
Chapter two

The fact that he was over a thousand years into the past was an absolutely horrifying thought, it not only meant that he would most probably never experience Cannon.

Which when he thought about it wasn't that big of a deal, the main issue was that he was in the glory days of witch-hunting. and he would rather not get burned on the stake, thank you very much!

As he slowly started to collect his thoughts, he looked up to see what looked like a small shadow he had overlooked under one of the shroom trees.

"Damn my goddamn curiosity" he mumbled as he slowly got up, summoning his wand repurposed as a dagger for now into his hand, and started slowly prowling towards the shroom.

The closer he got the more clearly he could see that the little shadow was actually a little ball of tangled white fur. and as soon as he reached earshot of the mysterious furball, a small meow escaped the ball.

As soon as he heard the adorably weak meow, all caution was thrown out of the window as he sprinted the last few meters towards the creature, and scooped it into his arms.

Looking down into his arms, he saw the most adorable little kitty face looking up to him frightened,

"Dear God, your like the most welcome adorable thing I've ever seen in my life" he purred down towards the kitten, trying to calm himself from the high he was experiencing from its overwhelming cuteness so he wouldn't terrify the kitten too much.

As time went by, he alternated from cooing and whispering sweet nothings to the now slowly calming down kitten. and as he now could properly look at what he was holding, he almost lost it at how adorable the kitten was again, with its big golden eyes, gorgeous white fur, and just how tiny it was. it was so small that he could completely hold it in one hand!

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you, little guy," he whispered as he stroked it under its chin with his sharp nail,

"At least I'm not alone anymore" he sighed as he sat down, leaning towards the surprisingly solid trunk of the shroom tree. kitten securely held in his embrace as he started thinking about the new plan after his discovery of his time and place.

"From what little I know of the Potter-verse there were already two well-known methods of immortality, so it's destined that there were more that either got lost in time or are just too well guarded by their creators. So even immortality isn't out of the realm of possibilities in this universe" he once again sighed,

"But even so, I need to survive long enough to even make it to a point where I have the freedom to explore and learn the very limits of Magic. and right now I not only need to feed and protect myself but this little guy here" He said as he looked down upon the now purring kitten in his arms with a slight smile.

"I can't keep calling you kitty you know?" the kitten looked up to him with inquisitive eyes as he addressed it.

"You need a name, but what would even fit you?" he pondered as he stared at the glistening white fur the kitten was covered in.

"Shiro!" the kitten tilted its head and therefore locked the most generic name for a white kitten in existence in place as its identity.

As he giggled at the kitten's cuteness, he couldn't help but realize that he didn't remember his own name...

"When I come to think of it, I don't even know what I look like?" he slowly got up and walked over to the pond, Shiro still nestled comfortably in his arms.

As he reached the crystal clear water to finally look at his reflection, he was completely and utterly shocked.

For even though he hadn't expected t see his own reflection, he most definitely didn't expect to see a face that put every face he had ever seen to shame! he had elegant long brows, almond-shaped eyes that were framed by long luscious eye lashes, his eyes were an even more shocking feature, as looking back at him were eyes as crimson as the most gorgeous ruby.

His cheekbones were high in a regal manner with a sharp and angular jawline, and his face was framed with long thick hair as pale as ivory, all in all, he was very happy with his new face, he wasn't just handsome, no he looked as if something out of this world.

As he admired himself, he tucked a few locks of ivory hair behind his ear and discovered that his ears weren't human.

No, they were pointy in a way only high elves of the fantasy books had, all in all, he looked just like what you would imagine an Elvish Prince would look, with his regal face, inhuman beauty, towering height, and a body that seemed to have been built for graceful speed.

He broke out of his Narcissistic fugue, as Shiro let out a frightened screech in his arms, swiftly breaking out of it and looking up at whatever had dared scare his sweet Shiro, his anger swiftly ran out of his body, being replaced with absolute horror at what looked to be a Giant sloth was slowly making its way towards them. its very weight starting to shake the sand under them.

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