
Heavenly Court


15 chaps ahead on Pat.reon: pat.reon.com/MonkeyGodking

What does a baby computer call its father? Data.


The rest of the last year was lackluster.

Gin, Hiro, and Zerotwo tried to continue the competitions but stopped after the 2nd one without Joichiro. The entire dorm was abnormally quiet.


Everything passed without a ripple.

Gin, Hiro, and Zerotwo graduated, 1st, 2nd, and 4th seats.

Hiro told Senzaemon that he was leaving, going to Italy to start a restaurant there. Senzaemon nodded and told him to send him the address when he chooses it. Hiro nodded as he still needed Soe to come to discuss food sales with him.

Plus, it might be nice to see the old man once in a while.

Gin was offered to cook at the Totsuki resort and he agreed. Hiro and Zerotwo congratulated him before promising to meet again one day and leaving the school after graduating and saying goodbye to everyone.

The duo took a flight to Italy and started scouting for a good restaurant location.

They were walking around Venice, holding hands.

They stopped on a bridge over one of the many water roads and looked out over the water. From where they were, you could see the sun set.

Hiro placed his hand on top of Zerotwo's on the railing of the bridge and said "Love." she looked out and hummed in response, he smiled "Let's get married." She froze and looked at Hiro in shock, she said with a shaky voice "Li-Like a big wedding?"

Her breathing stopped and she looked at Hiro with a heart beating faster and faster with each second. He looked out and smiled "A big wedding, with a beautiful long white dress, a bunch of people..." he turned and smiled lovingly "Just like Mitsuru and Kokoro."

She sniffed and started crying "Yes, please... I've been waiting for so long..." Hiro felt his heart ache looking at her tears of joy. She shouldn't have been waiting so long, it was all his fault. He hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead, rubbing her back, saying "I'm sorry it took so long."

She sobbed "It's not your fault, my love. Besides, I'm so happy!" though she was crying still. He just hugged her and kept silent, she snuggled into his chest and gripped his clothes tightly with a small smile.

His hands reached up to her face and wiped her tears away before he gave her a soft smile. She smiled lightly and asked "When, my love?" Hiro looked into her eyes and stroked her cheek saying "Whenever you want." she smiled and said "1 year from now."

Hiro smiled and nodded, kissing her lips gently. She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck, returning his kiss.

A few days later

They found a building for sale and Hiro went to go buy it, he had already learned every language possible on earth, unless it was a magical language, he could speak it. He bought the building and the rights to remold it into a restaurant.

Unfortunately, it wasn't in Venice but in Rome instead.

All the buildings were being used and the ones that weren't weren't available for commercial use.

A real pity.


They stood in front of an old building and Hiro was talking to Clank, for him to fix the building.

[What do I look like?! A restaurant system!? My cousin does that sort of thing.]

Hiro sighed "Can you get him to do you a favor? How hard can it possibly be? You're above this world, aren't you?" Clank responded with gear grinding sounds.

[So!? I have rules, Hiro! I can't just interfere willy-nilly! Even my cousin has rules, his host needs to do most of the work, he can't interfere with the world too much...]

Hiro rolled his eyes and said "Come on! It's just remodeling! Ask your cousin for me then!"

[. . .]

Hiro was silent for a second before saying "How was your date?"

[GREAT! Man! You underestimate how far having a name goes!]

Hiro chuckled and said "Yeah? Does the little miss not have a name?"

[She doesn't even have a host. A real spicy little number, that one. Woo!]

Hiro laughed and shook his head, asking "How does that even work? Do you have little system babies? Do they unlock more functions as they grow?"


Hiro raised a brow, he didn't hear anything for a few minutes, and said "Clank? Clank!"

[Yeah, I'm back. Sheesh. Even I didn't know that it was restricted.]

Hiro said "Forget it, did he answer?"

[He did, he said he could do it, but he needs money.]

Hiro rolled his eyes and said "How much money do I have? Tell him it's good."

[Hello! I'm... System. You need remodeling?]

Hiro said "Restaurant, Italy. Specialty is desserts, but all forms of cooking are available. It's situated in Rome, 3 blocks away from the Colosseum."

[. . . Calculated! Is this design good for you?]

Hiro looked at the design in front of him and Zerotwo said "Wow! That's pretty!" Hiro grabbed the picture and spun it around, pulling on the top, making it 3D. He pushed it to overlap the current building and said "It's a bit tall."

[Of course, the restaurant is a three floor building. 3rd floor is residence, second floor is a balcony with tables for customers as a secondary eating area, while the main floor is the Primary area. Clank has informed me that you have the resources in your system space, may I use these materials?]

Hiro smirked and said "Is that going to lower the cost?"

[. . . Yes.]

Hiro smiled happily and said "Sure!"

[Calculating. . . Done! 30 Million Copper Coins.]

Hiro scratched his head and said "Could you convert that?"

[30 Million Dollars, 500 kg of Gold, 900 Million Valis, 600 Million Belli...]

Hiro said "Take the gold then."

[!!! You're a kind person.]

Hiro: ???

Zerotwo whispered "You just have him a 600,000$ tip." Hiro scratched his head and chuckled "I guess, whoever his host is, is pretty unlucky..."



In a different world.

A man with a moustache was cooking, when he suddenly sneezed and looked around in confusion. A woman behind him with knives on her fingers was cutting vegetables perfectly before turning around and sneering "Oh? The perverted man can get sick? Gloria's not gonna like this. Heheh"

The man rolled his eyes and said "There's nothing between us." the woman snorted and said "SURE there isn't!" the man just sighed and shook his head.


A while later

The restaurant was remodeled and fixed up, there was even a sign on it.

'Heavenly Court'

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Monkey_Godkingcreators' thoughts
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