
Worrying Circumstances (Edited)

Bowing slightly after being let into the meeting room, a long and sturdy obsidian table covered the middle of the torchlit room. Several other Crimson Scale Elders already were seated in their respective chairs while a couple was absent. Sitting in his assigned spot, Elder Gundlach looked towards the head of the table which held a regal-looking throne that bespoke more of power and strength rather than lavishness.

Sitting upon the seat was a male dragonkin whose stature was far bulkier than any of their brethren. Scales decorating his body looked more like steel plates than skin. Not only were the muscles and scales almost overflowing with vigor, every breath the dragonkin took exuded a small cluster of flames. Crowned with two curved horns that were intimidating and regal at the same time, even fierce beastkin that caught a glimpse of his stature would cower instinctually.

There were plenty who saw the Crimson Scale Tribe Leader for the first time and would take him for a brute who ruled with an iron fist, but anyone who knew the man would know the truth. That his cunning and wit were much more frightening than his body. Many beastkin are able to have strength, but that is but a fraction of the requirements to be a truly influential leader of a Great Tribe like the Crimson Scale. There have been plenty of strong rulers over the history of their tribe, but a true leader like Tribe Leader Flint would be a driving force for the tribe to prosper.

A deep and rumbling voice echoed in the room as Tribe Leader Flint opened his eyes the moment Elder Gundlach sat down. "Now then, everyone has gathered and the annual auction is upon us. This auction is not only coinciding with the return of our merchant expedition but also a month before the Youngling Beastkin Tourney. While I had expected some foul play to occur due to the upcoming tourney, the blatant attacks against our Merchant Expedition caravans are incredibly concerning. What are the damages?"

A bearded Dragonkin Elder stationed near the Tribe Leader stood up with a small stack of parchment in his hands. "Out of the 20 caravans that had been sent out on their respective trips, all of them have been attacked. 8 of the caravans have had their entire stock of goods stolen, 6 have had partial goods stolen, and the last 6 were either minor or saved their goods.

We are still currently taking stock of the goods and making sure none of the caravans have any dangerous items planted inside. 5 of our Elders are in critical condition while the majority of the others have varying amounts of damage as well. Thankfully aside from the stolen goods, the disciples were not targeted."

Murmurs arose from the Elders that had not heard of the attacks before and noticed a few of their fellow Merchant Elders indeed bearing signs of battle. "Who would dare attack the Crimson Scale Tribe?! Never has there been such a large targeted attack against our tribe before! We need to wipe out those cretins who would dare attack and raid our tribe before anyone can question the integrity of our Crimson Scale Tribe."

With most of the Martial Elders and a good portion of the Merchant Elders agreeing to such a response to the attacks, Elder Gundlach stood up which quieted the rest of the elders. "While I do not disagree with the notion of responding towards the attacks, I had been tasked with the defence of one of the caravans and thought it sus...picious. Considering every other caravan had been attacked only confirms it in my mind that something more is at play than a few beastkin raider packs that grew bolder.

I cannot speak for everyone else, but for the Elders who were in defense of their caravans, did you not notice something odd when you were being attacked? The ratkin that had attacked my caravan was extremely well prepared. Not only in equipment and tactics, but even had enough force to prevent me from stopping their intended goal. If it were not for Miss Embervesent as well as a companion we had picked up, I would not be confident that I could alone stop them from stealing my goods as well."

Another Elder intervened at that moment. "That proves nothing, just that the beastkin raiders were strong and our merchant caravans were not prepared to defend such an attack. In the past, there was no group or individual stupid enough to try. Perhaps we were just caught off guard and should be more prepared to defend our goods in the future."

Nodding, Elder Gundlach continued. "I agree that we may have had better security, however, the measures put in place by the Merchant Grand Elder were more than sufficient for any random band of thieves to attack successfully.

Just the fact that every caravan was attacked and all with enough strength to defeat our Elders and break through the defensive inscriptions is cause for concern. I cannot speak for the others, but the ratkin who attacked weren't looking to decimate our caravan and loot the remains. Their ratkin leader and lieutenants were prepared with weapons to keep me occupied and not necessarily for dealing with killing blows.

The fact that they immediately went for the location of the caravan's goods and ignored our disciples shows that they knew what to attack and were prepared enough to tie up the Elders and leave once they had taken our goods. Not only were they prepared and quick about their attacks, but it also seems like every other caravan was also attacked just before they reached the city and the reinforcements would be able to assist."

Another bout of murmurs rang out as the Elders looked at one another with enlightened gazes. "So do we have a traitor in our midst then?"

Quieting down the gazes of the Elders as they thought of any people who would sell our their own tribe. "I doubt that it would be a traitor, at least of the Elder level or the loss would have been much worse. The timing of our merchant expedition and the fact that one Elder leads each caravan is public knowledge at this point. But the specific Elders who lead each caravan are only known to us and the Tribe Leader."

One of the recovering Elders piped up. "That's right, the Hyena beastkin who attack my caravan was strong as well, but I countered their bloodline well enough and managed to slay their leader and send the rest scurrying away."

Other Elders who had managed to fend off their attacks said similar situations where either their cultivation skills or treasures they had picked up on their journey had led them to victory against their attackers.

As the Elders talked and conversed with one another about the attacks and what they had faced, a female Martial Elder spoke up. "Even if that is the case, the fact remains that Elder Gundlach's notion of there being a bigger plan at play is more and more correct. There must be someone pulling the strings and have enough influence and capital to not only contact the various raiders and thieves to orchestrate these attacks and also equip them with the necessary gear and timing to affect every caravan at the same time.

Whoever it may be, they clearly avoided killing any of our Elders and disciples when they have the ability to. What purpose are they trying to achieve by doing such a thing?"

A single clap thundered out and every Elder looked towards their Leader and sat down respectfully. "Well done everyone, your discussions have brought up plenty of key points. Regardless of what has occurred, we must be on our guard as someone has targeted us just before the Red Drake Auction and Junior Beastkin Tourney. While it is unfortunate that our goods have been taken, the treasures and the like will not greatly affect our ability to participate in the auction and the shadowy enemy has enough brains to not target our young ones.

I will leave Gundlach and a few other of our Martial Elders to assist with the Merchant quarter to beef up security in the city and auction house just to be sure. As for the rest of you, try and gather information discreetly so as to not frighten off whoever would orchestrate such an attack. I shall convene with the other tribe leaders to see their stance on the matter and see if I can't find any deception amongst their own. Now go."

Bowing as they accepted their orders, the Elders filed out of the meeting hall and traveled to their respective abodes.

Tribe Leader Flint walked outside the Crimson Scale palace and gazed over the bustling city. 'These actions are an ominous sign. For all these events to coincide and the opening of that place coming soon...I just hope that nothing too disastrous occurs.'

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