


Was the first thing Hugh thought as he reposed his body against the settee in the lounge, his arms thrown on the headrest and leg crossed the other one.

Although it was his "idea" to do it in the first place, Hunter was the one administrating everything, so he just observed whether than actually doing anything.

The first encounter was a lot more underwhelming than he anticipated.

Hugh had no experience with paperwork so Hunter was operating it, discussing it with the three completely different women who were all too gorgeous, all too legal that you can smell the vanilla, the basics, the humane in their lives.

He wasn't going to evaluate them until they paid attention to him, then he would gladly do so, but for now, their impressions had not passed him any mind.

Well, appearances and all that, Hugh was still skeptical about their personalities and preferences that he and his twin would seek from them in the first place.

The cacophony of these people was beginning to blur on him, his head was growing heavy and falling onto his own shoulder, eyelids threatening to shut any time if the boredom increased.

"Hugh, don't fall asleep." Hugh snapped back to reality from his dreary mind when his brother's voice entered his ears. Hugh caught the corner of his lips curling, probably finding him goofy.

"Huh? Uh...yeah." There was no hint of embarrassment in their exchange as if Hunter was proud of Hugh's recklessness, or rather, adoring it.

Hugh sat up straight after being called out, then, immediately he noticed the three girls were giggling with their eyes on him— oh!

Okay, it's evaluation time.

"Oh— please excuse us, my name is Hunter, and this is Hugh. You're free to call us however you like, this relationship relies on you, too." A charming way to introduce themselves, Hunter!

Hugh almost felt proud until he realized that the devil will always be the true gentleman. "Don't be shy," He added, building a benign smile.

Hunter did a great job, he sounded normal, someone with wealth, someone with inherited businesses, someone young yet trained.

Like normal wealthy twin brothers born and raised as noblemen.

"It's alright, you two seem the type girls would love to scream daddy in bed to, hm? My name is Valerie Hazel." She snickered giddily. How bold, how fierce, she could be a playful and unique girl.

The first girl sitting on the edge of the settee across from them had dirty blonde hair which locks of them were sort of rough due to hairspray, which means her hair was an extension, causing it to be wavy.

The way her seating posture identified her personality, her impatience was written in her feet, they were always squirming and repositioning.

Her clear brown irises behind her long lashes were rather captivating, under the sunlight, the shiny pool of honey would most definitely lure any man to her feet.

She was the effortless beauty type whose personality resembled quirky and fun, favored by guys and girls.

"Leena Choi, it's such a pleasure to be in your care from now on, daddies." Coming out of her unhurried yet raspy voice, hearing someone legal addressing them that way for the first time felt almost a dream to be real.

It was a turn-on!

Now, she had silky dark chestnut hair down to her neck-length, doll-like eyes, and a doll-like facial shape with a fair nose.

Her nether lip was plump as her upper lip was a Cupid's bow, painted in a rosy tint.

Her irises were of depthless gray, those could flicker before you if she ever decided to smile her white-washed teeth away, more ways than one.

Her skin was paler than everyone in the room, milky porcelain with pinkish crimson lips, cheeks, and eyeshadows

She was half-Asian, the ethereal type, the type you would only find in Asian countries as actresses or models. Not here, not ever.

Her body, the first thing to note was her breasts looking big under that frilly top. The way her seating posture reflected her personality, as she sat with her fingers on her clasped thighs.

In a mini pencil skirt which matched the rest of her attire well; she possessed a good sense-of-fashion, high-heels and earrings and all.

She was the type other girls would find pretentious, sloppy, unrealistic, though she was gentle, sweet.

All for a show, seducing ignorant and naive guys from left to right who believed in soulmates and love-at-first-sights bullshit.

She was the type to attract rapists and stalkers a lot, given the delusions that she was leading them on.

Women who actually tries are less attractive nowadays, did you know that?

"My name is Ellie Manwood, I'd love to have you both, I never expected such a sightly impression. This is more than I signed up for, haha!" She said through a smile that radiated confidence, a smirk.

Valerie nodded with a pout, agreeing with Ellie's words.

Anyways, Ellie. Oh, how Hugh desired to strip her off of that confidence already, planning many ways he could wreck her into submission wherein confidence would be the last thing she owns.

She was a redhead, not the ginger red, actual red where she dyed her hair. You can see the snowy blonde roots— absolutely gorgeous!

It was all curly and thrown on her head clumsily, she ruffled them a lot when she's frustrated, with her manicured nails combed into them.

Unlike Valerie and Leena who seemed to be effortlessly pretty with plain nails and makeup.

Valerie was the tomboy, Leena as the girly girl, and her, the womanly and mature beauty with brilliant green ocean eyes.

She could plausibly be book-smart and drinks black coffee in her favorite cafe, good with assets, or could dominate a man in bed with wondrous demands.

These girls were of diversity, Hugh did a fantastic job picking them based on their terms and conditions, profiles, and fetishes by his very two hands the last time he came here.

Although it took him less than an hour, the decision was difficult to conclude as their "fun" relied on Hugh's choices, not Hunter who never seemed interested in legal people, much less, girls he had to be careful around.

Hunter never had to be careful, as the successor of the Villarreal empire since the moment he was born, Hunter was drilled to be mannered, graceful, and poised.

His tone must remain a certain volume, his attitude in posture must inflict confidence.

He must have the ability to instill a permanent threat into his goons' brains, to tremble them or bend them to his will.

Worst-case scenario, with the legal and non-criminal girls, Hunter needed to be careful to at least not scare them.

Hugh promised Old Jacken he would restrain that very case, although Hunter did not know and was clueless about this secret little procedure, Hugh had everything planned out from the get-go.

He discussed this matter with Old Jacken, doing this risky operation required a lot of thinking and discussing, Hugh did not just wake up one day and decided they needed to try something out of their professions for once.

Hugh was doing this for Hunter, coming back after 4 years in sheer and utter mystery from the world and the Villarreal empire.

From his own twin brother whom he loved to the moon and back, a scar imprinted on his chest forever— all for Hunter, everything for Hunter.

Hugh was meant to be Hunter's shadow forever and ever, nothing more, nothing less.

He was molded to believe that fact from the beginning.

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