "No.. .he disappeared a long time ago, no one knows where he is."

"Oh… " Xander frowned then shrugged. "Well… I have to say you were NOT who I was expecting, was honestly thinking he would rope in Helena or maybe Zatanna into doing this, but have to say your… experience will probably help a lot."

He looked at saw the confusion on both faces, and shook his head. "Typical of the man, tells no one nothing, yeesh no wonder Dick was pissed at him so often. Come on, I will explain and you two can decide."

He lead them to a door in one wall and pushed it open. Inside was a nice living room with a couple chairs and a couch, TV, a small galley kitchen to one side, and then a door leading, most likely to a bedroom. "I just finished getting my decorated, but other than some basic appliances the other two apartments look just like this but blank, I was given a debit card for each apartment so you could decorate it the way you liked." Xander remarked waving them to take a seat.

"Well I suspect you were given little information, so let me start by explaining who and what the Slayers are." Xander gave them the watchers speech, modified a little by what Diana had told him about the victory that had occurred in this reality, then he got into Willow's' spell, the awakening and the consequences in demons and vampires.

Xanders' explanation took a while and there was much discussion about the slayer, what to do with them and how to deal with the vampires and demons that seemed to follow. While they knew Xander was not from their world as he had explained about Willows spell, he had not covered how he got to this world, nor did the JLA or Batman come up in conversation at all. However his knowing them did. Nearing the end of the discussion, after hours of talking and one delivery of Chinese food; Xander had prudentially already gotten the menus of all the local restaurants, Lamont raised the question.

"So Xander. Exactly how did you know who and what I was and who Pat is?"

"Yes please explain, I have been wondering that myself." Inserted Pat, having greatly enjoyed the evening so far.

Xander sighed leaning back. "Lets just say that where I come from you two as well as others are well known, and I tended to pay attention to things about you." Trying hard to not lie but not explain everything either.

Lamont grinned "Your mean in your world I was a celebrity?"

Xander smile "You could say that, they even made a movie about you."

Lamont laughed in surprise. "ME? How very odd."

Before they could delve into more questions, Xander yawned hugely. Partially faked but mostly not.

Lamont glanced at his watch. 'My, we have been here a while, haven't we?" It was 4 am and suddenly everyone realized how tired they were.

Xander stood, "Pat, Lamont, your rooms are unfurnished at the moment, but I do have beds set up in a few of the rooms upstairs, if you would like to crash here?"

Both agreed as the though of finding a taxi and a hotel at this time in the morning was not pleasant. With a promise to show them the rest of the facility when they woke, Xander quickly tucked them in and headed to his room. Before he crashed he left a message for Zatanna that he really needed to talk to Batman before too long or Superman for that matter. Xander's head hit the pillow and he was asleep.

The next thing he knew he was awake peering into the darkness, his eye picking out the darker than dark form in the room. "You know there is such a thing as a phone or doing something called knocking?" Xander remarked dryly.

Batman's eyes narrowed, he had barely entered the room, even Superman rarely reacted this fast, most of his protégées usually took 30 seconds or so. "Overrated." Was his only comment.

Xander flipped on a lamp on the nightstand and looked at him. "I see. So did you enter through the door or one of the multiple exits I know you had installed around here?"

Batman blinked "One of the exits."

Xander signed. "You gonna leave me a blueprint or make me find them?" Silence was the response. "Why am I not surprised? Fine I'll find them. Look I danced around how I knew who Pat and Lamont were, and yes I knew both of them, which I am sure you anticipated. Though Pat was much younger than I expected. I want to know how much to tell them. I know I have to much information in my head that is dangerous, especially after I saw J'onn."

Batman looked at the kid, he wasn't as… shortsighted as he thought. Batman leaned against the wall looking at Xander. "J'onn can't read you, you barely register."

Xander blinked in shock. "How odd."

Batman leapt on that "You have met telepaths before?"

Xander shrugged "Buffy could read minds for a while, side effect of some demon blood. Read my thoughts loud and clear. But Lamont couldn't blur my mind at all either." Watching Batman closely.

Batman relaxed slightly. If Lamont and J'onn couldn't read or touch his mind at all maybe the risk was not as great as he had feared. "What did you tell Lamont and Ms. Savage? And why do you say younger?"

Xander still watched him closely as he answered. "That I was from another reality and that in my reality they were celebrities of a sort. That Lamont had a movie made of him, Doc did too but didn't tell them that. I left it there and didn't mention anyone else, but neither of them are stupid and lying would cause problems down the road. As to age, from what I remember she was born around 1916 or so, so if its 2005 here, she should be 80 something not 40. But that is assuming that the time lines are the same here."

Batman choked a bit. "40? No that matches the information I had. I knew she had aged well and figured a few years one way or the other might be off, I had thought she appeared about 60."

Xander snorted. "No, we are talking Bruce Wayne dating level of looks here. Hmm… so she isn't aging any more normally than Lamont. Oh how sad for them." Xander remarked dryly.

Batman had to fight to keep his lips from twitching in response. "Interesting information. Tell them only what you have to, leave as much out as you can. I will trust your judgment.. for now." Batman stood up straight and headed for the door.

"Oh just and FYI, don't trust Maxwell Lord or Lucius Fox – or at least not lightly."

Batman froze then whirled around a deadly glare on his face for Xander.

Xander shrugged. "Look last couple years have been busy, I'm just saying some of what I saw in issues I read implied things, but I don't know anything for sure, just… be careful." With that Xander flipped off the light and laying back down and rolled over. Leaving a perplexed and now worried Batman standing in the dark. Before he could leave Xander did say one more thing. "Check out OMAC. That's 'bout all I remember." With that Xander was back asleep.

Batman headed back to the Batcave at great speed, fear now rampant.