
Arranged Marriage (Park Jimin) Pt.2

You stood there in the middle of the cafe, holding your bag as you tried to blink away the illusion that you thought was seeing. But by the seconds, the illusion remained and you realized that the man in front of you is indeed the same person that you saw the other night in the club.

He looked so different in a suit without a tie. His dirty blonde hair was now styled to the side revealing his flawless forehead. He raised his arms and waved at you causing you to snap out of your trance.

Doesn't he remember me? You wondered taking a closer look at his face trying to read his expression but you failed to see any fascination, almost as if he doesn't remember that you were that same girl that forced a kiss on him.

He smiled at you as he gestured to you that he was the one on the phone with you. You cleared your throat forcing a smile to surface. You had no way out so you walked up to him and sat across from him.

"You are Ms. Y/N, right?" He said, his voice was the closest thing to angels to you. Everything about him was soft and gentle, almost like a piece of crystal in the middle of New York times square.

"Y-yes, that's me," you replied as you adjusted yourself in your seat.

"You are as beautiful as they told me," he confessed, rubbing the back of his head in frustration trying to hide the shade of pink that was spreading across his cheeks.

You smiled for a split second before hiding it with the back of your hand. "Thank you I guess," you replied formally. Sometimes your strong personality surprises even you.

"I know that you were most probably against this all," he added. "But...I have to say that I was looking forward to this...meeting you I mean."

The more he talked the more you knew that he had no idea who you were. You still couldn't decide on how you felt about it. Were you glad? Or were you frustrated that he is ignorant of the truth? You still didn't know.

But, one thing was certain. You were glad that you were here. For once you thanked your father for this opportunity. Yet you found it hard to believe that this is the same person as last night. That wild-looking man was now replaced with a flustered young man.

You had to admit that you liked both, equally.

"I only came to quiet my father," you confessed, crossing your legs as you talked. You saw the look of disappointment on his face. His mouth agape wanted to say something but nothing.

"But I have got to admit that this isn't so bad," you smirked, taking a sip of your coffee that was now on the table. Looking through the glass window trying to stay cool, feeling his excitement pierce through you.

"Thank you!" He exclaimed.

You nodded taking another sip, that was when the realization that you forgot to ask his name.

Before you never knew their names because you knew that you are never meeting again.

"I never asked what is your name?" You said as you locked eyes with him. The moment that you asked him you knew that now there is no other choice other than to be happy that he had no idea who you were, and you hoped he stayed that way.

"Jimin," he said in the same sweet voice that made your heart melt. "Park Jimin."

You nodded with a soft smile, missing the look of fascination that he gave you but it was soon wiped off. He had a feeling that if he allowed himself to be all over you then you were going to run away. "It's nice to meet you Jimin," you helped yourself to call him with his first name. A feeling inside you screaming that you were going to be more than just friends, or acquaintances.

Your heart was slamming inside your chest. You were the only one that remembered that kiss, you remembered what those plump lips felt against yours as you completed your dare. But you dared to let that off your mind as you allowed yourself to sink in the conversation that the two of you were having as you got to know each other better.

You never smiled this much from your heart until now. That shy smile that he put on every couple of seconds made your heart flutter. You admired how his eyes narrowed as he laughed while covering his mouth. How much you wanted to tell him not to hide it, but you felt that you weren't at that point yet. The mistake that you did the other night wasn't going to be repeated.

You finally remembered that you had to head to work, you looked at your watch. You had 30 minutes to head to work on time. The disappointment slapped you across the face. You sighed. "I have to head to work now," you stated as you gathered your things. "Where are you headed?"

"I have to head to work too," he smiled sadly. "I have a feeling that I was overwhelming you with everything." He ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

"Not at all," you refused. "I enjoyed talking to you." You smiled reassuringly at him as you stood and he copied your actions. You walked to the entrance, every now and then you would steal a glance at his perfect side profile. He was utter perfection in your eyes. He turned his head and looked at you causing you to lose your cool for a moment.

"Can we meet again?" he said, hesitation clear in his tone. You felt the butterflies in your stomach as he asked. Realizing that you were hoping that he would say that. You blinked a couple of times as he stared at you with anticipation with his wide dark eyes. There was no way that you were going to say no to that.

"Definitely," you replied. "text me the place and time."

The moment that you sat down on your desk in your office, you couldn't keep that stupid grin off your face as you replayed the time that you shared with Jimin earlier. You had an urge to call your father and thank him for this chance but you also didn't want to go ahead of yourself. After all, Jimin had that side that there was no way that you would have known if you haven't gone to the club the other night.

He was the complete opposite, even the way that he styled his hair was different, he was like a different person. And you still couldn't quite believe that he doesn't remember you. You snapped out of your trance feeling the vibration that was going on in your pocket.

You pulled out your phone to see the text message from Jimin.

*I enjoyed our short time together. I hope that you would accept going out to dinner with me tonight at 8. If it's a yes text me your home address I will pick you up."

You felt the butterflies in your stomach going wild. You were grinning like an idiot at your phone screen. You were already looking forward to tonight as you texted him your address while biting down on your nails in frustration and anticipation.